Virtual Cafe

The challenges ahead for Pope Francis, Catholics, and the Church worldwide

Started by IM80 2976 comment(s) Most recent by IM80 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

The Bitchin' Thread

Started by ml1 6 comment(s) Most recent by earlster 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

Prospect Church Sign

Started by callista 52 comment(s) Most recent by mjc 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

Big day, today. Free coffee, any size.

Started by jerseyjack 6 comment(s) Most recent by meganlibrarian 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

I Love Buzzsaw

Started by mem 45 comment(s) Most recent by lazydog 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

Laura Always Loved A Party, so let's give one every year to remember her...

Started by ajc 171 comment(s) Most recent by sac 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

Clinton School Play (Surprise!)

Started by ctrzaska 9 comment(s) Most recent by joan_crystal 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

So, are you gonna get the new Apple iWatch?

Started by jerseyjack 46 comment(s) Most recent by PeggyC 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

The thread of good deeds

Started by tjohn 4 comment(s) Most recent by georgieboy 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

Laura Repast, Photos

Started by jerseyjack 18 comment(s) Most recent by johnlukedaidone 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

Bag ladies, what's your favorite large tote for travel?

Started by shh 272 comment(s) Most recent by shh 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

This Just In: I will NOT be featured on Dancing with the Stars.

Started by mem 24 comment(s) Most recent by PeggyC 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

Acetazolamide for altitude?

Started by kthnry 5 comment(s) Most recent by truegrid 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

Bystander CPR (my friend's story)

Started by project37 19 comment(s) Most recent by SORescue 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

Recommendation: Occupational Therapist

Started by Copihue 6 comment(s) Most recent by Copihue 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

Happy Birthday ctrzaska!

Started by wendy 35 comment(s) Most recent by PeggyC 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

What to expect at first visit to an allergist?

Started by kmk 2 comment(s) Most recent by PeggyC 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

Google Loves April Fools - This years April Fools

Started by scottgreenstone 17 comment(s) Most recent by scottgreenstone 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

Giraffe calf-cam

Started by j_r 6 comment(s) Most recent by Suzie2 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

Best Birthday Wishes,@AnnieBB

Started by LL_ 10 comment(s) Most recent by meggie 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

Garbage on highway ramps - gross!

Started by Rivoli 15 comment(s) Most recent by spen661 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

FREE in store arts & crafts play day

Started by Erinthetoylady 1 comment(s) 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe


Started by scottgreenstone 69 comment(s) Most recent by ml1 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

More From Arts Unbound

Started by njnetsfan 1 comment(s) 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

I want to talk with my sister in Canada

Started by oneofthegirls 25 comment(s) Most recent by oneofthegirls 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

What was NYC Like 100 Years Ago

Started by TylerDurden 11 comment(s) Most recent by jasper 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe

Help needed to video Laura's service at Morrow

Started by sarahzm 7 comment(s) Most recent by wendy 9 years ago Category Virtual Cafe