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Discussion: Reforming the Supreme Court

No one should be appointed to a position of power for life.

Absolutely no one.

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Discussion: Weekend Weather Update

Wed July 24th

Wednesday Weekend Weather

Today and tomorrow, warm humid weather continues with chance of showers

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday should be warm, much less humid, and dry. Mostly sunny skies and a gentle breeze completes a very promising weekend picture

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Discussion: The Rose Garden and White House happenings: Listening to voters’ concerns

mtierney said:

Just found the president letter — he is not stepping away, but plans to fulfill his duties.  How is that doable?

Well, for starters, he’s the President. 

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Discussion: Harris 2024!!! The Only Sane Candidate for POTUS

ml1 said:

I hope Harris and the Democrats don't listen to the pundits. It should be gloves off and just pummel Trump. 








No mercy. No retreat. No surrender. 

And can you think of someone better to do it than a prosecutor?

I like your list by the way. Let's make t shirts and sell them at a fundraiser at the Woodland.

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Discussion: Harris 2024!!! The Only Sane Candidate for POTUS

PVW said:

Morganna said:

drummerboy said:

no disarray?

it's been what? 4 hours?

In about 6 hours Act Blue has broken records raising over $30,000,000, Endorsements are pouring in and states are beginning to pledge their delegates.

Nothing is certain, but I really do think there is a very strong motivation to beat Trump and Harris really could ride this wave of enthusiasm. Yes, racism and misogyny are real challenges (just saw the phrase "misogynoir"...), but even this I think could end up being a motivating factor as people upset over Clinton's loss to Trump now get another chance.

I'm not one to ever minimize the role of racism and misogyny in the US, but we should take heart in the fact that we elected Obama, and that Hillary won the popular vote. There are clearly enough voters out there for Harris to win - as long as we can get them to actually vote. (and hopefully in the right states)

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Discussion: Harris 2024!!! The Only Sane Candidate for POTUS

Looks like Gavin Newsome and Gretchen Whitmer do not wish to run against VP Kamala Harris. 

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Discussion: Favorite Children's Books

I volunteered for a number of months with an organization called Reading Buddies. It was mostly retired folks who would read to 1st and 2nd graders at inner-city schools. This gave teachers an hour or so break to do admin and other stuff. I enjoyed it very much as I thought I was able to connect with the kids. 

The book I most enjoyed reading was The Giving Tree by my hero, Shel Silverstein. (He was truly a renaissance man. Film, books, poetry, music, wit - he wrote A Boy Named Sue). 

I could always initiate a good convo with the kids on that book. It focused on LOVE as the reason why we humans do so much of what we do. 

That's me, below, reading. 

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Discussion: The Rose Garden and White House happenings: Listening to voters’ concerns

Now you're really trolling us. If it weren't for Republican governor "time for some traffic problems" Christie, there'd be a new tunnel under the Hudson by now. Then Trump canceled the next attempt at a tunnel. If he comes back into office, he'll target the trains out of sheer vindictiveness against people he knows didn't vote for him.

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Discussion: The Rose Garden and White House happenings: Listening to voters’ concerns

mtierney said:

PVW said:

Trump wants to end this. In Trump's America, presidents stay in office for life and voters have no voice. Someone can write an article like Epstein's and, if it’s too critical of the president, find they suddenly have tax issues or problems securing permits, or maybe even find themselves jailed or worse.

Have been meaning to  ask you, for sometime now,  why have you begun posting in declarative sentences? You used to speak in paragraphs all the time about just about everything. What has changed?

Trying to make it easier for you. 

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Discussion: Harris 2024!!! The Only Sane Candidate for POTUS

I hope Harris and the Democrats don't listen to the pundits. It should be gloves off and just pummel Trump. 








No mercy. No retreat. No surrender. 

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