This should be interesting on MOL... General, National School Strike until Congress passes Common Sense Gun Measures...

I think our school district will probably get involved if no action from Washington. Heard this from local teacher.

Thanks Ron. I'm now following the RSU page. Saw a date from another tweet for April 20, then saw one for a date in March.

As a former teacher I can't help thinking of the ramifications if it dragged out. And everything in congress drags out.

Have just seen postings for an April 20th walkout strike...  Led by the young people!


I like the idea and I’d like it as a single day walk out and March with teachers and students united. But walking out permanently is a little silly. Who are you spiting? You are giving up your own education. And it implies the problem rests in the schools which is completely unfair.

conandrob240 said:

I like the idea and I’d like it as a single day walk out and March with teachers and students united. But walking out permanently is a little silly. Who are you spiting? You are giving up your own education. And it implies the problem rests in the schools which is completely unfair.

When our school children are the victims it is eminently unfair  A one day walk-out is an event for the press

A prolonged boycott puts pressure on Congress to act........not bluster

On the other side,  in the belly of the beast the students at the Poly Tech in Athens not only struck........

they seized the walled campus.  At first the bastards who had suspended Democracy laughed and said it

would be over in a day .But these were engineering students.   They built their own radio and broadcast

an appeal to the citizens of Athens.  The next day there were thousands outside the walls throwing money

and food over the walls.   After three days of this the Fascists sent their tanks crashing through the

front gate and killing a number of students.  It ended but it did not end.  The child was father to the man

Every year,  every school.......public and private is closed throughout the land to honor the students of the Poly tech

Sometimes you have to light a fire

There comes a time in a culture for things to stop and correct.  The young people can lead this and remake the world away from all the Baby Boomer Bluster and Division into a new thing...

Let's let them lead us!

I cannot imagine a stronger statement than most all schools in this country closed because parents and kids said enough until there are some new rules!


Encourages more dissent and outrage — haven’t we had enough protest noises? How about finding constructive ways for our school kids — besides skipping school.

Writing coherent and substantative letters to Congress, President, or newspaper opinion pieces. No caps, no cursing, intelligent and rational suggestions for school security and the issue of “if you see something, say something” among fellow students who may pose a threat.

Letters addressed to the NRA’s PTB asking how this organization might help protect guns getting into the wrong hands. This very strong political lobby needs to use its resources to protect the Second Amendent — and , at the same time, the very lives of fellow Americans.

What is a few weeks or a month out of middle school or high school for this country to finally and fully address this deadly scourge?????

What is a child missing for the opportunity to participate in a major statement by our society to change the gun culture into a safe culture? 

I'd say it's totally worth it.  I'm pretty sure if it were a almost total walk out, it would last at most 2-3 weeks.  The House would collapse almost immediately and The Senate not far behind.

It's our moment to be seized or just let slip away.  Seize it!

conandrob240 said:

I like the idea and I’d like it as a single day walk out and March with teachers and students united. But walking out permanently is a little silly. Who are you spiting? You are giving up your own education. And it implies the problem rests in the schools which is completely unfair.

I'm not going down your path once again...

Been tried and has never worked.

I don't have to prove to you how little has happened since the shooting in CT?!?

You need to prove to yourself that this is watershed and enough, just enough!

No, that's not the right words.  Too much, Just Too much!


mtierney said:

Encourages more dissent and outrage — haven’t we had enough protest noises? How about finding constructive ways for our school kids — besides skipping school.

Writing coherent and substantative letters to Congress, President, or newspaper opinion pieces. No caps, no cursing, intelligent and rational suggestions for school security and the issue of “if you see something, say something” among fellow students who may pose a threat.

Letters addressed to the NRA’s PTB asking how this organization might help protect guns getting into the wrong hands. This very strong political lobby needs to use its resources to protect the Second Amendent — and , at the same time, the very lives of fellow Americans.

mtierney said:

Encourages more dissent and outrage — haven’t we had enough protest noises? How about finding constructive ways for our school kids — besides skipping school.

Writing coherent and substantative letters to Congress, President, or newspaper opinion pieces. No caps, no cursing, intelligent and rational suggestions for school security and the issue of “if you see something, say something” among fellow students who may pose a threat.

Letters addressed to the NRA’s PTB asking how this organization might help protect guns getting into the wrong hands. This very strong political lobby needs to use its resources to protect the Second Amendent — and , at the same time, the very lives of fellow Americans.

mtierney ......and what have your stated noises accomplished?  I will give you 17 examples of the failure of

your ideas.  FBI statistics year after year state that the majority of Americans killed by guns in their

own homes are killed by guns stored in the home.  In other words as a means of home defense they

are an abject failure.   And you want to be nice with petitions etc.  I will give you 17 reasons why the

nice ways always fail. Time to put nice on the shelf

Two criteria should be set for demonstrations

1. How effective is the action? what impact will it have on those whose behavior the demonstration is intended to influence?

2. What can the demonstration be reasonably expected to achieve?  Will it have a high likelihood of bringing about the desired change in behavior in the target population?

I am not sure that a prolonged student walkout [strike] will have any impact on law makers in Washington.  Apart from initial publicity, which could be achieved from a one day speak out against guns [walkout/strike], there is little to be gained in effectiveness or achievement and a lot to lose in classroom time and teaching by example.  The life lesson of standing up for one's rights (while similarly denying rights to those on other sides of the issue in this case) while using public action to press forward one's agenda could more effectively be accomplished through a directed curriculum followed by a day of real life action.  Therefore, I would urge a combination of classroom study in which all sides of the issue are examined and debated within the school followed by the symbolic and well orchestrated one day peaceful demonstration which includes a community directed day of learning.  

mtierney said:

Encourages more dissent and outrage — haven’t we had enough protest noises? How about finding constructive ways for our school kids — besides skipping school.

Writing coherent and substantative letters to Congress, President, or newspaper opinion pieces. No caps, no cursing, intelligent and rational suggestions for school security and the issue of “if you see something, say something” among fellow students who may pose a threat.

Letters addressed to the NRA’s PTB asking how this organization might help protect guns getting into the wrong hands. This very strong political lobby needs to use its resources to protect the Second Amendent — and , at the same time, the very lives of fellow Americans.

Wow!  What great ideas.  Why didn't we think of all that?

mtierney said:

Writing coherent and substantative letters to ....(the) President,

Of course, we would have to get a President who can read.

Agreed. It would have more of an impact if the teachers/ administrators walked out and refused to teach. Students, not so much. A one-day walkout and march and continued action and involvement while being students is more likely t be effective. 

I'd also like to see someone take up a lawsuit against politicians, the NRA, assault rifle makers. Let's hit them where it hurts. They are as guilty as big tobacco was in selling products they knew could kill you. They are all complicit.

joan_crystal said:

Two criteria should be set for demonstrations

1. How effective is the action? what impact will it have on those whose behavior the demonstration is intended to influence?

2. What can the demonstration be reasonably expected to achieve?  Will it have a high likelihood of bringing about the desired change in behavior in the target population?

I am not sure that a prolonged student walkout [strike] will have any impact on law makers in Washington.  Apart from initial publicity, which could be achieved from a one day speak out against guns [walkout/strike], there is little to be gained in effectiveness or achievement and a lot to lose in classroom time and teaching by example.  The life lesson of standing up for one's rights (while similarly denying rights to those on other sides of the issue in this case) while using public action to press forward one's agenda could more effectively be accomplished through a directed curriculum followed by a day of real life action.  Therefore, I would urge a combination of classroom study in which all sides of the issue are examined and debated within the school followed by the symbolic and well orchestrated one day peaceful demonstration which includes a community directed day of learning.  

Ocean County sent this out...

The Ocean Township Police Department and the Township of Ocean Committee would like to take a moment and address the horrific event that occurred yesterday in Parkland, Florida.  We would like to extend to the parents of the Ocean Township School District that the relationship and partnership between our police department and the school district has been
tremendous and we are both highly committed to protecting our children and staff. Today we met with Ocean Township School District Superintendent Dr.
Lommerin and discussed current security measures and reviewed potentially adding additional security procedures.  As a proactive approach to school security we have had security measures in place prior to these events which
included but were not limited to uniformed police presence, visible stationary and random patrols, regular drills, direct radio contact between
school administration and police dispatch.  As of this morning, many parents and students might have seen an increase in police presence in or around the schools which is in direct response to the events which unfolded in Parkland, Florida. There is NO immediate threat to the school district. 

In most cases, as we are finding out about the latest incident, there are warning signs.  Speak with your children, tell them if they see something
they have to say something.  This unfortunately is the reality we live in. Instead of having that "it won't happen here" mindset, start thinking "it
could happen here"!

Honestly mtierney, I think this is the time for folks like you who support Trump and all the other schills of the gun industry to sit down and shut the hell up.

You know what you could do to stop gun violence?  You could not vote for candidates that are endorsed by the NRA.

mtierney said:

Ocean County sent this out...

...  This unfortunately is the reality we live in. Instead of having that "it won't happen here" mindset, start thinking "it could happen here"!

mtierney, don't you think this is sad? You think the answer is a firm letter to the editor? 

it’s so sad. Other than the deaths, of course, one of the saddest things to me watching Weds unfold, was how well-prepared those kids were for this. Of course, it’s important but it’s also really sad.

Many years ago I heard Alex Haley speak before he published his book Roots.  He said that there was a time

when he considered naming it " Before this anger" and I remember so many of the domestic difficulties

in which I allowed myself to get involved.  My God.... ....there was passion.  There was always so much

passion.......but I chalked it up to my ethnic group and dancing in the aisles.   The passion is still there

it will always be there but it is now partnered with an anger I have never known before.  The brightest

and the best,  along may I add the bravest gone.......simply gone for no reason.

This may be a time for letters and petitions and marches with placards and banners.

It is certainly time to say no more for our children and grand children

No more even for ourselves.............

No need to go over facts and figures.  No need to insist on half way measures

It's here and it's now.

From each according to his abilities and inclinations.........but now


off topic but why do you format your posts like you do?


Encourages more dissent and outrage — haven’t we had enough protest noises? How about finding constructive ways for our school kids — besides skipping school.

Actually, no, we haven't had nearly enough "protest noises." I find all the recent "protests" highly curated. I'd like to see protests borne of organic outage.

conandrob240 said:

off topic but why do you format your posts like you do?

If you mean why does it post in the written form that is the final product............I have no idea

As I am composing and before I mark it as looks like a pefectly normal post.

And yet when it comes up on MOL........what you see is what you get

It is almost like my computer has a mind of its own.......ok....I think I have the first anarchist computer

Am considering switching the form of e mail which I use.  Although my e mails come out in perfectly normal


One of the lesser mysteries of life.

What's going on in the Oval Office is heartfelt, but quite curated. 

shoshannah said:


Encourages more dissent and outrage — haven’t we had enough protest noises? How about finding constructive ways for our school kids — besides skipping school.

Actually, no, we haven't had nearly enough "protest noises." I find all the recent "protests" highly curated. I'd like to see protests borne of organic outage.

Wow does it sound orchestrated. Only one young man stands up for a ban on assault weapons. DJT instead of responding to it, is instead suggesting conceal carry. Arming teachers. As a former teacher, do any of these people understand how a teacher works? They are arguing that a trained teacher would be ready to grab a gun, find the shooter, (I'm picturing myself racing around a building like Arts High) draw and stop the shooter. Do they think we perch at desks all day with the key in our hands ready to open the desk drawer and become Annie Oakley? In my case maybe Calamity Jane.

Teachers are not the police and should not be the police.  How are the real police supposed to know who is the person with the gun and who is a teacher?  It will just make the situation worse and cause more accidents and shootings.

HS teachers would also have to constantly worry about a student overpowering them and getting the gun.  A lot of HS kids are pretty big and strong.

Common Sense Measure:

Am I right that to rent a car you have to be 25?  And have a credit card?

Since people have begun to use cars and vans as weapons...

Maybe an AR 15 might wait until at least 25...

Best Regards,

Ron Carter

I read an article written by a school teacher in which he says he’s terrified that his job description now includes protecting kids from shooters even if it means risking his own life. He’s a husband, dad and has his own children to get back to. He’s not sure if he would barricade a door to protect his classroom. Would he be a coward for running away from the gunfire and kids? Is this what we’re expecting our teachers to do now? They don’t do enough?  It’s horrifying and scary and I don’t know what it will take but we need to to something. For the kids for the teachers. 

rcarter31 said:

Common Sense Measure:

Am I right that to rent a car you have to be 25?  And have a credit card?

Since people have begun to use cars and vans as weapons...

Maybe an AR 15 might wait until at least 25...

Best Regards,

Ron Carter

Mandatory liability insurance for every gun purchase. Let the free market decide how risky your hobby really is.

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