The Enemy

Another Trumpist greatest hit. This time aimed at Gretchen Whitmer. 

terp said:

I don't know who you are arguing with. I asked what could have been done and how many lives it woudl have saved.  That's what I did. 

You do not make a convincing argument. You rattled off a bunch of measures which have not proven to be effective.   If masks work so well explain Florida.  Florida should be a mess. Heck they were saying that the superbowl and the celebration afterwards would be a "super spreader event".  Explain what happened there?   

Compare it to California who had continuous lockdowns and explain to me why Florida is not much much worse? Florida has far more vulnerable(elderly) than California and has been basically open.   If you are going to claim mask mandates/lockdowns work, you need to explain this.   

The fact is that you don't know.  StanV probably doesn't know either. You take it on faith, because it shows you are a good member of your tribe. But you don't know.  You are backing what seem like baseless assertions, because the high priests of your tribe tell you to.

hahahaha . arguing with you is liking aiming at a moving target.

 I give up.

The constant references to the "tribe" are pretty funny. As if liberals can all get on the same page about anything. 

And who are the "high priests"? Biden? Maddow? AOC? Schiff? Krugman? If I'm going to properly follow tribal orders at the very least I need to know who is giving them. 

terp said:

drummerboy said:

terp said:

STANV said:

If "the former guy" had ordered everything closed a year ago tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, who have died would still be with us.

OTOH he might not be "former".

 How many would have died if Hilary was president? What measures would she have taken to save those lives and exactly how would those measures have achieved that?

You sir, have no imagination. To assume that Trump's actions could not be improved on is laughable. And kind of frightening.

Simply  encouraging the wearing of masks would have saved tens of thousands probably. Though the R's would have countered with their idiocy anyway. And maybe not spending the first few months saying that it would just go away. And maybe building a national contact tracing system And maybe not throwing out the Obama pandemic playbook. And not pretending that the real problem we had was too much testing. Or wasting so much energy on hydroxychloroquine.


God, what an embarrassing post.

 I understand you weren't able to answer my question, but you shouldn't be so hard on yourself.

 "Answer my question, which I asked instead of defending what Trump did" is not actually an argument.

Since we know that government actions can and did help in the fight to control the spread of the virus, and since we know that "Hillary" (or whichever name you want to us) would have pursued more effective government actions than Trump, it's safe to assume that more lives would have been saved.

Example of Trumpist idiocy - CPAC crowd gets ugly when asked to find a mask and put it on.  

terp said:

The fact is that you don't know.  StanV probably doesn't know either. 

 Of course I do not know. You asked a hypothetical about Hillary Clinton. Since she didn't become President I have no idea what she would have done about anything.

But here's the thing. Half a million people have died. Trump was in denial about the effects of COVID even after he contracted it. I have to believe that almost anyone else would have done a better job. It's my belief just like it seems to be your basic belief that Government can never do anything positive to solve a problem.

I have to believe that if Hillary Clinton had been president she, members of her administration, and the CDC would have strongly encouraged all of the social distancing measures.  I also have to believe that the same people ignoring those measures would have ignored them because they came from Hillary Clinton.  We'd be in the same place we are now because the same people would have been defying the public health guidelines.

As I said I cannot know what Hillary would have done or what Jill Stein, Bernie Sanders, Marco Rubio or even Jesus would have done. I strongly implied what I would have done, shut down everything.

Trump supporters believe that he did exactly the right things and that if he had not millions more would have died.

Perhaps, terp, you might like to speculate on what you would have done if you had been in charge.

For reference:

I wonder if anyone wants to reconsider the whole enemy thing, what with the increasingly violent actions and rhetoric coming out of the R party in regards to CRT and mask wearing.

I expect that factions of the Democratic Party will continue to attack Biden despite the clearly anti-democratic, or should I say Fascist, carryings on of the Republicans until we wake up someday to find that our democracy has been replaced by white supremacist minority rule.

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