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Discussion: Two MMS students hit by a car

yahooyahoo said:

The new path doesn’t make much sense to me. Why add more hardscape to an area that regularly floods and take away green space? Plus, the pathway was built recessed into the ground rather than slightly above ground, so water will just pool in the low areas of the sidewalk. 

This adds a walking path along Valley Street in the north section of the park where there is no path now.  It makes the entire park more walkable and is a much needed addition for those of us who get our daily exercise by walking in Memorial Park.  Much thanks to the Memorial park Conservancy for getting this done.

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Discussion: Meet the Mets (For Mets Fans Only!)

ml1 said:

Also, I'm thinking of Jerry Ryan tonight. During the 2015 postseason run Soul29 arranged viewing parties and Jerry was there each night cheering for "DANIEL MURPHY!!"

Jerry would be loving this. 



I miss this ficking guy. 

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Discussion: Twitter is a Private Company

Good to see another successful Falcon Heavy launch, too. And soon we'll know so much more about Europa, even though we should attempt no landing there.

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Discussion: Two MMS students hit by a car

Formerlyjerseyjack said:

Jaytee said:

why don’t you take Essex off of elmwood and go around to Springfield ave? 

Answer: street after street of stop signs,

In other words, effective traffic calming measures

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Discussion: The NYT Spelling Bee Thread

Got the QB again today. Two words were guesses, but I think I had them lodged somewhere in my subconscious.

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Discussion: Harris 2024!!! The Only Sane Candidate for POTUS

nan said:

I listened to the entire Harris interview (not "snippets") and Harris comes off mostly as a dizzy robot.  Baier throws her off right at the beginning by asking for numbers that she can't give and then the whole dialog continues like a broken pinball machine with the two of them doing verbal, overlapping ricochet. It is hard to keep up. Nothing is clear despite Harris using her signature "let me be perfectly clear" phrase several times.  

Predictably, Harris tries to blame everything on Trump.  She can't say how she is different than Joe Biden.  She is unable to defend any immigration policy, past present or future.  To be fair, she gets some difficult questions such as when he asks her how she could have met with Joe Biden at least once a week for the past four years and not noticed something was wrong with him.  She avoids answering that, as she avoids answering most questions.  She only got asked one question about foreign policy and she made me think that if she gets elected we are going to war with Iran, which has been the big neocon dream for decades.  No wonder the Chaney's are endorsing her.  

Let's assume for a second that your review is accurate.  Please share how her performance compares with TFG's recent performances, including this response to "how are you going to lower grocery prices:"

“So, you know, it’s such a great question in the sense that people don’t think of grocery. You know, it sounds like not such an important word when you talk about homes and everything else, right? But more people tell me about grocery bills, where the price of bacon, the price of lettuce, the price of tomatoes, they tell me. [1] And we’re going to do a lot of things.

“You know, our farmers aren’t being treated properly. And we had a deal with China, and it was a great deal — I never mentioned it because once covid came in, I said, that was a bridge too far because I had a great relationship with President Xi [Jinping]. And he’s a fierce man and he’s a man that likes China and I understand that. But we had a deal and he was perfect on that deal, $50 billion he was going to buy. [2] We were doing numbers like you wouldn’t believe, for the farmer. But the farmers are very badly hurt. The farmers in this country, we’re going to get them straightened out. We’re going to get your prices down.

“But you asked another question about safety and also about Black population jobs and Hispanic population in particular those two. [3] So when millions of people pour into our country, they’re having a devastating effect on Black families and Hispanic families more than any others. [4] I think it’s going to spread to a lot of other places.

“I think it’s going to spread to unions. I think unions are going to have a big problem because, you know, employers are just not going to pay the price. They’re going to — and it’s going to be — it’s a very bad thing that’s happening.

“So they’re coming in. Many are coming in from jails and prisons and mental institutions, insane asylums. [5] That’s like, you know, step above, right? Insane asylum. And whenever I go, Hannibal Lecter, you know what I’m talking about. They always go — the fake news. That’s a lot of fake news back there, too.”

[Boos from the audience.]

“They always mention — you know, it’s a way of demeaning, they say, ‘Hannibal Lecter, why would he mention?’ [6] Well, you know why, because he was a sick puppy, and we have sick puppies coming into our country. I figured that’s a lot — that’s better than wasting a lot of words. You just say, ‘Hannibal Lecter. We don’t want him.’ But. But they always sort of say, ‘Why would he say that?’ I do it for a lot of reasons.

“But I do it because we are allowing some very bad people into our country. And they’re coming as terrorists. You know, you saw the other day, last month they had the record number of terrorists. [7] I had a month — and I love Border Patrol.

“Did you see they gave me a full endorsement two days ago? Border Patrol.” [8]

[Cheers from the audience.]

“The Border Patrol. And they’re great. And, you know, they want to do their job. They don’t want to let these people come in. They look at them. They can tell. They can look at somebody, say good, bad. They say what’s coming into our country now, it’s having a huge negative impact on Black families and on Hispanic families and ultimately on everybody.

“And we’re going to close that border so tight. It’s going to be closed. And I said the two things I’m going to do, first, we’re going to close that border — [9] and people are going to come in. You want people to come in. We need people to come in. People are going to come into our country legally.

“You know, it’s so unfair. You have people that are waiting on a system, in a line and they’ve been waiting in this line. You know how long? For years, 10 years, 12 years and they study and they take tests. And then people come. I actually say, ‘Why don’t you just go and just come on across?’ I tell people that it’s terrible, right? I said, ‘Go out. You’re incredible.’ They say, ‘What can I do to speed up the process?’ I say, ‘You know what, go to the southern border. I’ll see you on the other side.’ It’s so unfair. [10]

“But we’re going to have them come in legally. You have to see what they have to do. They take tests on, you know, who was the first one here? What date was this? What does 1776 mean? All this stuff.

“And these other people are coming in and they’re affecting the school systems and they’re affecting the hospital system. I mean, if you take a look at what’s going on in Springfield, Ohio, a town of 50,000 people, they’ve just added 32,000 people. Illegal immigrants. [11] And we’re not going to put up with it.

“And we’re going to take care of your costs are going to come down, and you’re not going to have a problem with — because the biggest problem, and I’m hearing it from Black people and to a lesser extent right now, but it’ll be the same, Hispanic people.

“And I’ll tell you what, our poll numbers have gone through the roof. With Black and Hispanic, have gone through the roof. [12] And I like that. I like that. I like that. So we’re going to take care of it. You will be — I’ll tell you, if everything works out, if everybody gets out and votes on January 5th. [13] Or before.

“You know, it used to be, you’d have a date. Today, you can vote two months before, probably three months after. They don’t know what the hell they’re doing. But we’re going to straighten it all out. We’re going to straighten that out. We’re going to straighten our election process out, too. That’s going to be important, also. So thank you very much, darling. We’re going to get it straight. Thank you.”

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Discussion: The Rose Garden and White House happenings: Listening to voters’ concerns

mtierney -- can you explain to us how the numbers work for Trump's plan to cut taxes and impose gigantic tariffs? You see so keen to take Harris to task, I wonder why you seem so unbothered by Trump's massively more expensive proposals?

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Discussion: Pope Francis, Catholics, and Christians in the news worldwide

My socks disappear in the dryer and reincarnate as plastic container lids in my dishwasher…

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Discussion: The NYT Spelling Bee Thread

just got an early QB  :bz

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Discussion: Harris 2024!!! The Only Sane Candidate for POTUS

So excited to see VP Harris delivering her message of unity and patriotism joined by over 100 Republicans at Washington Crossing, PA. I felt her words were carefully chosen and her message was one I had hoped to hear for several years. I know for many this "kumbaya" moment in politics will not be taken seriously, but for many of us, tired of losing friends or feeling the distance of family members, this brings a sense of hopefulness. It lands somewhere between Polyanna and Happy Hippie which will leave many purists irritated but, come on, wouldn't it be nice if it lasted?

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