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Discussion: Two MMS students hit by a car

yahooyahoo said:

The new path doesn’t make much sense to me. Why add more hardscape to an area that regularly floods and take away green space? Plus, the pathway was built recessed into the ground rather than slightly above ground, so water will just pool in the low areas of the sidewalk. 

This adds a walking path along Valley Street in the north section of the park where there is no path now.  It makes the entire park more walkable and is a much needed addition for those of us who get our daily exercise by walking in Memorial Park.  Much thanks to the Memorial park Conservancy for getting this done.

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Discussion: Two MMS students hit by a car

Formerlyjerseyjack said:

Jaytee said:

why don’t you take Essex off of elmwood and go around to Springfield ave? 

Answer: street after street of stop signs,

In other words, effective traffic calming measures

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Discussion: The NYT Spelling Bee Thread

Got the QB again today. Two words were guesses, but I think I had them lodged somewhere in my subconscious.

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Discussion: Meet the Mets (For Mets Fans Only!)

ml1 said:

Also, I'm thinking of Jerry Ryan tonight. During the 2015 postseason run Soul29 arranged viewing parties and Jerry was there each night cheering for "DANIEL MURPHY!!"

Jerry would be loving this. 



I miss this ficking guy. 

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Discussion: Twitter is a Private Company

Good to see another successful Falcon Heavy launch, too. And soon we'll know so much more about Europa, even though we should attempt no landing there.

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Discussion: Harris 2024!!! The Only Sane Candidate for POTUS

terp said:

BTW:  The aftermath of that Baier interview is "She's Done" is trending on X. 

Apparently, her handlers couldn't get her out of there fast enough.

It's trending on your feed on the "X" app, probably due to who and what you normally read.  Maybe you didn't see posts like this one from Mark Cuban (click it to read the whole thing) - 

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Discussion: The Rose Garden and White House happenings: Listening to voters’ concerns

mtierney said:

Mt observation — there is no such thing as a free lunch! And, would you really believe any proposal from Walz believable, or even rational?

just an FYI, Cato's description of the "massive" tax hike in MN to pay for paid family leave (something good for parents, btw) would amount to $888 on $100K of taxable income. Or about $17 a week. Only at Cato would that be considered "massive."

If an org like Cato goes into an analysis grading states mainly on whether they cut or raised taxes, but not grading them on whether or not spending enhanced the well-being of citizens, it's not a complete picture. Arkansas got an A from Cato for example, because of tax cuts. 

Sarah Huckabee Sanders of Arkansas has pursued major tax reforms since her election in 2022. In a series of bills, she cut the top individual income tax rate from 4.9 percent to 3.9 percent and the corporate rate from 5.3 percent to 4.3 percent. Sanders says she is “committed to responsibly phasing out our state income tax rate and letting everyone keep more of their hard-earned money.”3 She has kept the lid on spending increases and Arkansas has one of the largest rainy day funds in the nation. Sanders also approved major school choice reforms in 2023 based on ESAs and universal eligibility.

But Arkansas also ranks 48th in health, and 47th in education. So there's that.

But FWIW, the citizens of MN seem pretty happy with what they're getting for their tax money. They reelected Walz in 2022 by a wide margin.

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Discussion: The NYT Spelling Bee Thread

Plenum is a building term that I got early because I work in that industry. Never hear of peplum, which was my miss.

Got QB today. One word took quite a few returns, but we've seen it before.

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Discussion: Energy company phone scam

jamie said:

If you want to see revenge to scammers - this guy is one of the best ones out there:


He actually is able to shut some of these scam centers shut down:

This bloke is good, too:


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Discussion: Harris 2024!!! The Only Sane Candidate for POTUS

jimmurphy said:

I guess I’m dense. What does this mean?

add me to Team Huh?

Meanwhile, I've heard some more snippets of the Fox interview and man oh man Kamala crushed it. Baier definitely came out the worst on this one. And he just looked so desperate trying to play gotcha.

I realize folks like terp are in a tough position, having to defend a man who is just ridiculously incompetent and decompensating before our eyes, but seriously, anyone pretending that Kamala can't or doesn't speak clearly and doesn't have command of the issues is just so desperate you can smell the flop sweat for blocks around.  Is she perfect? Does she stumble occasionally? Who doesn't? Does she sometimes avoid directly answering questions so that she can get her intended message across, like every other competent politician who has ever lived? Of course.

Just listen to her first answer in the interview and then tell me she doesn't know what she's talking about.

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