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Discussion: Two MMS students hit by a car

yahooyahoo said:

The new path doesn’t make much sense to me. Why add more hardscape to an area that regularly floods and take away green space? Plus, the pathway was built recessed into the ground rather than slightly above ground, so water will just pool in the low areas of the sidewalk. 

This adds a walking path along Valley Street in the north section of the park where there is no path now.  It makes the entire park more walkable and is a much needed addition for those of us who get our daily exercise by walking in Memorial Park.  Much thanks to the Memorial park Conservancy for getting this done.

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Discussion: Meet the Mets (For Mets Fans Only!)

ml1 said:

Also, I'm thinking of Jerry Ryan tonight. During the 2015 postseason run Soul29 arranged viewing parties and Jerry was there each night cheering for "DANIEL MURPHY!!"

Jerry would be loving this. 



I miss this ficking guy. 

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Discussion: Twitter is a Private Company

Good to see another successful Falcon Heavy launch, too. And soon we'll know so much more about Europa, even though we should attempt no landing there.

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Discussion: Two MMS students hit by a car

Formerlyjerseyjack said:

Jaytee said:

why don’t you take Essex off of elmwood and go around to Springfield ave? 

Answer: street after street of stop signs,

In other words, effective traffic calming measures

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Discussion: The NYT Spelling Bee Thread

Got the QB again today. Two words were guesses, but I think I had them lodged somewhere in my subconscious.

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Discussion: Twitter is a Private Company

paulsurovell said:

ml1 said:

PVW said:

BTW, I agree with Ridski that the Starship Booster catch was very impressive. Unlike Paul, though I don't see that as any reason to defend Musk, any more than, say, I feel compelled to suck up to Harvey Weinstein because of Pulp Fiction.

the Model T was an incredible invention. Didn't make Henry Ford less of an anti-semite.

The Declaration of Independence is an incredible document. Didn't make Thomas Jefferson less of a racist slave holder.

exactly. Now you're getting it!

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Discussion: Energy company phone scam

jamie said:

Every day I get the same phone call in regards to my energy bill. I always end up saying just take me off your list

I got this call today so I said you guys called me every day and the reply was and I’ll call you tomorrow then I said, take me off your list, and he said F you.

Stupid and unproductive because they call you from a different number every time, but block and report the number. I just answered a call a few minutes ago, "Hello" in my best British screechy voice (which is not very good) and they hung up on me immediately. 

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Discussion: Two MMS students hit by a car

Formerlyjerseyjack said:

Construction has begun on Prospect to erect "traffic calming" cutouts. 

One one hand, I support making the roads safer for pedestrians. O.T.O.H., it takes an average of 15 to 20 minutes to drive about 4 miles from Clinton school area to 78. This, during morning rush hour. Add more obstacles and a 40 unit apartment complex ....W.T.F.? 

It takes 20 minutes during rush hour to drive from your house to 78 via Prospect Street because there are an average of 12,000 vehicles traveling on Prospect Street each day, with traffic being especially heavy during am rush hour due to proximity to multiple schools.  This is an awful lot of traffic for a residential street of single family homes.  The bump outs by Elmwood and Oakland are needed to prevent motorists from passing vehicles on the right that are stopped to allow pedestrians in the marked crosswalks there to cross safely.  Slowing down the speeding traffic is exactly the point.  

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