The very height of entitlement

Okay; but don’t let it ruin your day.

Off point, but Arturos needs to start delivering. 

And what ever happened to the extra parking that was supposed to come with the new building where the old PO was? 

There are always going to be inconsiderate jerks who feel entitled. That will never stop. Compared to most towns though, I think we are in a pretty good place. I had the pleasure of driving through some of our nearby towns over the last couple of days and I can say that the 'entitlement' level was far greater than it is here.  

1. No they don't.

2. There was never going to be extra parking at the Clarus.

HoBo said:

There are always going to be inconsiderate jerks who feel entitled. That will never stop. Compared to most towns though, I think we are in a pretty good place. I had the pleasure of driving through some of our nearby towns over the last couple of days and I can say that the 'entitlement' level was far greater than it is here.  

Forgive me for weighing in on your local matter. I agree with HoBo. The observation that some people act entitled is true, and it is as big a shame as the complaints make it out to be. But having lived in Maplewood for ten years, I found it overall to be pleasant and polite compared with other places. It is a particular shame when you see affluent people act this way, but there are a lot of affluent people in Maplewood, which is probably why you notice it.

I now live in Manhattan, and the number of slights I receive and observe is huge compared with how it was for me in Maplewood, and there's nothing I can do about it. People don't like to be told they've done something wrong, so it's the wrong time to point it out.

FWIW, and I’m assuming this wouldn’t happen in your area but it might in other parts of the USA, D & I were assaulted in our car by another driver, while waiting for a parking space at the supermarket the other week. The man not only sped through two pedestrian/car/bus use areas, he got out of his car to physically thump our driver’s window and roof, screaming vile abuse, then reversed his car so he could aim it directly into ours as he exited the small parking area he tried to claim we were blocking. (Given he was mostly out before backing, shows we weren’t blocking him. There were also two other cars waiting for bays and two cars about to reverse, several pedestrians)

Yeah ‘road rage’, ‘drugs’, alcohol etc. Plus an ugly personality. Not the point. Endangered his passenger, and everyone in that area. Needs to grow up in a hurry and realise the universe does not revolve around him, every second of every day. 

I’ll butt out now cheese

Edited to fix typos

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