Who speaks for American Jews?

In spite of what many Jewish Organizations will tell you, a large plurality of American Jews support President Obama's Nuclear Treaty with Iran. So why do so many of those Jewish Organizations oppose it?


From the article: "Why is the “Jewish leadership” so unrepresentative of the population it claims to speak for on one of the most consequential and controversial American foreign policy decisions of our time? .... For one thing, the dominant leadership is somewhat older and more conservative than Jews on the whole. Perhaps even more important, it disproportionately represents wealthy Jews....
"Those who pay pipers call tunes. Some Democratic members of Congress, such as Sen. Charles Schumer , who objects to the deal, ignore the fact that among self-described Jewish Democrats polled, about five times as many support the deal as oppose it (62 percent vs. 13 percent). Of the 10 Jewish senators, Schumer is, at this writing, the only one to have formally voiced opposition to the deal. Five support it (Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Al Franken, Bernie Sanders and Brian Schatz) and the remaining four (Michael Bennet, Richard Blumenthal, Benjamin Cardin and Ron Wyden) have yet to declare. "

I think Bernie Sanders speaks for a lot of American Jews:


paulsurovell said:
I think Bernie Sanders speaks for a lot of American Jews:

Technically, he speaks for about 6000 American Jews

RobB said:

paulsurovell said:
I think Bernie Sanders speaks for a lot of American Jews:
Technically, he speaks for about 6000 American Jews


It's a figure of speech. I'm referring to his ideas, as described in the article.

If you support the President's negotiation with Iran have you written to Cory Booker yet? His rabbi says he's going to vote in Israel's interests.


Booker and Menendez, niether has publically committed.

Payne has come out in support of the President.

In this instance, I agree with Boteach (who is actually a little-known self-promoting rabbi). If Booker votes for the deal, he will be voting in Israel's interests.

Speaking of rabbis, 340 of them made news today:


So did this former US ambassador to Israel:


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