UK police charge two Russians in Salisbury Novichok poisoning

"Two Russian nationals have been named as suspects in the attempted murder of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.

The men, using the names Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov, are thought to be officers from Russia's military intelligence service, the PM said.

Scotland Yard and the CPS say there is enough evidence to charge the men."

Let's wait for the usual suspects to post the RT/Sputnik News explanation before we go off making wild accusations like that.

There will be a UN security council meeting on Thursday for the UK to update other countries on the  latest Salisbury investigations. 

The Russian deputy ambassador has been summoned to the Foreign Office. (The ambassador is not in the UK.)

nohero said:
Let's wait for the usual suspects to post the RT/Sputnik News explanation before we go off making wild accusations like that.

 From the link:

Russian President Vladimir Putin's foreign policy adviser Yuri Ushakov told reporters the names of the Russian suspects "do not mean anything to me".

Andrey Kortunov, director general of the Russian International Affairs Council, said "the fact that you have two photos and two maybe fake names doesn't mean too much".

nohero said:
Let's wait for the usual suspects to post the RT/Sputnik News explanation before we go off making wild accusations like that.

 And the usual suspects believe everything the MSM says and think everyone else is nuts before even hearing what they have to say and that's kind of like brainwashing isn't it?  Better to be a skeptic of all news and listen to multiple sources, including non-Western media.  But carry on with your insults.

Anyway, I have not read much on this arrest except for this and I don't quite understand what they are implying, except it adds up to Scotland Yard doctoring photos which would not surprise me since Teresa May went all out to blame the Russians without evidence.  Now they kinda sorta have to dig up some Russian to make it stick.

The Impossible Photo

Please get to the bottom of it for us Nan.

Here is George Galloway, former member of Parliament,  calling the incident "Rocket science for sheep."  It's on RT, so heads-up for the non-Western media bashers.

Here is another analysis from a former British ambassador, Craig Murray:

Skripals – The Mystery Deepens


If “Boshirov and Petrov” are secret agents, their incompetence is astounding. They used public transport rather than a vehicle and left the clearest possible CCTV footprint. They failed in their assassination attempt. They left traces of novichok everywhere and could well have poisoned themselves, and left the “murder weapon” lying around to be found. Their timings in Salisbury were extremely tight – and British Sunday rail service dependent.
There are other possibilities of who “Boshirov and Petrov” really are, of which Ukrainian is the obvious one. One thing I discovered when British Ambassador to Uzbekistan was that there had been a large Ukrainian ethnic group of scientists working at the Soviet chemical weapon testing facility there at Nukus. There are many other possibilities.
Yesterday’s revelations certainly add to the amount we know about the Skripal event. But they raise as many new questions as they give answers.

nan said:

nohero said:
Let's wait for the usual suspects to post the RT/Sputnik News explanation before we go off making wild accusations like that.
 And the usual suspects believe everything the MSM says and think everyone else is nuts before even hearing what they have to say and that's kind of like brainwashing isn't it?  Better to be a skeptic of all news and listen to multiple sources, including non-Western media.  But carry on with your insults.
Anyway, I have not read much on this arrest except for this and I don't quite understand what they are implying, except it adds up to Scotland Yard doctoring photos which would not surprise me since Teresa May went all out to blame the Russians without evidence.  Now they kinda sorta have to dig up some Russian to make it stick.
The Impossible Photo

Enough with the silliness.

England, the surveillance video gold mine. Where just about everything is under video.

So much to doctor.

The British Transport videos, street videos, airport videos. People at the hotel who remember them. Airline tickets being bought by them and airport security checks being passed. The logging of their Oyster card transactions with accompanying videos of when they passed the turnstiles.

Does one still wonder why America is now failing? This constant discussion, where everything is discussed and argued ad infinitum and consequently nothing gets done. 

You see that everywhere. The Russian issue. Infrastructure. The Gateway project being an example. Killed by a stupid governor and then subsequently discussed to death with silliness such as "the NY terminal is too far underground."

The American revolution would not have gotten off the ground if our founders acted like us.

nan said:

nohero said:
Let's wait for the usual suspects to post the RT/Sputnik News explanation before we go off making wild accusations like that.
 And the usual suspects believe everything the MSM says and think everyone else is nuts before even hearing what they have to say and that's kind of like brainwashing isn't it?  Better to be a skeptic of all news and listen to multiple sources, including non-Western media.  But carry on with your insults.
Anyway, I have not read much on this arrest except for this and I don't quite understand what they are implying, except it adds up to Scotland Yard doctoring photos which would not surprise me since Teresa May went all out to blame the Russians without evidence.  Now they kinda sorta have to dig up some Russian to make it stick.
The Impossible Photo

 Craig Murray retracted his "impossible photo" bit in response to Alex Thompson  Ch4 - the theory has been debunked.  

"It stopped me! I agree this turns out to be a red herring."

Good thread from Oz Katerji: 

"So... are we just not going to say anything about all the frequent media commentators that pushed disinformation on the Salisbury poisonings for months? No? We're not going to ask them about the conspiracy theories they were disseminating & whether they will retract & apologise?"

"The case is watertight enough now that the only the regular pro-Kremlin voices will argue against it, like Wight, Murray and Galloway have already attempted, wildly snatching at anything reported to try and deflect the blame from Putin and the GRU."

cramer said:

nan said:

nohero said:
Let's wait for the usual suspects to post the RT/Sputnik News explanation before we go off making wild accusations like that.
 And the usual suspects believe everything the MSM says and think everyone else is nuts before even hearing what they have to say and that's kind of like brainwashing isn't it?  Better to be a skeptic of all news and listen to multiple sources, including non-Western media.  But carry on with your insults.
Anyway, I have not read much on this arrest except for this and I don't quite understand what they are implying, except it adds up to Scotland Yard doctoring photos which would not surprise me since Teresa May went all out to blame the Russians without evidence.  Now they kinda sorta have to dig up some Russian to make it stick.
The Impossible Photo
 Craig Murray retracted his "impossible photo" bit in response to Alex Thompson  Ch4 - the theory has been debunked.  
"It stopped me! I agree this turns out to be a red herring."

nan - what's the truth?   What is your alternate news source saying?

cramer said:
"The case is watertight enough now that the only the regular pro-Kremlin voices will argue against it, like Wight, Murray and Galloway have already attempted, wildly snatching at anything reported to try and deflect the blame from Putin and the GRU."

 Well this just came in:

nan said:

cramer said:
"The case is watertight enough now that the only the regular pro-Kremlin voices will argue against it, like Wight, Murray and Galloway have already attempted, wildly snatching at anything reported to try and deflect the blame from Putin and the GRU."
 Well this just came in:

"Salisbury poisoning: Naming of two Russian nationals as suspects "the most significant development in this investigation" - Met Police counter terrorism head Neil Basu"

That does do away with Murray's argument (which he has dropped) that the photos were doctored. Yes, Neil Basu does seem to contradict May who said with certainty it was the GRU, although the video stopped before Basu finished his remarks and I'm basing this on the tweet.   

jamie said:

cramer said:

nan said:

nohero said:
Let's wait for the usual suspects to post the RT/Sputnik News explanation before we go off making wild accusations like that.
 And the usual suspects believe everything the MSM says and think everyone else is nuts before even hearing what they have to say and that's kind of like brainwashing isn't it?  Better to be a skeptic of all news and listen to multiple sources, including non-Western media.  But carry on with your insults.
Anyway, I have not read much on this arrest except for this and I don't quite understand what they are implying, except it adds up to Scotland Yard doctoring photos which would not surprise me since Teresa May went all out to blame the Russians without evidence.  Now they kinda sorta have to dig up some Russian to make it stick.
The Impossible Photo
 Craig Murray retracted his "impossible photo" bit in response to Alex Thompson  Ch4 - the theory has been debunked.  
"It stopped me! I agree this turns out to be a red herring."
nan - what's the truth?   What is your alternate news source saying?

 I don't know the truth.  Things are changing constantly in this story.  Murray was told by others that it was possible to get this type of time stamp by two people going through different gates at the same time so he dropped it.  Still strange.  He still has lots of questions in the link I posted above ( I just posted an update above that the UK police said there was no evidence that Russia was involved and then I heard that Theresa May issued a statement saying it was definitely Russians.  So, who knows. We shall see.

Nan - Murray states without any equivocation that he was wrong about claiming that the photos were not real. 

"It stopped me! I agree this turns out to be a red herring."

Murray is responding to this: 

"Yes. I do that all the time with work colleagues. That is how the meet/greet barrier is designed . There is no story here but that won’t stop the conspiracy brigade"

He's referring to this: 

"ScotlandYard say the reason the time is the same is that both men walk thru different barriers side by side just before the meet and greet at Gatwick ie not immigration control"

The bottom line is that Murray conceded that he was wrong. 

cramer said:
Nan - Murray states without any equivocation that he was wrong about claiming that the photos were not real. 
"It stopped me! I agree this turns out to be a red herring."

Murray is responding to this: 
"Yes. I do that all the time with work colleagues. That is how the meet/greet barrier is designed . There is no story here but that won’t stop the conspiracy brigade"

 I know.  I read the whole thread and thought I conveyed that in my post.  He made a similar statement on his webpage and said to read his piece that had already been written.  There is still a lot to be investigated in this story.

cramer said:
Nan - Murray states without any equivocation that he was wrong about claiming that the photos were not real. 
"It stopped me! I agree this turns out to be a red herring."

Murray is responding to this: 
"Yes. I do that all the time with work colleagues. That is how the meet/greet barrier is designed . There is no story here but that won’t stop the conspiracy brigade"

He's referring to this: 
"ScotlandYard say the reason the time is the same is that both men walk thru different barriers side by side just before the meet and greet at Gatwick ie not immigration control"

The bottom line is that Murray conceded that he was wrong.

 Right, Craig Murray conceded that the photos were not doctored. But the important question is, what do the photos prove?

Also, what evidence did the UK present to the UN Security Council? According to this British academic, no evidence was presented to the Security Council:

Here's an interesting take:

Here's how Russia sends out disinformation:

"The strategy is optimised for the internet, it's meant to go viral," said Mr Nimmo. "That's why mockery and sarcasm and attempts at funny memes are so much a part of this ... It is disinformation for the information age."

:The day after Putin suggests the suspects in the Skripal poisoning appear on TV, editor in chief of Russia Today says she has interviewed them and that it is “coming soon.”

Yesterday, Putin said that the two men accused by the U.K. of carrying out a nerve agent attack had been identified as civilians, and not criminals. He said that the two men might make appearances on the media to protest their innocence. 

Today, the two men appeared on Russian tv and said that they were only tourists who were just visiting the cathedral.  

"Friday - flew into London, checked into grimy east London hotel.  Saturday - Went to Salisbury to look at famous 132m spire of famous beautiful cathedral.  Sunday - Went BACK to Salisbury to look again at wonderful spire.  Sunday evening - Immediately left for Moscow 

Sounds legit"

I feel like we owe Nan and Paul an apology. Clearly this is a British fabrication. I personally know a lot of people who fly into Salisbury to see the famous cathedral. I’ve started a fundraiser so that we can buy Paul and Nan a lifetime supply of heavy duty tinfoil.

They complained about the snow. 

Worth opening the whole thread for even if you don't know the original song.

Someone's been following Craig Murray.  

"There was no snow in Salisbury that weekend. It came one or two weeks after"

"As I said, I live in Salisbury. I drove from Salisbury to Shaftesbury and back that day. As I arrived back in to the town centre, I passed the ambulance and police at the cordons. The roads were absolutely fine and actually it was raining."

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