The Party of T#^*P

What's to say? The deplorables are ascendant.

IMO Trump as the ‘24 nominee would be the greatest thing ever for Democrats. The ‘20 election was pretty much a referendum on Trump; tack on his stark raving madness about the fictitious ‘stolen’ election since then, and the Dems will be starting with a two-touchdown lead. 

I'm concerned that the election lies are the pretense which GOP state legislatures will use to throw out results if the Democrat wins. The blueprint is being written, and tens of millions of people are being brainwashed to support it. And if that happens, who stops them?

That is true. It’s scary how many people bought into the stolen election lie and will die on that hill. It’s not a fringe group. 

I keep hearing a familiar movie score.... Dun Dun     Dun Dun   Dun Dun   Dun Dun

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water.

Smedley said:

IMO Trump as the ‘24 nominee would be the greatest thing ever for Democrats. The ‘20 election was pretty much a referendum on Trump; tack on his stark raving madness about the fictitious ‘stolen’ election since then, and the Dems will be starting with a two-touchdown lead. 

 Lots of folks said similar things in 2016

Smedley said:

That is true. It’s scary how many people bought into the stolen election lie and will die on that hill. It’s not a fringe group. 

 "Die on the hill" is an interesting expression

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