Pope Francis, Catholics, and Christians in the news worldwide

mtierney said:

We sinners, however, struggle on our path, one step at a time!

Well, we must all work out our own salvation, with fear and trembling. Funny, though -- this humility of yours never makes an appearance when you're criticizing Democratic politicians. It only seems to show up on those occasions when you're pressed to account for the apparent contradictions between the politics you support and the faith you claim to follow. Convenient, that.

PVW said:

It only seems to show up on those occasions when you're pressed to account for the apparent contradictions between the politics you support and the faith you claim to follow. Convenient, that.

What can I say?  At 92, I remain a work in progress still. 

mtierney said:

Remember the old song “ I’m my own grandpa?”

Are we soon  to see retired women having the children they had put on ice while climbing the corporate ladder without childcare worries?

Who gets the unwanted fertilized embryos after 17 years in the Freezer? How is the potential life taken out? Is it just flushed out of existence?

Answering your questions in order.

1. No.

2. Sure, why not? There are definitely health risks, and some women may simply not be healthy enough to go through it at that age, but it's a possibility. 

3. Technically no one, because a zygote isn't yet an embryo, but let's not dwell on that because most articles don't make that distinction. The answer is it depends on the clinic involved, and where the clinic is located. The article I linked to mentions some situations, including the case of the 17 year old zygote being shipped to a family in Chicago through an organization called the National Embryo Donor Exchange. In general, the fertilized embryos belong to their parents and the clinic will do what the parents request them to do. They can be returned to their parents for burial, donated to research or for training purposes, or they can be implanted in the mother at a time in the cycle when pregnancy is impossible. Here's a great overview of all the options.

4 & 5. I feel like I more than answered those in 3, so I'll say this: 

The Success Rate for first-time IVF implantations is only 55%, and there are dozens of factors involved in whether your clinic visit will result in a pregnancy or not, and the biggest factor in that is age - for women between 40-43 that rate drops down to 9.4%. One of the major reasons for freezing embryos is to increase that rate if viability, younger eggs are more likely to result in successful pregnancies, so if your fertilized eggs were frozen in your late 20s, your chance of becoming pregnant with them increases. However, there is still roughly a 50/50 chance of success, which is why couples undergoing IVF later in life will freeze more embryos than the number of children they're aiming for. Let's say you want 2 children, so you freeze 2 embryos and neither of them result in a pregnancy. Where has that potential life gone? Is it just flushed out of existence?

Partisanship and the Pope.

Three-quarters of U.S. Catholics view Pope Francis favorably, but that figure is down 8 percentage points from 2021 and reflects growing polarization between Catholics who identify as Republicans and Democrats, a new Pew Research Center survey finds.

According to the new survey, about nine in 10 Catholics who are Democrats or lean progressive in their politics have positive attitudes toward the pope, compared with 63% of Republican or conservative-leaning Catholics.

"The partisan gap in views of Pope Francis is as large as it's ever been in our surveys," the Pew Research Center writes in its April 12 report, "Majority of U.S. Catholics Express Favorable View of Pope Francis."


Much has been said of the life, times and death of Simpson, but who are we to judge?

mtierney said:

Much has been said of the life, times and death of Simpson, but who are we to judge?

You say this, then post a judgemental cartoon. Were you trying to be ironic?

Aaaand another green Black person to boot.

mtierney said:

Just what are “traditional” Catholics? FBI apologizes for the memo.


Catholics are not being oppressed in the U.S., by the Biden administration or anybody else.

mtierney said:

Just what are “traditional” Catholics? FBI apologizes for the memo.


I don’t think you understand how dangerous the lies and misinformation you post on a very public forum are. What kind of Catholic are you? It’s people like you who have been slowly eroding the Catholic faith in the country. I don’t even think you realize that the brown people who are bringing in fentanyl in their backpacks, are the ones filling up the Catholic Churches on Sunday. 

nohero said:

Catholics are not being oppressed in the U.S., by the Biden administration or anybody else.

So, how do you explain the existence of memo? 

mtierney said:

nohero said:

Catholics are not being oppressed in the U.S., by the Biden administration or anybody else.

So, how do you explain the existence of memo? 

Don't have to explain it's "existence". Just have to point out that it was written by two random guys (out of how many employees? out of how many freaking memos?) with no power and that it resulted in no action. That equals "no oppression".

How you believe it equals something else is a mystery. (well, not really. we're in the "we should take god seriously" thread so irrational belief is what we expect here)

mtierney said:

nohero said:

Catholics are not being oppressed in the U.S., by the Biden administration or anybody else.

So, how do you explain the existence of memo? 

What the memo actually said, which lower-down-the-chain person wrote it, and what that person's superiors did or didn't do with respect to it, are all things you could familiarize yourself with instead of asking a silly question like that.

The article also pointed out that memo’s information on supposedly ‘dangerous traditionalist Catholics’ was based on biased sources. Ummm… IOW, altogether very unreliable leaked FBI document. 

Some Good News! Pope Francis is on the road again and visits prison art exhibit…


Just a quick note: this is Orthodox Holy Week - their Good Friday is this Friday. If you know any Greeks, the correct greeting is “Kalo Pascka”; you can say this up until Sunday. From Sunday you say “Christos anesti!” (Jesus has risen!) [ that’s the first thing you say to friends and family, and it always sounds so full of wonder… if you don’t feel comfortable saying that, revert to Kalo Pascka]

I’m not sure of Russian and Serbian greetings and customs.  I’ll see if I can learn them before next year. 

Sunday is the day for red eggs, and the games to crack them; eating the delicious plaited Easter bread (tzoureki), roasted lamb, rich tarama, loukoumi and almond biscuits… Bring sweetness and blessings into your lives and share richness with all the community. 

Passover has just ended, and Jewish people are ‘counting the Omer’ - figuratively walking the desert for 5 weeks until Simchat Torah, the Giving of the Law ( you might think of it as Pentecost).

May you all be blessed, healthy, happy. May the Holy Land know true Peace and Kindness with wise younger people leading the way to recovery. 

From across the pond’s Tablet, a papal author helps a reluctant mom to embrace her offspring….

"Today's sermon is taken from a magazine that I found... that I found in a hedge. This season's lipstick colours will be in the frosted pink area - and nails to match... and this reminds me rather of our lord Jesus. Because, surely, when Jesus rode into town on a donkey... he must have gotten tarted up a bit." - Eddie Izzard, Dressed to Kill.

What young people know of their world in 2024…

Can you summarize that? My glasses aren't strong enough to read any of it.

ridski said:

Can you summarize that? My glasses aren't strong enough to read any of it.

It downplays medical treatment of things like depression or ADHD.

ridski said:

Can you summarize that? My glasses aren't strong enough to read any of it.

Gee whiz, Ridski, even this Luddite knows how to enlarge a story, with just two fingers!

 but here are a few highlighted passages which may  help comprehend the student rebellion and destruction of property we have been witnessing — not excuses by any means, but a little clarity into how the college kids saw their world. I have to ask: Where are/were the parents?

For the section you've highlighted regarding climate change -- good question, where are/were the parents? What kind of world are they leaving their children? Isn't it ironic that this article is calling the next generation "snowflakes," given the fit the older generations throw when asked to change in order to avoid catastrophic climate disaster?

mtierney said:

Gee whiz, Ridski, even this Luddite knows how to enlarge a story, with just two fingers!

you know, some of us use a PC and not a phone. and enlarging something that's already fuzzy just gives you big fuzzy. it's very hard to read.

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