Oh dear. I followed one of the links in the above article and could barely believe what I read:
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/feb/08/cheese-is-like-heroin-new-york-mayor-eric-adams You’d almost expect this from one of our rural mayors! or one of our more redneck (and embarrassing) National/Country Party politicians… at least it’s probably true, not likely to be a PR stunt.
mtierney said:
Good News…
This brings up an interesting point. At the moment, there are no African American saints. Not one. Nil. Zip. Nada.
I wonder, mtierney, why you think that might be. Obviously, the number is demographically unlikely. Does God, statistically speaking, favor white people over black people when it comes to granting miracles? What possible force could explain this anomaly???
She will respond with piece of gospel tomorrow morning…or a smiling cat. Tucker is on now, and Hannity next so don’t hold your breath for a response tonight.
@GoSlugs, @Jaytee, you might find this link interesting:
https://info.aod.org/articles/black-saints-and-notable-figures Especially Pierre Toussaint, an ex-slave from New York.
Also, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josephine_Bakhita This former slave from Sudan who lived in Italy.
And https://www.discerninghearts.com/catholic-podcasts/st-rose-of-lima-1st-canonized-saint-of-the-americas-what-true-beauty-is-beauty-does/ St Rose of Lima, who was part Spanish and part Inca. In the 1600s (canonised 1671).
There were even three Black Popes: https://aaregistry.org/story/black-catholicism-a-brief-article/
joanne said:
I suspect both of them know that the explanation involves mankind (USA edition) and not God.
Jesus was one of the earliest “woke” people…yeah he was a hippie and all that, but he was an activist for social justice. That’s why it’s ridiculous how the so called Christians have become so anti-social. They’re not even practicing what they’re preaching to others.
MT can post the gospel every day in atonement for her ignorance of Jesus’s teachings, but it’s not a guaranteed VIP seat on the tour buses that do round trips in the land of milk and honey. Lactose intolerance is rampant and fructose is causing too many patrons to have elevated blood sugar levels….
Mtierney, thank you for your response but I don't see how those verses address the shocking absence of African American Saints.
You would think that one of the men and women kept enslaved by the Georgetown brothers would have qualified. Surely a life of misery and suffering in the service (albeit forced) of the Church would qualify one of these individuals for the honor?
Mtierney's verse of the day is particularly ironic in the context of her attitude towards asylum seekers. One wonders whether she actually read it.
At first, I just assumed that the above was one of mtierney's faux woke trigger warnings. The woman, after all, has been threatening to eat me for weeks now.
When no trolling follow up appeared, however, I grew curious and put her post into Google Translate with the following result.
"mtierney is afraid that an honest answer to this honest question would inevitably make her look bad in the eyes of any unbiased outside observer"
What a pathetic far right snowflake! I hate to break it to you lady, but you aren't fooling anyone here.
Um, my links were about world history? Outside the US? I’m confused about your comment. (Sorry, having a difficult day here and my brain isn’t working well)
nohero said:
joanne said:
I suspect both of them know that the explanation involves mankind (USA edition) and not God.
oh, Purim is almost here, folks. Hope you have your masquerade costumes worked out
joanne said:
Um, my links were about world history? Outside the US? I’m confused about your comment. (Sorry, having a difficult day here and my brain isn’t working well)
nohero said:
joanne said:
I suspect both of them know that the explanation involves mankind (USA edition) and not God.
I wasn't commenting on the links, I was commenting on the posts from GoSlugs and Jaytee.
The other thing you could have given up for lent is those stupid cartoons.
Advice for Lent, from Fr. James Martin, from a couple of years ago -
It’s the Second Week of Lent, and I bet more than a few people have asked you the question: What are you giving up for Lent?
Well, instead of giving something up how about doing something positive? How about this: Be kind. And let me suggest a few ways to do that. First: Give people the benefit of the doubt. After all, why not? Everyone is carrying around some sort of burden. Usually one that you don't even know about. So give them a break. Second: Honor the absent. Be kind when you're talking about people who aren’t there. Spiritually speaking, it's essential. It's part of charity. Practically speaking, it makes sense too. Why? Because you'll feel crummy about yourself afterwards. Because the person you're complaining to will probably see you as negative. Finally, because it will probably get back to them. More to the point, it's mean.
Finally: Don't be a jerk. There is no need to be. Just because you're having a rotten day doesn't mean you have to pass along your misery to someone else. It's important to share your struggles with friends. But being in a bad mood is no excuse for being unpleasant. If you feel you’re moving into that territory, ask yourself a simple question, "Am I being a jerk?" If you're somehow unable to discern that, the look on other people's faces will tell you.
So for Lent, some advice: Be a kind person!
I’m guilty of being a jerk sometimes, it’s my defense mechanism when I find someone genuinely trying to bring out the jerk in me…
Jaytee said:
I’m guilty of being a jerk sometimes, it’s my defense mechanism when I find someone genuinely trying to bring out the jerk in me…
That's why it's important that mtierney post those trigger warnings before she starts trolling.
Anniversary of my Mum’s death 25 years. Gosh, I’ve been on MOL for a little longer than that. Thank you, friends, for helping me handle my deep, deep grief (even the dear friends no longer with us, and those who no longer participate here).
Some of you might remember how suddenly she died and how bereft I was, how overwhelmed and unable to function I became. The beginning of March, International Women’s Day, Purim, thoughts of northern Spring and lily of the valley & violets (her special flowers) make me so sad…
The post about being kind, and the readings about using your eyes to really see and to assist strangers , well, they’re values we used to talk about almost daily. And she’d show me a thousand practical ways to implement them, to help in my community without making a huge splash yet letting the ripples spread.
She really was my best friend. I miss her every day, yet she’s always with me (as is my Dad). Please everyone, spend a few moments today to be kind, patient, and enjoy the smile of a stranger, the warmth of the sun, the pattern of tree branches, or the hug of a child or a pet. Tell someone you love them.
for Annette Renée Einhorn
joanne said:
She really was my best friend. I miss her every day, yet she’s always with me (as is my Dad). Please everyone, spend a few moments today to be kind, patient, and enjoy the smile of a stranger, the warmth of the sun, the pattern of tree branches, or the hug of a child or a pet. Tell someone you love them.
for Annette Renée Einhorn
Beautifully said, Joanne.
Did you actually read that before you posted it?
A puzzling passage from someone who is so consumed by hate. That said, it is excellent advice and a hopeful sign that you may be turning over a new leaf.
If people are actually going to start following the teachings of Christ we will have to come up with a new word for them. "Christists" perhaps?
I’ve never thought of the Book of Esther as comically written, but apparently it is, filled with all manner of ‘in jokes’
Anyway, enjoy your food gifts, give also to those without so they can feel like part of the community; and keep smiling Happy Purim!
This thread seemed more appropriate than the others for a discussion on Church/State in politics.
We’re in a rush this this morning, and I’ve only glanced over the full article, but wow. Seems designed to sit on all the front pages… was this stance a surprise? Is it as much of a double-dare as it appears??