So, in the interest of political correctness as defined by the left

the government is going to remove the person who saved the new union from becoming a bankrupt failure from the $10 bill.

If you want diversity in currency how about removing the monopy of the Federal Reserve in issuing money?

who cares? we have the most boring money on earth. I wish we'd be more like other countries and issue money with portraits of people other than dead presidents.

If we removed the monopoly of the Federal Reserve we would.

I thought that the original plan was to replace Andrew Jackson on the 20s? What happened to that?

I don't need a diversity in currency. I think the fact that I can buy things in Pennsylvania with the same dollars I use in NJ is pretty important.

As for whom we honor on our currency -- I am totally behind replacing Jackson. Hamilton, I think, actually makes the most sense of any of the founders to have on currency, so I don't understand why he's the one getting the boot.

ramzzoinksus said:
the government is going to remove the person who saved the new union from becoming a bankrupt failure from the $10 bill.
If you want diversity in currency how about removing the monopy of the Federal Reserve in issuing money?

sure, we can all choose the money we want. I'll go for the Nixon bill. I always wanted to walk around with a million in my wallet.

PVW said:
I don't need a diversity in currency. I think the fact that I can buy things in Pennsylvania with the same dollars I use in NJ is pretty important.

As for whom we honor on our currency -- I am totally behind replacing Jackson. Hamilton, I think, actually makes the most sense of any of the founders to have on currency, so I don't understand why he's the one getting the boot.

I agree totally, which is why I am quite befuddled about the latest plan.

But I think it is good to change the money from time to time and it is definitely long overdue to represent women there. We probably need some minority representation also. Why shouldn't we have diversity on our currency? Our nation is (or at least is supposed to be) a "melting pot", so official documents, currency, whatever should reflect that IMO.

I looked at the picture on the $20. Maybe the folks at the Federal Reserve think we already have a woman's portrait on it.

ramzzoinksus said:
the government is going to remove the person who saved the new union from becoming a bankrupt failure from the $10 bill.
If you want diversity in currency how about removing the monopy of the Federal Reserve in issuing money?

Incorrect from what I read in the NY Times today. Hamilton stays but a woman gets added. Secretary of the Treasury Lew picks.

Who cares? Do people still use cash?

ramzzoinksus said:
If we removed the monopoly of the Federal Reserve we would.

I would refuse to accept your $1 bill from the Bank of Wherever, or at best only credit you with 80¢ on the dollar.

Josh Barro and Binyamin Appelbaum on the subject:

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