Rumors growing that Biden will enter the race.

Possibly this week. That would make things very interesting on the Democratic side.

I can't imagine that, if he were to announce, he would do so prior to the Democratic debate next week.

I'm curious what the basis is for these rumors beyond wishful thinking.

Rumors could be coming from supporters, from Biden's inner circle or from Clinton's inner circle (to force to declare or decline).

Or the President. Who really wants Biden to run, more than just about anyone else. Obama being a charter member of ABC. Anyone But Clinton.

Where do you pull this stuff from?

If this story can be believed, Biden is the one who manipulated the "draft" into "serving."

I'm not surprised. Some that know of him told me he's always been a manipulative little behind the scenes bastard.

He certainly didn't do the public a favor when he helped Clarence Thomas in the senate approval hearings or screwed the middle class with his bankruptcy "reform" law changes.

There is a concerted effort by his "backers" getting the ball rolling.

How did he "help" Clarence Thomas?

He certainly thwarted Robert Bork

LOST said:
How did he "help" Clarence Thomas?
He certainly thwarted Robert Bork

Hint: Anita Hill hates Joe Biden.

Ms. Hill doesn't have to vote for him.

LOST said:
Ms. Hill doesn't have to vote for him.

Of course, but you asked how he helped Clarence Thomas. The perception, among many, is that he helped Clarence Thomas because he treated Ms. Hill very badly during the hearings and undermined her testimony in subtle and not-so-subtle ways.

Well if he runs he may have to answer questions about that.

Slate article on Biden's feminism issues, including the Thomas controversy.

Sheesh. I'm picturing all the revisited clips of Biden's "interrogation" of Hill.

And I don't think it's a coincidence that esteemed Pulitzer Prize winner Maureen Dowd first broke the Beau Biden deathbed story (a "leak" now being characterized as Joe's). She despises Hillary.

Of course the source that the leak came from Biden himself is now being attributed to Clinton. Ain't politics fun.

Biden weakens Hillary. When they go at each other, he leaves her damaged. Right now, she's got a fair easy path for step 1. Frankly, I am surprised he not running wasn't part of the Clinton-Obama "agreement" 7 years ago. It'll be interesting to see what Obama does if Biden enters. I think he has to back Clinton

conandrob240 said:
Biden weakens Hillary. When they go at each other, he leaves her damaged. Right now, she's got a fair easy path for step 1. Frankly, I am surprised he not running wasn't part of the Clinton-Obama "agreement" 7 years ago. It'll be interesting to see what Obama does if Biden enters. I think he has to back Clinton

Yeah but how could he possibly do that? If he wants to tout the success and legacy of his administration, he's gotta go Joe.

He can't. He sold his soul to the devil (Bill Clinton) so his hands are tied. ( btw, just an expression- I am a huge Bill Clinton fan

Why must he choose sides?

Because at some point there is only one nominee. They battle head to head and will come out in different places on the issue. He'd have to align with one. Although I am sure it will be much more amicable and warm- he'll probably say both are good for different reasons, but he'll have to pick a side

The sitting President does not have to pick a side in the Democratic Primary Race.

Did George W. Bush endorse one Republican Candidate over another in 2008?

LOST said:
Did George W. Bush endorse one Republican Candidate over another in 2008?

Everybody involved knew better than to allow that to happen.

LOST said:
The sitting President does not have to pick a side in the Democratic Primary Race.
Did George W. Bush endorse one Republican Candidate over another in 2008?

Maybe not formally but, make no mistake, he certainly has to back someone with his words and his gestures. He can't back both of them

What happens if he doesn't?

No. He will wait and support the nominee.


When was the last time you recall that s sitting President endorsed a candidate before their party's nomination of a candidate?


Officially endorsed or backed in more subtle ways?

Tell us about the subtle backings.

Presidents tend to be very careful about these things.

What exactly are you looking for me to "tell you"? You want my opinion on when it has occurred or how I see it likely to occur in this campaign? Personally, I think they'll encourage Biden to stay out. Second, if that doesn't work, I think the president will make sure he makes it known where he and Hillary are aligned and where they are different and that he'll do that in a more positive way for Hillary than he will for Biden

If Biden runs Obama will stay out of it but people will analyze his every tic to see if he "prefers" one over the other.

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