Pulling a Bloomberg: Is Sinema prepping to run for the GOP Nomination

I was listening to the News Hour this morning and it occurred to me that Sinema's bizarre behavior might actually have some logic in it.  Trump has stolen all of the oxygen from the GOP, there is almost no room for potential contenders to gear up, given the likelihood that, if he is still alive in 2024, he will run.

That said, Trump is an obese septuagenarian who takes terrible care of himself and pays no attention to medical advice. The actuarial tables for 75 year old pigs on the Harkonnen Diet are not great.  There is a good chance that he may not be around to destroy the American political system in 2024.  With that in mind, is Sinema, the current darling of the right, just stepping out of the room, to find a place where she can make her run?

I know all of this is kind of rambling and disjointed but I just want to place my long shot bet here.

Klinker said:

I was listening to the News Hour this morning and it occurred to me that Sinema's bizarre behavior might actually have some logic in it.  Trump has stolen all of the oxygen from the GOP, there is almost no room for potential contenders to gear up, given the likelihood that, if he is still alive in 2024, he will run.

That said, Trump is an obese septuagenarian who takes terrible care of himself and pays no attention to medical advice. The actuarial tables for 75 year old pigs on the Harkonnen Diet are not great.  There is a good chance that he may not be around to destroy the American political system in 2024.  With that in mind, is Sinema, the current darling of the right, just stepping out of the room, to find a place where she can make her run?

I know all of this is kind of rambling and disjointed but I just want to place my long shot bet here.


How much are you willing to bet?

I would be more inclined to believe she might hitch her star to an independent presidential candidate like Evan McMullin in the future. But I don't think she is stupid enough to imagine that the GOP would nominate a bisexual woman as their presidential candidate.

With regard to some politicians, I am reminded of a Far Side cartoon of a psychiatrist writing "just plain nuts" in his notes as he works with a patient.

Sinema voted to convict Trump. She can't run as a Republican. Running as an independent (as mrincredible notes) is more plausible.

My question has not been answered.

I was looking to cash in

STANV said:

My question has not been answered.

I was looking to cash in

 Well, it's all about the odds.  I don't think you are fiscally able to cover my $10 bet.


Klinker said:

 Well, it's all about the odds.  I don't think you are fiscally able to cover my $10 bet.


 STANV uses MMT. He'll just give you $10. Now between the two of you, you have $20.

Just be glad he doesn't use trickle-down economics. In that case, he'll give you $10, then shove you to the ground and charge you $20 for a "privatized" assist back to your feet.

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