Missouri AG finds no evidence Planned Parenthood mishandled fetal tissue


This is about the sixth investigation that has so concluded, in response to the "sting video." Will this stop the lies being told by Republicans, such as Carly Fiorina? Doubt it.

If Carly really wants to destroy Planned Parenthood, she should become its CEO.

When did facts ever get in the way of this group's (the Republican candidates, not Planned Parenthood) opinions?

If Carly Fiorina wants to destroy another large organization she should become head of ISIS.

It is frightening that these crazies want to shut down the government based on a doctored and dishonest "sting" video of Planned Parenthood.

It's really not about legal wrongdoing. It's about a back-door way of shutting down a place that performs abortions- and by extension, limiting access to abortions. They actually don't care about the "facts" here, other than the fact that abortions are performed by Planned Parenthood. Regardless of who funds it or whether it's legal.

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