Deafening you-know-what about the "Debate"

So....i waited for someone else to start this. I couldn't resist watching the "happy hour" and despite her scariness about the Iran deal, about Hillary ("she's a liar, she's a liar, she's a liar) Carly was a far better speaker than the others.

But is someone coming on MOL to join me here? I mean...come on.

And Jindal is saying Obama wants to.shut down the government over Planned Parenthood...what?

I think that, overall, the five o'clockers weren't that great.

No need to pre-game

At 9 the crazy train leaves

Drinking game alert

Do I REALLY have to watch Fox News? Well I will hold my nose cause I can't miss tHiss

LL_ said:
Do I REALLY have to watch Fox News? Well I will hold my nose cause I can't miss tHiss

Lol; me too

Anyone have a link to the live stream? All the TVs in my house are otherwise occupied.

What happened to Carley Fiorentino (probably got her name wrong)? I thought she made the top 1

We're all watched here and starting the drinking game

Please, does anyone have the popcorn head injury photo!!!!

5 min in and Trump is frickin killing it!!!!

Carly was at the children's table


Failed on live stream, but grabbed TV. What channel on Verizon FIOS?

(I thought Fox was 5????)

Trump won't promise not to run as a third party candidate, and he got a rise out of Rand Paul.

Fox NEWS. 118 on FIOS

LL_ said:
Fox NEWS. 118 on FIOS

Got it, thx

How does this debate allow him to insult Rosie O'Donnell like this? I'm disgusted.

Oh god I don't think I can stomach thi

Go Megan Kelly with her "war on women" question for Trump. He "doesn't have time to be politically correct." Fans of Trump in Cleveland booooing. I like how Fox is not feeding easy questions. Good question to Christie about our economy! Christie gives dumb answer.

Where did they find this audience. question

Liar, liar, fat man's pants is on fire! Crispy cream pleeze!!!

Just found out that our low cost promo package from FiOS does not include Fox News. And I refuse to pay up for that channel.

Anyone is welcome to come by and watch on N Wyoming in So Orange. PM me

just don't eat any baked goods

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