Anyone watching McCarthy?

Sounds like kids can't play outside anymore because of cartels.  And a supersonic missile attack from China is imminent.

He could have had the same impact (maybe better) if he just kept repeating "Let's Go Brandon" for all that time.

Annoyingly, NPR repeated an unchallenged clip from his speech at the top of each hour this morning.  Their reporter (in the longer story they did about the speech) opined that he was mainly playing to the Rs in the House, in hopes of becoming Speaker if they get a majority.  Did either the reporter or or her editor consider that he's getting free reps of his, possibly misleading, sound bite every hour?

It was an old-fashioned filibuster.  Like an old Jimmy Stewart movie.   

I thought they don't have filibusters in the House?

It wasn't a filibuster.

STANV said:

I thought they don't have filibusters in the House?

Not quite the same as the Senate -- only the leaders from both parties in the House get to do it:

"It's a tradition in the House that leaders from both parties, granted a minute to speak on a matter by the presiding officer, can take up a few more.

For House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., the so-called magic moment lasted quite a bit more: 8 hours and 32 minutes, to be exact."


So he beat Pelosi's record by about 30 minutes.

dave said:

So he beat Pelosi's record by about 30 minutes.

Pelosi stood and spoke in heels.

So, the Party Leader can speak as long as he or she wishes. Now imagine that while the Leader is speaking his Party's caucus meets and elects a different person as Leader who then proceeds to the floor and takes over the speaking from the previous leader and suppose this then continues ad infinitum. That is, they continue to elect a different leader every hour or two or three until every member of their Party gets the opportunity to speak for a long time. 

What result?

A very upset party Leader?

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