Aftermath - the 2021 elections

Well, that was depressing.

I think people are fed up with covid19, people are fed up with vaccine mandates, people are fed up with the Democrats talking about vaccines. 
just watch how the republicans are winning. People are fed up with Biden too! 

We're all fed up with Covid-19.

Only the uninformed or deluded think lashing out against Democrats will help solve that problem.

I am as well ( fed up)  the democrats are a bunch of weenies

Not sure what people expect.

Not sure people know what they expect.

So if a person who supports Democratic Policies 90 % doesn't vote (or votes republican)because Dems are having difficulty enacting those policies, in large measure to Republicans' total opposition what does that say about such person.

oots said:

I am as well ( fed up)  the democrats are a bunch of weenies

Passing the new voting rights act should have been a no brainer.

Another thing they can do, if they had the courage, is to expand the house by 50%. Our population more than doubled since it was set to 435. Increasing the house favors the high population states which are mostly blue. The senate is biased in favor of the small states. Why not d a little re-balance?

They can also change the allocation formula for house representation by using the Jefferson method which favors large states. The method we now use favors small states. 

Do something instead of wringing our hands.

You don't win when you bring butter knifes to gun fights.

I think a lot of this falls at the feet of Manchin and Sinema.  If the Dems had been able to refer to a historic recovery program and real action on many fronts, they would have been the party of action.  Historic action has been taken and recovery is in progress but those two torpedoed any PR effort to portray the Democratic agenda as such.

Instead, they came across as the party of failure and infighting.  Yertle Mcconell  may be a useless 10 pound sack of dog manure crammed into a 5 pound turtle shell but, when it comes to keeping a caucus in order, the Dems could really learn something from the man.

This election was all about momentum.

A lot is just bitterness from losing the last general.   As history has shown - Virginia tends to go towards the opposite party.

Jersey is a bit closer then expected - but we did get Chris Christie the year after Obama was elected.

Klinker said:

Yertle Mcconell  may be a useless 10 pound sack of dog manure crammed into a 5 pound turtle shell but, when it comes to keeping a caucus in order, the Dems could really learn something from the man.

Useless? No, he's very useful. When he ran the senate he got he wanted.

As for Manchin and Sinema, if they weren't around its possible some other Democratic senator or senators would have come out that woodwork.

This is on the Democratic party and Biden. Funny how Johnson could get the racist southern senators to vote for his civil rights legislation.

Try harder. Instead of we Democrats want to give you this and that but sadly we never seem to get the votes for real progressive change. Even when they have the majorities in both houses of congress and a Democratic administration.

RTrent said:

This is on the Democratic party and Biden. Funny how Johnson could get the racist southern senators to vote for his civil rights legislation.

Northern Democrats needed Republicans to overcome the Southern Democrats and pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act. "At the time, a two-thirds vote, or sixty-seven senators, was required to invoke cloture and cut off debate in the Senate. Since southern Democrats opposed the legislation, votes from a substantial number of senators in the Republican minority would be needed to end the filibuster."

U.S. Senate: Landmark Legislation: The Civil Rights Act of 1964

the WaPo of course positioned yesterday as "Democrats are in trouble." I think the whole country is in trouble.  We have half of our voters influenced by all sorts of misinformation and disinformation, who oppose science and public health initiatives.

We're not even done counting, and Phil Murphy has more votes than he did in 2017.  What's different this year is hundreds of thousands more right wing voters came out because they are angry that we have a governor who was trying to mitigate a pandemic.  In VA, hundreds of thousands of conservatives are livid about a theory that is NOT being taught in their schools.

we're not just dealing with a large subset of ignorant voters.  We have a large contingent of voters who have been targets of propaganda, who are living in a distorted reality.

They should really replace the IQ test with a comparison to ml1's voting record.  What kind of rube would cast a vote for a candidate he doesn't approve of?

terp said:

They should really replace the IQ test with a comparison to ml1's voting record.  What kind of rube would cast a vote for a candidate he doesn't approve of?

because the other guy is worse.


Justice Alito to the rescue to further add to today's depression. We are in such deep sh!t.  The whole country is gonna go wild west within a year.

Frustrated with historical Whac-a-mole, Justice Samuel Alito took a simpler approach: bemoan the plight of the “ordinary law abiding citizens” denied their “right to self-defense.” His question to New York Solicitor General Barbara Underwood is worth quoting in full:

“So I want you to think about people like this, people who work late at night in Manhattan, it might be somebody who cleans offices, it might be a doorman at an apartment, it might be a nurse or an orderly, it might be somebody who washes dishes. None of these people has a criminal record. They’re all law-abiding citizens. They get off work around midnight, maybe even after midnight. They have to commute home by subway, maybe by bus. When they arrive at the subway station or the bus stop, they have to walk some distance through a high-crime area. And they apply for a license, and they say: “Look, nobody has said I’m going to mug you next Thursday. However, there have been a lot of muggings in this area, and I am scared to death.” They do not get licenses, is that right?”

When Underwood responded that it might be unwise to allow “a lot of armed people in an enclosed space” like the subway, Alito snapped: “There are a lot of armed people on the streets of New York and in the subways late at night right now, aren’t there?”

terp said:

They should really replace the IQ test with a comparison to ml1's voting record.  What kind of rube would cast a vote for a candidate he doesn't approve of?

 that's an odd interpretation of what I wrote.

CNN is referring to Tuesday's Democratic "bloodbath".

Bloodbath? Two close elections, of which they won one?

A bloodbath?

I hate these people.

drummerboy said:

CNN is referring to Tuesday's Democratic "bloodbath".

Bloodbath? Two close elections, of which they won one?

A bloodbath?

I hate these people.

 best thing that could have happened might have been Steve Sweeney losing

drummerboy said:

CNN is referring to Tuesday's Democratic "bloodbath".

Bloodbath? Two close elections, of which they won one?

A bloodbath?

I hate these people.

 On the one hand, I agree that the media, especially TV media, sensationalize the news, with all sorts of negative consequences. OTOH, I don't see much value in trying to pretend that the elections weren't anything other than a significant setback for the Democrats. The swing away from the Democrats, not just at the gubernatorial level but down the ticket as well, is objectively bad news for the party. Even in races where the Democrats prevailed their margins have shrunk from previous years, especially in the suburban districts that were a key part in Biden's victory and in winning the House majority.

Now what this means for 2022 I couldn't say. I still maintain that the biggest factor is the pandemic and associated effects. Kids' vaccines are going out now; if the supply chain issues get worked out soon, then I would expect Biden's approval (and the Dems in general) to improve and for them to be in a stronger position for the midterms. And if Trump gets more involved, I imagine that will also drive up Democratic turnout significantly.

ml1 said:

drummerboy said:

CNN is referring to Tuesday's Democratic "bloodbath".

Bloodbath? Two close elections, of which they won one?

A bloodbath?

I hate these people.

 best thing that could have happened might have been Steve Sweeney losing

 Every cloud has a silver lining.

I think there's little hope for the Democrats to shift the tide anytime soon, BBB passing or not. Biden was always going to be just a placeholder presidency and at this point I think he's running on fumes. That is an albacore around the neck of any Dem candidate. I've said this before, I think the base case is that he muddles through and in early '23 announces he won't run for a second term. That will energize the party by  enabling it to look toward the future. Until then it will be a slog or worse.  

drummerboy said:

CNN is referring to Tuesday's Democratic "bloodbath".

Bloodbath? Two close elections, of which they won one?

A bloodbath?

I hate these people.

 you'd think after 2020, they'd at least hedge a little before writing their narratives.  Because like last year, as the later votes come in, Murphy's lead is getting larger.  As of now he leads by 1.5% over Ciatarelli.  And with votes still left to count, that lead will probably increase.

jeebus, in the time it took me to write that post, Murphy's lead ticked up another 0.1%

Out of curiosity where are you following the numbers?

Smedley said:

That is an albacore around the neck of any Dem candidate.

A chicken of the sea for every pot!

drummerboy said:

because the other guy is worse.


 OMG! I thought that  if you live long enough, there wouldn’t be spin cycles and shocking turn-arounds in what goes-around left to confound me!

I used similar “logic” back in 2016 and found no one else in MOLand  thought the decision was anything but evil. Five years later, folks here taunt me for having elected Trump all by myself. I believed, and still do, that voting for HRC would have been wrong - just vote for the party, forget the person? 

To be frank, I thought Mrs C had it in the bag. But something happened on the stump which derailed her long political ambition: breaking the glass ceiling of highest office in the land. She insulted Americans Aka Deplorables, ran a sloppy campaign, and I think no one wanted to have Bill back in the White House, anyway.

So, I voted for the guy I thought wouldn’t win!

A glass half full, is a glass half empty —

Smedley said:

Biden was always going to be just a placeholder presidency and at this point I think he's running on fumes. That is an albacore around the neck of any Dem candidate.

Exactly. People are thinking that it might be better to go back to the days of President Chunk Light. 

Smedley said:

That is an albacore around the neck of any Dem candidate. 

 And he has been ever since he lost the election in 2000.

mtierney said:

To be frank, I thought Mrs C had it in the bag. But something happened on the stump which derailed her long political ambition: breaking the glass ceiling of highest office in the land. She insulted Americans Aka Deplorables, ran a sloppy campaign, and I think no one wanted to have Bill back in the White House, anyway.

 Well, I think we can agree that HRC ran a lousy campaign.

Ha, I was hoping folks would pick up on that. Great Sopranos malapropism.

Johnny Boy Soprano : ----ing albacore around my neck! Every time I try to do somethin'! Me and the kids will go without ya!

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