Snow, Sleet, and Rain Today Feb 20th

Snow Wed Feb 20 in the afternoon changes over to sleet and rain at night.

Substantial cold dry air will slow the onset of the snow tomorrow but the flakes should make it to the ground by early to mid afternoon.  Snow, light to moderate, will continue through the evening rush but only 1 - 2 inches should accumulate before sleet mixes in around 9:00 or 10:00 pm.   Precipitation should change over to all rain before midnight, and end before dawn.  There is a chance of some freezing rain during changeover but no significant ice accumulation is expected.

In other words, likely another non-event.

tomcat said:
In other words, likely another non-event.

 Now you've done it....

I wonder whether they will cancel school yet again.

Klinker said:
I wonder whether they will cancel school yet again.

 Seriously, just leave them there overnight tonight. They'll figure it out. Humans are resourceful. You can pick them on Friday, no one will know.

From the sounds of it, if anything there will be a cancellation of after-school activities and no Aftercare again.

Klinker said:
I wonder whether they will cancel school yet again.

It's February and we've had two snow days. This is surprising to you?

Winter Weather Advisory from noon on Wed.  No change to previous forecast.

Hm.  Channel 7 weather dude just said he's expecting 3-6" for most of New Jersey.  

Does this storm have the possibility of being like the November storm?

It sounds as if the snow will come before the kids get out, and go right through rush hour.  If that is the case we could be in for a repeat.

The one difference is (I would think) the DPWs should have learned their lesson and will salt when the first flake hits.  

SOMSD just announced early dismissal tomorrow. No aftercare.

ctrzaska said:

 Two posts up from you someone said that the dpw should have "learned their lesson".  Once bitten twice shy.

Is there a name for this "storm"? Trying to help my daughter but we can't find it. Thx! 

mrincredible said:

Klinker said:
I wonder whether they will cancel school yet again.
It's February and we've had two snow days. This is surprising to you?

 I am more frustrated by the failure of the schools to keep any sort of a regular schedule.  Between the half days, in service days,  union conventions, snow days, early dismissals, etc, etc, etc...... it is practically impossible to maintain any sort of work schedule.  That's not even considering the sick days that kids inevitably encounter.

The first week of this month we had a half day for God only knows what, the next week we had a snow day and a delayed opening for a storm that was honestly pretty half-assed.  This week we had President's Day off on Monday, today off  for "Winter Break" tomorrow will be an early dismissal and I would be willing to bet that Thursday will be a delayed opening.  Next week Weds, Thursday and Friday will be half days for parent teacher conferences.

I understand that things like blizzards and hurricanes will inevitably cause disruptions but, bearing that in mind, isn't there something that the district can do to streamline schedules and make life bearable for parents trying to devise schedules around their school age children???

justal said:
Is there a name for this "storm"? Trying to help my daughter but we can't find it. Thx! 

 No winter storms have names.  Only the Weather Channel seems to think they do.

Ah, science teacher throwing them a trick question lol. Thx! 

Klinker said:

mrincredible said:

Klinker said:
I wonder whether they will cancel school yet again.
It's February and we've had two snow days. This is surprising to you?
 I am more frustrated by the failure of the schools to keep any sort of a regular schedule.  Between the half days, in service days,  union conventions, snow days, early dismissals, etc, etc, etc...... it is practically impossible to maintain any sort of work schedule.  That's not even considering the sick days that kids inevitably encounter.
The first week of this month we had a half day for God only knows what, the next week we had a snow day and a delayed opening for a storm that was honestly pretty half-assed.  This week we had President's Day off on Monday, today off  for "Winter Break" tomorrow will be an early dismissal and I would be willing to bet that Thursday will be a delayed opening.  Next week Weds, Thursday and Friday will be half days for parent teacher conferences.
I understand that things like blizzards and hurricanes will inevitably cause disruptions but, bearing that in mind, isn't there something that the district can do to streamline schedules and make life bearable for parents trying to devise schedules around their school age children???

   I agree. Our teachers union has negotiated all sorts of stuff that makes it super hard for parents in this district. Start dates, half days, personal days etc. Now snow days/half days, etc. I work around it but others have it bad. And we honor a range of holidays. this cuts vacations down for everyone. It really seems silly. I don’t begrudge teachers in any way whatsoever, but this is NUTS. 

My apologies for the thread drift . . . 

Mammabear - I sympathize.  Please understand that the lack of continuity makes most teachers crazy.  I'm still up because the schedule change created by the early dismissal makes my original plans for Wednesday impossible.  

Every time there is a delayed opening, snow day or early dismissal we have to reorganize lesson plans, update homework assignments, reschedule tests, etc.   And despite having a district-supplied chromebook, a decent percentage of students can't seem to check their email.

Add in to the chaos the large numbers of students out with the flu, plus the students whose parents pulled them out before the long weekend for family vacations.  At this point I am desperate for several 5 day weeks so I can get into a routine.

I don't teach in SOMA, so I don't know how many of the disruptions are actually the result of union negotiations. But many disruptions are caused by state-mandated testing and professional development requirements . . . 

State law mandates 180 days of school per year. The district, not the union, decides how this will be scheduled. The only input the union has is the annual convention. Those dates are set by state law.

justal said:
Is there a name for this "storm"? Trying to help my daughter but we can't find it. Thx! 


Winter Weather Advisory remains in effect today, Wed Feb 20th, from noon through tonight.

The forecast remains more or less consistent with snow starting in the early afternoon and changing over this evening through sleet to rain with little chance of icing.  

Latest model runs have the precipitation center more north and east than prior runs, so snow totals could be as high as 2 - 4" now.

But there is a small but growing upside potential of another 1 -  2" of additional snow before changeover.  This could happen in one (or both) of two related ways.  The forecast above is based on the dry air mass currently in place absorbing the first hour or two of precipitation as virga*.  If there is a heavy front end thump of snow it may overcome the dry air and add an inch or so at the outset.  Also, if banding develops (not a high probibility but possible nonetheless) in the afternoon there could be a period of heavy snow, adding 1 - 2".  In this scenario, snow forecast would be more like 4 - 6" total.  This is a lower probability than the current 2 - 4" forecast but is certainly possible.  There is no way to be sure about this until it happens.

In any scenario, the second half of the storm still changes over as forecast.

Can you guys see the maps?  I can't see them on my tablet.

No, the maps are not visible -- there are two "no image" pictures.

Max, really thank you so much always!

justal said:
Ah, science teacher throwing them a trick question lol. Thx! 

 Oh, I suppose the teacher is trying to build awareness of weather.  I will stop being such a pendant.  Tell her to use the weather channel's name.  

fiche said:
No, the maps are not visible -- there are two "no image" pictures.

Max, really thank you so much always!

 Alright.  I don't know what's up with that.  Anyway, the maps come from here:

max_weisenfeld said:

justal said:
Ah, science teacher throwing them a trick question lol. Thx! 
 Oh, I suppose the teacher is trying to build awareness of weather.  I will stop being such a pendant.  Tell her to use the weather channel's name.  

 Don't give up, Max.  There is too much dumbing down in society.  Kids can learn about things correctly.  I show my son what you write.  Some goes past him, but he gets a little more each time.

Formerlyjerseyjack said:
State law mandates 180 days of school per year. The district, not the union, decides how this will be scheduled. The only input the union has is the annual convention. Those dates are set by state law.

 The union dictates quite a few things. They set parameters on teacher conference half days, the actual start date of school, etc. The district has to work around these things. We have 3 half days for teacher conferences next week.

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