Poldark on PBS 2015

Happy tearily wet sighs. Just watched Ep 8, the final of the season. Deliciously sad and action packed.

I think what I like about this version is the quieter chemistry between Ross and Demelza, it seems so much more natural. And Elizabeth is more normally spoilt and jealous, George is just evil and scheming not able to work out why no one really deep-down likes him. Dr Ennis I find wishy-washy.

Dying. Of. Suspense.

My husband has started reading the books and says they are excellent as well. I can't decide whether to read first or watch first. I saw the original back int he day, but I was 15 and don't remember anything except hunky Robin Ellis.

I hate Connecticut public broadcasting. I never get anything here until it's already finished elsewhere. Or is this another of those damn Masterpiece things that my DVR just doesn't figure out until I do lots of extra research???

Want us to find a way to send you our downloads??

Coming later this month in US, I think.



PeggyC, the series premiers on Sunday, June 21st at 9 pm on PBS (channel 13) - Do you have channel thirteen in CT? If so you should be able to access the Poldark series and record it (8 episodes).

PBS is on different stations from state to state or even city to city, so we don't really have channel 13 as such. There are equivalents in Hartford and (of course) Boston, and they schedule somewhat differently. But I will be on the lookout for it, for sure. And I will check online to see if I can get the videos there.

Just a reminder that Poldark premiers this Sunday, June 21st at 9 pm.

Thank you!!! Just set it up on my DVR. True to form, the name was just different enough from all the other Masterpiece shows that the DVR had not picked up on it yet, and my DVR only lets me set up shows that are less than a week away. Very tedious, having to keep checking back to see if I can set a show up yet or not.

So, Aidan Turner... WOW. I liked him a lot as a dwarf. I like him even more now. smile

Agreed. I loved that he was such a ruffian. Sigh.

Other thoughts: I don't see why they made Francis such a goody-goody. Relationship in the books was much more interesting. (I am on book 8 now..obsessed!)

LOVED Uncle Charles. So sorry the actor died.

I didn't find Elizabeth as much of a "famous beauty" as I had hoped. Demelza was much older and more mature than in the book, but I guess that is necessary since they are crunching the timelines.

Also George Warleggan was so...aristocratic looking! And short.

That said, I thoroughly enjoyed the breakneck action, scenery (they seemed to have recycled a few shots from Cornwall's one nice day of the year, but it was gorgeous) and repartee, and look forward to next week.

I was stunned when I saw that the actor playing the uncle had died... he was only 67, too. Poor man.

Having not read the books, I didn't have anything to compare to, but I was a little surprised by a few things. First, I did expect Elizabeth to be prettier, given her place in things. And it seemed odd that Demelza would be running around pretending to be a boy with a mangy dog when she looks to be around 20. But I can overlook those oddities, I think.

I must have been very lucky when I was in Cornwall a few decades ago... the weather was glorious for days on end. Come to think of it, the weather always looks good in Doc Martin, too. oh oh

BTW, I see they have signed up for a new season, so it's gotten off to a great start!

Regarding George Warleggan - is the older Warleggan the father of George or his uncle?

Elizabeth seems to be more human in this version than the character from the old series. Not so much of a snob (yet). Interesting how the family is eager to persuade Ross to leave Cornwall.

The acting is very good and I am enjoying the settings and scenery.

I am pretty sure Warleggan Sr. is George's uncle, not father.

The family was eager to get Ross to leave EXCEPT for Elizabeth. Talk about dog in the manger. She wants to go ahead and marry the cousin, but she wants Ross to hang around so she can watch him mooning after her? Not nice. At least, that's how she strikes me after one episode. Like she doesn't know what she wants but is prepared to be very selfish while she figures it out.

oh oh

What makes me really happy is that D decided it's 'our' next series. Very happy sighs! No more weird SF/anime or brutal obscure murder series for a bit.

Well, now you've seen the first Ep...


I feel sad for Ellis (sounds like sour grapes, a bit).... This next article may contain small spoilers if you don't know the plot


Fansite recap. If you visit PoldarkDish on Facebook, you'll see that Mr Turner pops in occasionally to say hi to the fans in person.


joanne said:
oh oh
What makes me really happy is that D decided it's 'our' next series. Very happy sighs! No more weird SF/anime or brutal obscure murder series for a bit.

Hah! I know exactly what you mean. Too bad we can't put D and my husband together so they can watch "their" shows while we watch "our" shows. smile

Actually, regarding Ellis and the article about TV shows, clothing, and male physique, I think he's absolutely right. In the '70s, men were not expected to have six-packs that look like they are carved with a knife. And men did not usually strip off on television. There was a whole different approach back then.

Turner's quip about hoping they get him some clothes for the second season was pretty funny. I wonder how comfortable he is running around half naked for the camera? He's definitely in good enough shape for it, but it would not sit well with everyone to show that much to millions. He's going to have quite the following after this!

Joanne, back on the Sci-Fi side, though, have you and D tried "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell"? I've caught the first two episodes and am absolutely transfixed. It's about two magicians who are trying to revive magic in England, with very mixed results. Not sure what the time period is exactly, but there are lots of lace cuffs, corsets, and powdered wigs, so I'm guessing the cusp of the 18th-19th centuries. Beautifully done and deliciously quirky.

We started Poldark with lunch; it's heading on to 1am, and we're halfway thru. Stopping for some sleep!!!

D said he's getting that SF/fantasy series, has a couple of eps now.

What are they doing about the loss of the actor who played Uncle Charles? I assume the character is in the rest of the episodes, so are they hiring someone new to play him? That's going to be a tough act to follow.

Oh, and one of those articles you posted had a line that made me laugh out loud about the actress who plays Elizabeth needing an extra dressing room just for her lips... LOL! Although she needs yet another one for her teeth, if you ask me.

Ah, never mind about my question regarding Uncle Charles and Warren Clarke. I found the answer but won't post here to avoid spoilers.

oh oh

For everyone else, all I can say is, be patient.

D -who revealed he was quite taken with the earlier Demelza (her tresses, you know!!! LOL) - is really enjoying this version. We both feel we know Tomlinson, but we don't, really. She has a feel of classic Amy Pond about her cheese

I feel sorry for Props and Wardrobe: sourcing all that lovely stuff only to have it grubbed up, torn etc.

Tomlinson (playing Demelza, right?) was in the White Queen in that mini-series a couple of years ago. But I would not have recognized her in this. Did she change her hair color or something??

(Yes, she did change her hair dramatically... it was dark for The White Queen. She played Isabel Neville.)

Yeah, but we didn't really pay attention to that.

Anyone watch the first two episodes? I am enjoying it.

Yes, I'm planning to watch the whole series, as long as it runs. The first two episodes have been great.

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