Meet the Mets (For Mets Fans Only!)

I’m curious.  Do Mets fans hate the Braves or Phillies more?   Or, who are you pulling for?  I’m going with the underdogs throughout the post season.  Good start for the Phillies. 

Do not love but was pulling for Phillies.  Underdog is my default setting when my team is out of it.

Yeah, I like the Phillies.  But I'm not bothering to watch.  Also, I don't hate the Yankees.  It's just their fans that I don't like.

Add to the list of former Mets in the playoffs: (It will be long)


I hate all Philly teams. I don't root for them any time, any way, anywhere. Their fans are the worst. 

I was Switzerland when the Eagles and Pats squared off in the Super Bowl. 

I'm rooting for Atlanta to beat the Phils and the Dodgers to beat Atlanta. 

And Houston to beat them all.

I'm rooting for the Guardians and Mariners, so they should be out by the weekend. I'm pulling for the Phils, because I like Wheeler. Also it makes me sick to my stomach seeing d'Arnaud hit HRs and become a legitimate catcher. Makes me wonder about the Mets' coaching. 

Justin Turner, Kelenic, I think Rafael Montero. Chris Flexen.

jfinnegan said:

Justin Turner, Kelenic, I think Rafael Montero. Chris Flexen.

McHugh and Hand.

I think that's it.  Anyone else?

jimmurphy said:

McHugh and Hand.

I think that's it.  Anyone else?

Did Castro, the reliever they traded for Rodriguez, make the Yanks' roster?  

Rain delay in Atlanta. Sunny and beautiful in Flushing. :-(

jfinnegan said:

Did Castro, the reliever they traded for Rodriguez, make the Yanks' roster?  

Yes. Don’t know why I left him off because I thought of him and checked last night.

Point was/is that there are so many castoffs, guys the Mets failed to develop, and unfortunate financial decisions. Enough to make half a team!

For some reason d’Arneau stands out most. Should have been able to “fix” him.

And Bassit did himself absolutely no favors with those recent comments about New York and its fans. Could be an underlying issue/cause, but you don’t say it out loud when you’re an impending free agent.

I was just watching Syndergaard. His velocity is down significantly. It’s kind of sad.

jimmurphy said:

Yes. Don’t know why I left him off because I thought of him and checked last night.

Point was/is that there are so many castoffs, guys the Mets failed to develop, and unfortunate financial decisions. Enough to make half a team!

For some reason d’Arneau stands out most. Should have been able to “fix” him.

he had not recovered from his injuries when the Mets cut him. He also washed out with the Dodgers. Neither of those teams could have predicted he'd recover fully. 

Astros beat Indians in 6

Phils beat Padres in 7

Astros beat Phils in 6.

Padres must beat the Philthies to make everything right in the Universe again. 

BarneyGumble said:

Astros beat Phils in 6.


Diaz signed to five years at $102 million. Happy news, if you ask me.  

Congrats Buck, on his 4th. Tied for most since the award began.

I may be the only Mets fan in the world who thinks that this is a mistake.  I love the guy.  He knows the game better than anyone.  But he managed a pretty good roster to a poor finish, made some questionable lineup calls every time he put in Ruf and failed to get Guillorme even one post season at bat.  I do not want to fire him or anything, but the Phillies manager took over a disaster of a team and got them to the world series.  That's impressive.

Isn't the voting done before the playoffs? I thought he did a bad job from August on. 

jfinnegan said:

Isn't the voting done before the playoffs? I thought he did a bad job from August on. 

They won 101 games. Dispatched in a three-game series by the team which also eliminated the Dodgers. Buck didn't trade for Ruf or Vogelbacon. He did a GREAT job. Period. 

their hitters got shut down by the Cubs, Nats, and Braves in the last few weeks of the season. And that was that. If someone wants to blame Buck for his hitters not hitting, I suppose they can. But to me it's just part of 162 games. Every team hits a few bumps. And when a team wins 101 games, there aren't that many bumps.

And I'll admit I was wrong, wrong, wrong about Buck. I thought he was too old school, and not the right guy for the job. He was neither of those things.

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