Failed Fall Foliage? - Finally, found fine foliage!

Is it me or is this season's foliage a big failure? Half the trees are still green and the others seem to be going directly to a motley brown color.


Please address your comments to the management.

It’s not just you.  Spectacular fall foliage depends on moisture.  We had almost no rainfall in September. 

“Last week, before the coastal storm hit, most of New Jersey was designated as “abnormally dry,” and 37 percent of the state had moderate drought conditions.”

mrincredible said:

Please address your comments to the management.

 Mother Nature?

The leaves are definitely a letdown so far. However, on the good news side, my purple gladioli have bloomed...about two months after the red and pink ones did. But climate change is a myth...

drummerboy said:

 Mother Nature?

 Go outside and demand to speak to a manager. Do it very loud and repeat yourself until one responds.  surprised

take a drive on so orange ave thru the "s" curves on a nice sunny day-gorgeous!

Yesterday scenic overlook on I-78.  SOOC ; minor crop

this is the most color I saw all day.

There is some color but the weather isn't helping.

Yesterday here in The Quarry...


On the AT near Hardwick, NJ.  Not much fall color this year. 

oots said:

take a drive on so orange ave thru the "s" curves on a nice sunny day-gorgeous!

I have to say the drive through the curves was very picturesque today, late in the afternoon after the sun came out.

I was struck by the sameness of the colors though. The problem this year is that there is no red. It goes from gold to orang-ish and that's it.

I went west on 78, into Pa.  Nice color. Should also be good tomorrow.

Saturday route:  Maplewood to Newark, Newark to Egg Harbor Township, EHT to Linwood (near AC), Linwood to Flemington and finally Flemington to Maplewood.

Fall foliage was very variable.  Some areas were green, others had good mix of reds & yellows, but many were just fading into dull brown.

Photos below- I hope- were taken SMR Mon & Wed lat week.  All are SOOC

This is my favorite.  ALL are SOOC

Apollo_T said:

A few more from last week.

Great photos

Not great but Maplecrest Park on Sunday. 

I took a drive down Old Short Hills Road through Millburn and it was quite pretty. Lots of reds. Very nice.

Oddly though there still were many trees that were still green.

On the way back, went on JFK Parkway, and it looked like the dead of winter. Hardly any leaves left.

One of our town trees usually turns yellow and the other red. Sadly, this almost never happens simultaneously. Our yellow tree is past its peak and now going brown. The other one is still stubbornly green. We also have one in our back yard that is always the very last tree around to turn (yellow.) It is the one that waits until after the last scheduled leaf pickup every year and still very dark green.

Do flowers count? I wait all summer for the wild fall blooms of Monkshood. Poisonous but beautiful. Deliberately chose to place them behind the angel.

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