Favorite free antivirus?

While PCMag recommends Panda as its top pick (and CNET places it second), there are clearly problems in Panda land.
Do you like Comodo or Avast better? Or something else entirely?
Already have anti-malware.

I use Windows very lightly these days, but believe it or not, I've been using Windows Defender as my anti-virus.

I supplement it with Malwarebytes and SuperAntiSpyware, both free versions. SuperAntiSpyware does run "resident," i.e. lurking and watching for spyware. The free version of Malwarebytes doesn't, so you have to run a sweep occasionally.

I have been very happy with Avast. The free version is very good. I was so impressed that I bought the pro version.

Avast, for years and years.

AVG for computers and phone.

How about for Macs?

Went with Avast. Thanks all!

Tom uses Windows Defender because he likes to fix his computer.

mbmom said:

How about for Macs?

Unnecessary, I'm told. At least, for now.

not unnecessary at all, and while Apple is using XProtect in it's software it still doesn't do everything.

Monster said:

not unnecessary at all, and while Apple is using XProtect in it's software it still doesn't do everything.

So what my kids have been telling me (or selling me) all these years is no longer valid?

If that's the case, what do you recommend? I'm a new MacBook owner (whose desktop PC has always had McAfee).

McAfee sucks ass, can't tell you how many times... and Norton...

Your kids are correct, well mostly. Macs are fundamentally safer. I think that adware is more of a concern for Mac users than other types of malware.

I don't have a favorite utility for the Mac, but I might suggest you take a look at ClamXav, and Sophos.

Thanks for the suggestion. I will look into them.

Monster said:

Tom uses Windows Defender because he likes to fix his computer.

No malware so far, but I don't browse the web with Windows. This is key. Not everyone has that luxury.

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