Donating Older PC's

Is there any places where older computers can be donated and if so how do you wipe the hard drive so all personal information is gone?

If you wipe the hard drive then the PC will no longer have windows. Making it somewhat less useful.

You may want to simply securely delete your personal files. Use a secure file delete program.

Free Secure File Deletion Program

how old?  windows 7 or newer...probably

windows 3.1, 95, not likely.

google 'factory reset'.  it should reset it back to the way you got it (with windows) least for not too old computers.

A factory reset may not securely delete personal files.

the best way to 100% securely remove all files is  to take out the hard drive...which will make it harder to give away..

simply deleting the files definitely does not fully delete just clears space and marks it available for use...FBI techs could still get at the files.  A high level technical crook could also do it.

I am guessing from the responses it is best to destroy the hard drive and bring the PC's and laptops to electronic recycling.

supposedly the programs to over write the data have to look into in more.  if you can remove the hard drive, you can see if anyone will take it that way.

or if you really want to help a charity, try to sell to a refurbisher minus the hard drive and donate the money.

I take in older computers to rehab for elementary school kids, at no cost to anyone. It’s a hobby. I always securely wipe the hard drives, but if the donor prefers, I also take a pick axe to the hard drive out in my driveway.

At this point, I only take in Windows 7 (or later) desktops and laptops. Earlier ones are too slow and unreliable. 

I can retrieve any photos, documents, etc upon request. If anyone would like to donate, please feel free to PM me. There are too many families who cannot afford to buy computers  for their kids. 

metaphysician said:
I take in older computers to rehab for elementary school kids, at no cost to anyone. It’s a hobby. I always securely wipe the hard drives, but if the donor prefers, I also take a pick axe to the hard drive out in my driveway.
At this point, I only take in Windows 7 (or later) desktops and laptops. Earlier ones are too slow and unreliable. 
I can retrieve any photos, documents, etc upon request. If anyone would like to donate, please feel free to PM me. There are too many families who cannot afford to buy computers  for their kids. 

 You are the best! xoxo

I have one for you too Meta.  Let's connect for a drop off.

Do you also take old Macs?

Boomie, drop me a PM with contact info &  when would be most convenient. I can pick up if you like. 

Kthnry, I’m not a Mac guy, so working on them just isn’t in my wheelhouse. Some of their laptop designs seem to  require 3 spackle knives and a kaleidoscope just to crack them open. 

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