Cruise control on a NJ highway--useless?

NJ highways: I have never used cruise control in my life. I don't think it was ever even discussed when I was learning to drive in NJ. Does anyone use cruise control around here? It makes sense way out west, but I don't understand it here. I'm taking an informal poll.

Depends on traffic. Not often on Turnpike or Parkway up here, but 78 or 80 outside rush hour, often.

I use it whenever possible, which isn't often. Usually I only have a chance on long drives - not commuting or driving to IKEA type stuff.

I use it ... with varying degrees of success.

I almost always use cruise control. I change speeds with it, instead of the gas pedal as I can get more control over the speed.

I guess it would be a wonderful thing to have on western state highways. Someday, I will get there and experience it.

I use it all over. Especially on Ridgewood and Prospect when I do my best to stay at the 25 mph speed limit. Oddly enough there is a dip on Ridgewood right near Floods Hill where the cruise control always shuts off and starts going faster, which is nothing I've had happen anywhere else.

I never used cruise control till I got my new car last year (Mazda). Its cruise control will slow your car down if the car in front of you slows down. You select the speed you want to go, say 70mph, and the distance to maintain from the car in front of you. If you approach a car that is only doing 65, it will slow you down to match their speed and speed back up when the car in front of you speeds up or moves. It will slow down as low as 20mph. I use it all the time now.

This is not a Mazda exclusive, lots of makes have this

I was always told that cruise control shouldn't be used below about 45 mph. I use it a lot on highways, but never even thought of doing so on local roads.

grahamb said:
I never used cruise control till I got my new car last year (Mazda). Its cruise control will slow your car down if the car in front of you slows down. You select the speed you want to go, say 70mph, and the distance to maintain from the car in front of you. If you approach a car that is only doing 65, it will slow you down to match their speed and speed back up when the car in front of you speeds up or moves. It will slow down as low as 20mph. I use it all the time now.
This is not a Mazda exclusive, lots of makes have this

This is a really cool feature. I wish my car had it, along with the blind-spot sensors, too, it would really make driving in a modern car which usually comes fully equipped with minimal peripheral vision so much easier and safer.

This sounds like a great idea too, particularly if you have a teenager. But I do hope it is an "optional" setting. Otherwise it will definitely fail in NJ.

I like that this is something everyone has an opinion on.

It was definitely awesome when we took a road trip out west 10 years ago and you could go hours without seeing another car. I can't imagine the frustration here, though, but I guess everyone has different driving preferences. I just feel like, for me, if I was controlling the speed with my hands, if I had to stop suddenly it would take an extra second for my feet to remember their job at the pedals.

But this is probably why I never played the drums.

Anyway, I can't wait for the robot cars. Those automatic cruise controls described above sound great

I use cruise control when I'm going to be driving for a while, and it seems like traffic is flowing normally. I don't bother on my way to and from work.

I have never used cruise control. I think driving should be an entirely active process

I also use cruise on Ridgewood rd! Especially later at night when no one is around and I just got off the highway... In NJ, this is where I use it most.

conandrob240 said:
I have never used cruise control. I think driving should be an entirely active process

I primarily use it for gas efficiency. If I can lock in at a good pace I tend to get better gas mileage than minor adjustments up and down that happen when you're controlling the speed. But yes, obviously, you still have to pay attention!

If you drive a significant distance, using cruise control can significantly reduce fatigue. And, for shorter or longer distances it can improve efficiency.

It isn't an autopilot (although I hear that's coming ...)

skadave said:
I never use it.

Nor do I. Never will.

Those who say you never use it - have you ever tried? It can make a huge (positive)difference on long driving trips.

I wish more people would use it on highways. It may be my imagination, but on my drive to/from Rochester this last weekend, it seemed to me that a lot of people in the passing lane would slow down a bit when alongside the vehicle they were passing. Cruise control prevents this from happening.

skadave said:
I never use it.

As the post office says, "Each to his zone."

ctrzaska said:

skadave said:
I never use it.
Nor do I. Never will.

93%* of all drivers think their driving skills are above average.

Cruise control is a safety feature that regulates traffic flow and saves on fuel.



On 78 I find that cruise control is the best way to drive, particularly as you drive in the west on the hills. Not only do you maintain proper speed going uphill, but also as you go downhill.

I use it every day on 280 and the turnpike on my way to the GWB.

tjohn said:
I wish more people would use it on highways. It may be my imagination, but on my drive to/from Rochester this last weekend, it seemed to me that a lot of people in the passing lane would slow down a bit when alongside the vehicle they were passing. Cruise control prevents this from happening.

Interestingly enough, there's a study that says cruise control is responsible for people driving in the passing lane longer than necessary. Makes sense given folks don't accelerate when passing on CC.

sac said:
Those who say you never use it - have you ever tried? It can make a huge (positive)difference on long driving trips.

I have. The last thing I need is one less thing keeping me focused on the actual role of driving, particularly on longer trips where monotony and its negative impact on reaction timeis already a factor.

I'm using it right now. It makes posting so much easier.

(Yes I'm kidding).

mrincredible said:
I'm using it right now. It makes posting so much easier.

(Yes I'm kidding).

Good one. I almost crashed into the car in front of me reading this.

ctrzaska said:

sac said:
Those who say you never use it - have you ever tried? It can make a huge (positive)difference on long driving trips.
I have. The last thing I need is one less thing keeping me focused on the actual role of driving, particularly on longer trips where monotony and its negative impact on reaction timeis already a factor.

Completely agree on this. I find it to be really useless and the feeling of loss of control isntone I am comfortable with

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