Bloomberg vs Trump. Who's worse?

I'm not trying to step in as a Bloomberg apologist or supporter. I like other candidates better at the moment. But here's one thing to think about relative to the "Bloomberg as autocrat" argument.

I honestly believe a Congress with it's current makeup would actually be more likely to hold Bloomberg to account than the disgusting display of Republican stonewalling we saw with the impeachment trial. I think of a President Bloomberg pulled the same nonsense as Trump, the Democratic controlled House could possibly consider impeachment articles. And it would be interesting to see how Ol' Mitch handled an impeachment trial of a Democratic president.

Maybe I'm naive but I feel like the Democratic party has more integrity at the moment. We had no delusion that 20 Republicans would break ranks and vote to convict Trump. How about 16 Democrats if the tables were turned and a President Bloomberg did what Trump did with Zelensky? Especially if there was a familiar Democrat sitting in the VP office.

And I honestly don't think it would need to get to the point of impeachment. I think Bloomberg would be more wary of crossing a line, and more willing to listen to advisors telling him where the line is.

As with my comment about him in the candidates thread I'm just musing at this point. Bottom line is I trust Democrats to do a better job of non-partisan oversight than the Republicans. 

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