Any updates on the shootings?

DanDietrich said:

A young black man was killed, and you are assuming that it was gang related.  

I’m only now seeing this. Did I even say the black kid was in a gang? The person who shot him is most likely the gangbanger. Sheesh, some people can twist words. With the ivy hill murders it was members of M13 who killed those black kids. M13 is a frikkin dangerous gang. Wtf!

A sad and terrible tragedy and (once again) you’re just here to start arguments.

Jaytee said:

I’m only now seeing this. Did I even say the black kid was in a gang? The person who shot him is most likely the gangbanger. Sheesh, some people can twist words. With the ivy hill murders it was members of M13 who killed those black kids. M13 is a frikkin dangerous gang. Wtf!

I’m here to start the conversation on the armed robberies going on in town every week. Just the other day a woman was pistol whipped and robbed walking from the train station. Maybe I should post up every single incident? There’s meetings on public safety and those can really start arguments around here…

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