Any updates on the shootings?

I have not heard very much of an account of what actually happened. All I know is that there was a shooting on Underhill field, one young man was killed and another was injured. I have heard reports that there was some kind of altercation, but I have heard no details about where the shooter was in relation to the victims, who this supposed altercation was between, and whether the two victims were the intended targets of the shooter. All that being said, it's difficult to expect that the young man who was injured would necessarily be able to identify someone who shot a gun at night.

have any more of these details been released and I just haven't seen them? I am glad to hear that a significant reward is being offered. But I am otherwise unsure of what information is actually available.

There is/was a big sign at the border of Maplewood/Irvington border—Essex Cty prosecutor seeking info on the homicide. Can’t remember if reward was on the sign or not.

Reward now at $44k. 
People  just don’t shoot at random people walking through a field. Someone knows who pulled the trigger, and they won’t say it. Because they are afraid of the killer. 

Jaytee said: 
People  just don’t shoot at random people walking through a field. 

I agree with this. But it doesn't mean an altercation between two other people nearby didn't end up with two innocent bystanders getting shot. Or that the shooter mistook the two victims for other people. Or something else we don't know about. It was also late at night. I don't know if the crime took place in an area with lighting or if it was dark.

My main point is this: we know almost nothing about the circumstances of the crime, so it's hard to draw conclusions. You would think $44K would bring someone out of the woodwork who saw something, though.

I think if someone wanted to do right by this young man the reward wouldn't matter, and if people are afraid to speak out then the reward amount doesn't matter.  It's a sad thing.

mrincredible said:

It was also late at night. I don't know if the crime took place in an area with lighting or if it was dark.

 According to public statements, the lights were off and the gate was open that night.  We can assume it was dark on Underhill field that night.  

My impression, again just an impression not based on anything specific, is that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Perhaps they saw or heard something, or the shooter(s) thought they saw or heard something, and the shooter(s) reacted accordingly.  

I agree with other posters that there are people out there who know what happened and why.  I also agree that these people are really scared.  The reward for information leading to an arrest may not  produce the desired result in this case.

Thanks Joan, that helps me understand a little. Can I ask where you read the public statements? I feel like I'm missing some information. 

I feel like there are so many unanswered questions about this event that make it hard to assess the public safety implications. My feeling of security in SOMA for my family is shaken by this. More information helps me understand whether this represents an ongoing threat or a single tragic incident.

Formerlyjerseyjack said:

joan_crystal said:

 Information is all over social media and the hyper-local news outlets.  I have even heard it announced on network news programs, which have covered the original shooting at Underhill Field.

 Im figuring there needs to be reward posters on poles and in store windows...say WAWA.


mrincredible said:

Thanks Joan, that helps me understand a little. Can I ask where you read the public statements? I feel like I'm missing some information. 

I feel like there are so many unanswered questions about this event that make it hard to assess the public safety implications. My feeling of security in SOMA for my family is shaken by this. More information helps me understand whether this represents an ongoing threat or a single tragic incident.

 Village Green.

Update from Mayor McGehee Regarding the Investigation of the Tragic Loss of Moussa Fofana

First and foremost I want to be clear that this is very much an active investigation. There has not been a stoppage, slow down or delay in any efforts to find the actor/actors responsible for this horrific and senseless act.

It is a top priority for the Essex County Prosecutor Office (ECPO) as well as the Maplewood Police Department.

I have been in daily contact with our Chief of Police on this matter.

I have been in nearly daily contact with Hawa and her family.

I have been in frequent contact with Theodore Stevens, head of the ECPO and his team. As for the information being provided to Moussa's family, I have reached out to Mr. Stevens and have requested an enhanced cadence even if the information is redundant.

Regarding the investigation itself, the ECPO is using a wide range of channels both physical and technical in their ongoing efforts. I have been assured that “all leads will be exhausted." And while I recognize that we all want the same thing, justice for Moussa, as well as frequent updates, please understand that neither law enforcement nor I can communicate anything prematurely that would compromise the outcome of this investigation.

Again I want to re-emphasize to the community that we can all do our part by providing any information that we are aware of from the night of June 6th or anything that has been communicated to you about that night. Please call our confidential hotline: 877-TIPS-4EC.

There has been another shooting in Maplewood. Saw an item on an online regional news web site.

mtierney said:

There has been another shooting in Maplewood. Saw an item on an online regional news web site.

 2 persons shot on Hughes Street. Targeted according to police.  See link to news story on a separate thread dedicated to this topic.

An arrest has been made in the Moussa murder investigation.

“Today’s arrest is the beginning of justice for Moussa,” said Maplewood Mayor Frank McGehee, after the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office announced the arrest of Yohan Hernandez, 20, of Newark, in the murder of beloved Columbia High School student Moussa Fofana, 18.

mtierney said:

There has been another shooting in Maplewood. Saw an item on an online regional news web site.

 Thank you for sharing.

Possibly gang related. Remember Ivy Hill school yard murder some years back? 

Jaytee, where did you see that it was possibly gang related?

DanDietrich said:

Jaytee, where did you see that it was possibly gang related?

 MS 13 still active in Newark. They hang out in school yards at nights. I said it’s possible gang related because that’s how they operate. I’m willing to bet on this guy being MS13. 

Jaytee said:

 MS 13 still active in Newark. They hang out in school yards at nights. I said it’s possible gang related because that’s how they operate. I’m willing to bet on this guy being MS13. 

Writing that a killing is "possibly gang related" can suggest, intentionally or not, that the victim had gang ties, too. 

Thanks, DanDietrich, for calling out the conjecture.

DaveSchmidt said:

Writing that a killing is "possibly gang related" can suggest, intentionally or not, that the victim had gang ties, too. 

Thanks, DanDietrich, for calling out the conjecture.

 No. When those 4 kids were murdered in ivy hill, it was gang related. None of them were in a gang, just good kids hanging out in the school yard, and the gangsters killed them just because they were on gang turf. 
can you give me some other conjecture? I always had a feeling this was about gangs. It’s you who put meaning to comment. As usual it’s always about looking for conjecture ain’t it? 

Jaytee said:

DaveSchmidt said:

Writing that a killing is "possibly gang related" can suggest, intentionally or not, that the victim had gang ties, too. 

Thanks, DanDietrich, for calling out the conjecture.

 No. When those 4 kids were murdered in ivy hill, it was gang related. None of them were in a gang, just good kids hanging out in the school yard, and the gangsters killed them just because they were on gang turf. 
can you give me some other conjecture? I always had a feeling this was about gangs. It’s you who put meaning to comment. As usual it’s always about looking for conjecture ain’t it? 

The police have arrested a suspect.  No motive has been mentioned and no conviction or confession yet.  Yet you suggest a gang issue because another killing at a school was gang related.  Did you suggest a gang killing when the Columbine shootings happened? Or when any other white guy killed anyone anywhere?  Something terrible has happened here.  Don't make it worse.

No point in speculating about it.  The story will evolve.  It could be gang related without the victim having any gang involvement - a stray bullet or even some kind of sick initiation thing.  

I guess the main question is why? As far as I know the field was empty except for the 2 boys who were shot.

galileo said:

I guess the main question is why? As far as I know the field was empty except for the 2 boys who were shot.

 I haven't heard any description of how many people were on the field. Details have been fairly scant as far as I've seen.

Does any one know, what is being done now to secure Underhill Field in the evening and through the night?

galileo said:

I guess the main question is why? As far as I know the field was empty except for the 2 boys who were shot.

 A bunch of people were seen running out of the field after the shots were fired.

brealer said:

Does any one know, what is being done now to secure Underhill Field in the evening and through the night?

 up until a few nights ago - the field lights were on until midnight.  Now some of the newer path lights are on all night.  I believe they've been working on new security systems, but they may not want to announce publicly what they are.

Jaytee said:

 A bunch of people were seen running out of the field after the shots were fired.

 Can you provide a source for this? I feel like I'm missing a lot.

mrincredible said:

 Can you provide a source for this? I feel like I'm missing a lot.

 Well, I can’t provide a source for everything now can I? Since you’re missing out on a lot, maybe you don’t know that people used to hang out in the field at night doing drugs. I wish I had a source for that also. Some of you live in maplewood and seem oblivious to the drugs and alcohol consumption by school kids in the parks at night. Hell I’ve seen drug deals go down in memorial park in broad daylight. There are drug dealers in Columbia. If you have or had kids in the school system, talk to them… they’re excellent sources.

brealer said:

Does any one know, what is being done now to secure Underhill Field in the evening and through the night?

 Probably has to do with the new "temporary" classroom double wides that they are installing to match the existing TEMPORARY double wide classrooms that have been at Clinton for about 15 years.

Formerlyjerseyjack said:

brealer said:

Does any one know, what is being done now to secure Underhill Field in the evening and through the night?

 Probably has to do with the new "temporary" classroom double wides that they are installing to match the existing TEMPORARY double wide classrooms that have been at Clinton for about 15 years.

They are installing a security system & cameras at Underhill.

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