Why is Trump such an Airhead, or is he Machiavelli Redux?

The Horror of Trump


The GOP crackpots are beyond the pale; they will say anything to keep their base happy.  Never in a thousand years would I have thought that American politics would go this low.  Looking at their high negative ratings overall, they are far from striking distance of the White House.  And that is why the sane Republicans are pulling their hair out and frantic for a Plan B.

Note: This is Soapbox, not Soapbox: All Politics. Please relocate???

Perhaps we need to change the title of that category to just All Politics or Political Soapbox, since so many people misfile their start-up threads.

Trump may be a dangerous fascist. He may be a scam artist. He may be a demagogue. But one thing he is not is an "airhead". The guy knows what he is doing. 

An illustration - Stephanopoulos asks him if he supports water boarding. Most Republican politicians would blubber at the question - not wanting to seem weak on terrorism, not wanting to seem to support torture. Trump without hesitation gives what is, regardless of if you think it is a despicable answer, a genius answer to get out of the box - He says What they do to us makes anythign we do pale in comparison. Question is turned on its head. 

The guy is shrewd and smart. That does not make him not dangerous - in fact it makes him more dangerous. Call him an airhead at your peril.

bramzzoinks said:

Trump may be a dangerous fascist. He may be a scam artist. He may be a demagogue. But one thing he is no is an "airhead". The guy knows what he is doing. 

Agree with this 100%. Which is the scariest part - his platform of hate and ignorance is very well calculated.

I don't think he's smart at all.  He just states things with such conviction that people think there's substance behind it.  Should he get the nomination, he'll get tripped up 100 times before the general election.  His ego is too big for him to be taught and coached.

bramzzoinks said:

Trump may be a dangerous fascist. He may be a scam artist. He may be a demagogue. But one thing he is not is an "airhead". The guy knows what he is doing. 

An illustration - Stephanopoulos asks him if he supports water boarding. Most Republican politicians would blubber at the question - not wanting to seem weak on terrorism, not wanting to seem to support torture. Trump without hesitation gives what is, regardless of if you think it is a despicable answer, a genius answer to get out of the box - He says What they do to us makes anythign we do pale in comparison. Question is turned on its head. 

The guy is shrewd and smart. That does not make him not dangerous - in fact it makes him more dangerous. Call him an airhead at your peril.

Except the problem is, he states his ignorance in such a way he doesn't allow it to appear he's "tripped up." He's a master at turning the question around, with bluster, so it appears the interviewer is in the wrong.

Just look at his "response" to the Muslim database question. He claims a reporter is the one who said it. Despite the fact that in direct response to the question, he essentially agreed with it.



He's not an "airhead" - an "airhead" has an excuse.  He has no excuse.

"Mr. Trump’s assertion that he witnessed 'thousands' of people (mainly Muslims, one presumes) cheering as thousands more died in Lower Manhattan marks a new low in a campaign that seems to have no basement."

"Mr. Trump’s claim that he witnessed this 'event' on the Hudson can mean one of only two things: Either he knows that it never happened and he is engaging in an odious form of demagoguery akin to shouting 'fire' in a theater and then pointing the mob to a would-be arsonist; or he truly believes that it happened and that he witnessed it. If that is the case, then he is teetering on the brink of clinical derangement. Either way, he shouldn’t be president."


He fits the definition of being "a danger to himself and others"  A long respite for him in a place with no 

loud noises and soft spoken nurses is in order.

author said:

He fits the definition of being "a danger to himself and others"  A long respite for him in a place with no 

loud noises and soft spoken nurses is in order.

Maybe airhead is too gentle. Psychotic child might be better. Witness his mockery of a disabled reporter....fourth grade stuff, if not first grade stuff.

I agree he is not an airhead. He is NOT presidential either. He is disgusting.

I have a feeling he doesn't want to win and is purposely making odd statements and is just using the campaign to spew his beliefs.

He seems to need personal vindication through attention-seeking. No real policy or practice. 

What is he thinking when he gesticulates in mockery of a palsy-like condition? And his "followers" laugh?! Have Republicans totally lost it?

they lost it a long time ago. Remember "let them die"? Remember Limbaugh mocking Michael J. Fox's Parkinson's? 

They're just mean people. The kinds of people you hate to have as co-workers or neighbors.

I think "douche bag" best describes him

Trump is entirely a creation of an irresponsible media run amok.  

Polls this far out are meaningless, and polls closer in are becoming dangerously difficult to interpret.  Traditional polling techniques are dependent on people answering landline phones and their willingness to take time and talk to strangers who call them randomly.  

Very few thoughtful people do either anymore.

The press knows this, yet they desperately need eyeballs on their articles, so they trumpet ridiculous headlines like today's "Trump Support Plummets" based on one useless poll differing from one other useless poll.

Trump is unelectable, and will not win the nomination.  His antics are not news, they are a circus.  But the press is unwilling to break out of their addiction to immediate ratings results, and so will trap us in this cycle of stupidity until the voters embarrass them by nominating someone else.

hankzona said:

I think "douche bag" best describes him

I saved that for my Facebook post.

jeffl said:

I don't think he's smart at all.  He just states things with such conviction that people think there's substance behind it.  Should he get the nomination, he'll get tripped up 100 times before the general election.  His ego is too big for him to be taught and coached.
bramzzoinks said:

Trump may be a dangerous fascist. He may be a scam artist. He may be a demagogue. But one thing he is not is an "airhead". The guy knows what he is doing. 

An illustration - Stephanopoulos asks him if he supports water boarding. Most Republican politicians would blubber at the question - not wanting to seem weak on terrorism, not wanting to seem to support torture. Trump without hesitation gives what is, regardless of if you think it is a despicable answer, a genius answer to get out of the box - He says What they do to us makes anythign we do pale in comparison. Question is turned on its head. 

The guy is shrewd and smart. That does not make him not dangerous - in fact it makes him more dangerous. Call him an airhead at your peril.

Fully agree.  He is not very smart.  And he is far less intelligent than he thinks he is, which creates his dangerous arrogance. 

He probably gets it from his father.


jmitw said:

I have a feeling he doesn't want to win and is purposely making odd statements and is just using the campaign to spew his beliefs.

I've been thinking this for a while. And I think he just keeps making more outrageous statements so that he will plummet in the polls, be done with it and get back to his real life. But the base keeps eating it up! Kind of ironic.

I think he's an intelligent man who's arrogance and narcissism has lead him to this point. I don't believe he really wants the office of POTUS. I bet he sat in a smoke-filled room with some rich cronies of his and someone challenged him to run for president. And he's arrogant enough to think he can run on any platform he chooses - he was a democrat, an independent and now a republican. Only this time, he's found an audience who will listen. And he's spewing the most vile, ridiculous nonsense and giggling his ass off at the end of every day as this nation of rubes takes every bait. 

Hahaha said:

I think he's an intelligent man who's arrogance and narcissism has lead him to this point. I don't believe he really wants the office of POTUS. I bet he sat in a smoke-filled room with some rich cronies of his and someone challenged him to run for president. And he's arrogant enough to think he can run on any platform he chooses - he was a democrat, an independent and now a republican. Only this time, he's found an audience who will listen. And he's spewing the most vile, ridiculous nonsense and giggling his ass off at the end of every day as this nation of rubes takes every bait. 

Actually, I think he has talked himself into taking himself seriously as a candidate. He is intoxicated by his own apparent success. He's a "feelgood" 80s sorta guy and all the applause feels real good. 

maybe Trump Sr. and Sen. Robert Byrd summered together at Mara Lago.

MOLers had the truth back in November!

OK. What? Japan and South Korea can develop nuclear weapons? What, maybe even Iran? (Hmmm, maybe that's  why the Iran deal was "a disaster," because they should have nukes????)

And women who are having an abortion should be punished??

Well, my OP question has been answered. This guy is a pure airhead.

That combover hides vapid, vacuous emptiness.

How did this thread sneak out of the Politics section.

Begone, unclean spirit! Back to the category where you belong! !!

mrincredible said:

How did this thread sneak out of the Politics section.

Begone, unclean spirit! Back to the category where you belong! !!

Moved it back. Still, it's Trump who is the unclean spirit. His face now makes me sick. 

Trump thinks he's King Solomon, when in reality he's Caligula.

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