Who's for putting the Christ back in coffee?

he's always in the coffee

WWJD- what would jesus drink?

deborahg said:
Just sayin'..

Julie was my first crush.

I think it would be far more layered, with a real interplaying of flavor influences, to include the entire Holy Trinity in my cup of caffeinated beverage.

The paper cup sleeves help with my stigmata.

You're all going to hell.....in a coffee cup...... smile

Seems people have moved past the cup thing to being outraged that Google's doodle yesterday only had one white guy in uniform.

did he at least outrank the others?

ParticleMan said:
Seems people have moved past the cup thing to being outraged that Google's doodle yesterday only had one white guy in uniform.

I saw that pic and thought there was three white people in it. I guess it just shows how different people can have different perceptions of the same image.

I was outraged that the Google doodle was human-centric and didn't include a military working dog, but I've moved on.

@kthnry hahahaha!

deborahg said:
Just sayin'..

Deborah, the first time I saw that was when my pastor at St. Joseph's, Father Jim, put that on Facebook.  Real religious people don't give a cr*p what is on a cup, or in the mall, for Christmas.

ckdhaven said:
The paper cup sleeves help with my stigmata.

You are a comic genius

The daily prayer:  Christ, this coffee is expensive and tastes horrible.

But wait, shouldn't these people so offended by the lack of snowflakes, snowmen, ornaments  and decorated trees (all of which have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus mind you) be more concerned that we are drinking a drink that was originally used by muslims in their religious practices? Shouldn't they be rallying against what is inside the cup not on it (or lack thereof?). Personally I think they are misplacing their outrage. 

PS: This entire post was soaked in very heavy sarcasm just in case someone missed it!

And my personal favorite is that people are actually going to Starbuck and BUYING a cup of coffee to have the pleasure of getting Merry Christmas written on it. Just love it when you show your outrage against a company by giving them your money! 

I thought coffee was the Devil's drink? At least that's what they say in Utah...

There is an exhibit on coffee right now in my abode of St. Louis, at the Missouri History Museum, although I haven't seen it yet.  I believe it is about the history of coffee generally, but also St. Louis' big role (at least in the 19th and early 20th centuries) in roasting and distributing coffee across the land.

In college I had a summer job at the Standard Brands factory in Hoboken.  It was on the waterfront at the northernmost end of town, directly south of the Lincoln Tunnel approach road.  I haven't approached it from the south since then, so I can't tell from the view from the helix whether they have built a new building north of it, or torn it down, or whether what you can see now is a repurposed factory.

Although they processed several food products there, I worked on the coffee line.  I like to tell people I saw things that went on that would make you never drink coffee again.

Not true, I just like to yank people's chain.  

I couldn't have seen much anyway, because my job was at the very end of the line, after the coffee had already been roasted and ground.  The grounds came down the line, and my job (according to my memory which is faulty at this late stage) was to funnel the grounds into paper packets and tin cans.  Then I would seal the packets and cans, put them in cardboard boxes, stack the boxes on pallets, and someone would come and take the pallets away.  I'm not even sure what brand of coffee I packed, because the line I was on dealt with a proprietary blend specifically for American Airlines, and the packets and cans just had an AA logo.  Did Standard Brands make Maxwell House, and is that why the famous Hoboken club (that I have never been to) was named Maxwell's?

They brought the raw beans in burlap sacks, on barges, right up to the side of the building by water.

I know this because I used to go out on the fire escape to eat my lunch, and therefore had the whole panorama of the river and Midtown to ogle.  I basically had the Empire State building right in my lap.

Yeah, don't touch that last line.

This outrage is already as stale as a cup of Starbucks coffee...can't we find something new to get our panties in a bunch about this fine Friday the 13th?

Hahaha said:
This outrage is already as stale as a cup of Starbucks coffee...can't we find something new to get our panties in a bunch about this fine Friday the 13th?

there is still another six weeks left in the War on Christmas™.  There's going to be a lot more fresh outrage coming.  Wait until the White House sends out its press releas on the lighting of the holiday tree.

ml1 said:
Hahaha said:
This outrage is already as stale as a cup of Starbucks coffee...can't we find something new to get our panties in a bunch about this fine Friday the 13th?

there is still another six weeks left in the War on Christmas™.  There's going to be a lot more fresh outrage coming.  Wait until the White House sends out its press releas on the lighting of the holiday tree.

really, he's the worst.

you all have it completely ass backwards.  I'm all for putting the coffee back in Christ.

Back to Starbucks, a solution I can support.

Starbucks finally got it right:

This one's for me.

weren't people upset just a week ago about some nearby NJ mall putting santa inside some igloo/bubble and not in the open?

I think it's all just silliness -- if you don't celebrate christmas, well then just enjoy a red cup for a few weeks, no biggy... and if you do, then enjoy the holiday spirit from starbucks... if you don't like santa, look the other way, free world after all, no one making us celebrate anything we don't want to...

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