Which End of Train for 8th Ave?

So if I am taking the train into NYC from Penn this afternoon and I want to exit at 8th Avenue should I board at the front or the rear of the train? I ALWAYS pick the wrong end,

West end of the platform. Last car going in, first car coming back.

If it helps you to envision it, NYPenn straddles the block between Seventh Avenue on the east and Eighth Avenue on the west, with the tracks running parallel to 31st and 33rd Streets.

Fast exit: Go up the stairs to the C and E subway platform and turn right before the turnstiles and keep going up the stairs. You'll wind up outside on the northeast corner of 33rd and Eighth (and Duane Reade).

Back end of the train. When you exit the train, keep track of the direction the train is heading and when you get off the train look back (to NJ) to see if there are any further back exits than where you get off. The way to remember it is as the train goes East to NYC from NJ  7th ave is East of 8th Ave. 

j_r and I both said similar things. I would only add that the 8th ave. stairs don't go as far back as the back of the train. In other words, on a long train heading into the city, you're looking at maybe the third from the back car to be near the furthest West/8th Ave. exit and not the last car.

Its interesting. In the morning i get on at the front of the train sort of, like third car maybe. And every time I seem to be coming up by the 8th ave side.  

Are you walking forward or backwards scott? ( wink). Seriously, sometimes the trains don't pull all the way into Penn and stay further back West so that could explain it.

I know Scott. That happens to me as well. It's weird. I go to the front and end up at 8th or go to the back and end up at 8th. Strange.

I'll rtry the advice of the experts and go two or three cars from the rear tonight and see what happens!

scottgreenstone said:

Its interesting. In the morning i get on at the front of the train sort of, like third car maybe. And every time I seem to be coming up by the 8th ave side.  


Every track in Penn is different. And if you go up an escalator that brings you to the top level of Penn (there are a few of those on certain tracks) just look at the signs up there for 8th ave exits. I'm assuming you don't want the 8th ave. subway. If you do wind up on the lower level - subway level - however, look for signs for 8th Ave. subway and head towards those exits but be prepared to fight the crowds coming off the subway, like I will be doing soon. 

Another visual clue is that the stairs on the Eighth Ave. side are pretty ratty but have nice brass railings (I think a vestige of the old, beautiful Penn Station). If you are at the Seventh Avenue end, you will see pink marble stairs and white formica on the walls.

"Inside Penn Station, remnants of the old station are as difficult to spy as stress-free commuters. But at the west gate of NJ Transit tracks 5 and 6, an original brass-and-iron staircase still leads to the platform. Its survival, Turkeli says, is simple economics: It was too expensive to tear out during a mid-'80s renovation."


MOL rocks. Went into the third car from the rear,it  let me off at the staircase with the brass handrail and crappy steps, walked up and out onto 8th avenue  perfecto  Thanks all!!

Enjoy your evening. Perhaps they'll be a west side story to tell. ;-) 

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