What was NYC Like 100 Years Ago

This video contains the oldest known footage of NYC. It is pretty interesting.

Thanks, Terp. I've been looking for that since it appeared on my facebook feed a month ago. I can finally post it on my blog!

Ha. NP. No problem! I don't pay too much attention to my Facebook feed any longer. Why would I when I am having such productive discussions right here.

Anyway, to make it up, let me know if you need a candy crush saga invites. I think I have some around here somewhere.

That was great, thanks!

So, any guesses what those guys with the weird hats in Washington Square were doing?

Klinker said:

So, any guesses what those guys with the weird hats in Washington Square were doing?

my money is on firefighters

As a former denizen of Washington Heights it's interesting to actually see High bridge with all of the stone arches intact.

Loved watching the old film! My father was 8 years old in 1896 - think I spied him on the ice. https://summit.worldwebs.com/assets/images/smileys/27.gif" width="" height="" alt="mad" style="border:0;">

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