What to do with an old point-and-shoot film camera?

We have an old Canon Sure Shot point-and-shoot film camera. Is there anywhere to donate it, or is it bound for the trash?

We're a couple of months away from the Morrow Memorial Church Turnover sale. That would be a good place to donate. It might garner a couple of bucks for the missions and charities the sale supports. If it's not sold it gets passed on to Goodwill or a few other charities.

Donations start June 20th.

Thanks for the suggestion. I just wondered whether even a charity would have use for an old film camera.

Is it digital? Give it to a young child to use freely and discover a love of photography. If not digital, the garbage or an antique shop

Nobody wants it - now.

Wrap it in plastic. Put any unexposed film you have into the freezer.

Take it all out in 20 years. Instant valuable antique!

(At least, that's my theory.)

nohero said:

Nobody wants it - now.

Wrap it in plastic. Put any unexposed film you have into the freezer.

Take it all out in 20 years. Instant valuable antique!

(At least, that's my theory.)

Ha, ha. I'll keep it with my IBM PC (monochrome monitor, two floppy disc drives).

Looks like some have sold on eBay recently for between $1 and maybe $10. You could try your luck there!

Amazing. I guess you can sell pretty much anything on eBay. I read recently about someone who donated his old TVs to charity, but sold the remotes on eBay. Go figure.

Art school students still sometimes take intro to photography classes on film cameras. They have dark rooms and develop film. If it's an slr/manual camera especially. (Oh, I see yours is point and shoot...I don't think that would be as useful to art students.)

Maybe contact Chs photography teacher , Jon Fisher? Jfisher at Somsd dot k12 dot nj dot us

Thanks, all, for the suggestions.

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