pmartinezv said:
We leave the door open and have no issues. However I have forgotten to remove the clothes and left them overnight and had to clean it.
CapnMarko said:
You might have looked at the ones for laundromats as they do almost all the machines for them. Ours was less than $700 I think it is either this one or the next model up.
Well it looks like it is time to buy a new washer machine .. Phil has fixed it but it seems its time to get a new one ....
I was searching for threads about washer machine ( the most recently one I believe was 2 years ago) and it seems that most people recommends LG or Kenmore ...
My question is ..
Is LG and Kenmore are still the top one for MOLer ??
And where do you recommend I should purchase it ??
I'm not looking something expensive but not the cheapest one either
anything rec would be very much appreciate =)