Volunteer Fair, March 1, 2020

SOMA Two Towns For All Ages will  be holding their third annual Volunteer Fair at the Woodland from 1 pm to 3 pm on March 1, 2020.  Representatives of community organizations looking to recruit volunteers who have not yet requested a table should contact Cathy Rowe at 973 - 558 - 0863.  Persons interested in volunteering should come and speak with the community organization representatives present to find their perfect fit.  There will be volunteer offerings for all ages, time commitments, and skill sets.  Please come and tell your friends so they can come too.

Thank you to everyone who came to the Volunteer Fair.  There were lots of very local organizations present looking to fill volunteer positions and lots of potential volunteers looking for a meaningful way to contribute their time and skills to the community.  If you missed the volunteer fair this year and are looking for volunteer opportunities, check out the list of organizations/contact information on the SOMA Two Towns For All Ages website or pick up a copy of the volunteer directory available at the SO Municipal Offices and Maplewood Town Hall.

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