Trump threatens post-election violence. NYT tells us in paragraph 18.

hmm, what important point is missing from the headline? Could it be that the Prez threatened that there would be violence after a free election in America?

It's time to cancel my subscription.

Isn't this some form of blackmail?

I see it as a passive-aggressive way to incite violence.  He is evil.

DianeH said:
I see it as a passive-aggressive way to incite violence.  He is evil.

 Nothing passive about it.

He's made this point a couple of times, last time (2016) and earlier this year.

Also somewhat revealing was his gripe about the Google news results on searching his  name. Oh, for pity's sake!

BBC headline:

Trump warns of 'left-wing violence' if Democrats win mid-term elections

Will there be right wing violence if Republicans win???

joan_crystal said:
Will there be right wing violence if Republicans win???

 You may mean to say, "Will there be continued right wing violence".

drummerboy said:
hmm, what important point is missing from the headline? Could it be that the Prez threatened that there would be violence after a free election in America?

It's time to cancel my subscription.

 I guess they were listening over at the NYT.  New headline:

If G.O.P. Loses Hold on Congress, Trump Warns, Democrats Will Enact Change 'Quickly and Violently'

well, if he only it “warnds,” we will be OK.

mtierney said:
well, if he only it “warnds,” we will be OK.

 I fixed the typo.  So I guess we won't be ok.

ml1 said:

mtierney said:
well, if he only it “warnds,” we will be OK.
 I fixed the typo.  So I guess we won't be ok.

Thanks for it fixing.

I read the article.  I don't interpret this as "Trump threatens post-election violence" as the OP's title says.   From the article:

“They will end everything immediately,” Mr. Trump said. “When you look at antifa,” he added, a term that describes militant leftist groups, “and you look at some of these groups, these are violent people.”

A White House spokesman, Hogan Gidley, declined to elaborate on what the president meant.

 The blunt warning — delivered to about 100 of the president’s most ardent supporters in the evangelical community — was the latest example of Mr. Trump’s attempts to use the specter of violence at the hands of his political opponents and to fan the flames of cultural divisions in the country.

Politicians can get in trouble for what they say at closed fundraisers.

Mitt Romney - 47%

Hillary Clinton - Deplorables.

But Trump gets away with his crap. Not even lip-service to separation of Church and State.

Imagine if a Roman Catholic politician said this to a meeting of Catholic Clergy and leading Laity.

Imagine a Jewish politician saying such a thing to a meeting of Rabbis.

nohero said:

joan_crystal said:
Will there be right wing violence if Republicans win???
 You may mean to say, "Will there be continued right wing violence".


lord_pabulum said:
I read the article.  I don't interpret this as "Trump threatens post-election violence" as the OP's title says.  

Yes, he doesn't threaten that he will lead the violence, but says that there will be violence if the Dems win. Great stuff.

He says they "will overturn everything that we’ve done and they’ll do it quickly and violently.”

LOST said:
Politicians can get in trouble for what they say at closed fundraisers.
Mitt Romney - 47%
Hillary Clinton - Deplorables.
But Trump gets away with his crap. Not even lip-service to separation of Church and State.
Imagine if a Roman Catholic politician said this to a meeting of Catholic Clergy and leading Laity.
Imagine a Jewish politician saying such a thing to a meeting of Rabbis.

 If the Catholic or Jewish politician were Republican it would be a-ok.  If he/she was a Democrat however, it would be an outrage.

The guiding principle of U.S. politics is IOKIYAR.  We talk about Trump getting away with his crap, but it's not because he's Donald Trump.  It's because he's a Republican.  Obama, otoh couldn't even get away with saying he liked dijon mustard on his hamburgers without it being an outrage du jour.

ml1 said:

LOST said:
Politicians can get in trouble for what they say at closed fundraisers.
Mitt Romney - 47%
Hillary Clinton - Deplorables.
But Trump gets away with his crap. Not even lip-service to separation of Church and State.
Imagine if a Roman Catholic politician said this to a meeting of Catholic Clergy and leading Laity.
Imagine a Jewish politician saying such a thing to a meeting of Rabbis.
 If the Catholic or Jewish politician were Republican it would be a-ok.  If he/she was a Democrat however, it would be an outrage.
The guiding principle of U.S. politics is IOKIYAR.  We talk about Trump getting away with his crap, but it's not because he's Donald Trump.  It's because he's a Republican.  Obama, otoh couldn't even get away with saying he liked dijon mustard on his hamburgers without it being an outrage du jour.

 Well, for a while we thought it was an outrage that President Trump liked 2 scoops of ice cream and limited everyone else to one.

And then we remembered he allegedly raped a 13 year old.

Some of these wankers think they will be going after "libtards" when the revolution breaks out. Not all bullets will be flying in one direction.

ml1 said:

Obama, otoh couldn't even get away with saying he liked dijon mustard on his hamburgers without it being an outrage du jour.

 This morning I was in a Diner. Guy came in for a takeout and asked for mustard. Waitress gave him choice of three kinds. He said "Give me all three. This is for my wife and I do not want to make that executive decision".

Don't know how long this guy's been married, he was in his 40s, but my thought was his wife would say "After all this time you really do not know what I would prefer"?

Thought I'd lighten things up.  oh oh 


LOST said:

ml1 said:

Obama, otoh couldn't even get away with saying he liked dijon mustard on his hamburgers without it being an outrage du jour.
 This morning I was in a Diner. Guy came in for a takeout and asked for mustard. Waitress gave him choice of three kinds. He said "Give me all three. This is for my wife and I do not want to make that executive decision".
Don't know how long this guy's been married, he was in his 40s, but my thought was his wife would say "After all this time you really do not know what I would prefer"?
Thought I'd lighten things up.  oh oh 

 I've been married 19 years and I don't know which mustard I prefer.

ridski said:

 I've been married 19 years and I don't know which mustard I prefer.

 Doesn't matter what your prefer. What does your wife prefer?

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