The man is a publicity seeking clown who has a lot of money. He belongs in Politics.
He is ill tempered, bratty and hostile. The things he said about Mexico and Mexicans were ugly and Univision absolutely did the right thing pulling the pageant.
Whenever he goes on his FB, Twitter and talk tirades, he reminds me so much of that character from an old episode of "Law and Order" about was a very successful businessman, played by Robert Vaughn, who spent a lot of time throughout the years very quietly in mental facilities for "exhaustion." His grandson had committed a crime (I think set a fire killing a sibling) and told investigators that the voices told him to do it. The grandfather fought hard to not have his grandson evaluated because he knew he too had the same mental issues. I always wondered did they character represent Trump?
Well, NBC cancelled his day job. So I guess now he can truly focus on running for president.
The Daily Beast was kind enough to put together a list of quotes Trump has made over the years. This, among many other reasons, is why he will never be president. I've had the pleasure of meeting many charismatic, incredibly successful / wealthy people in my life, many whom I disagreed with politically, but still very nice people and good company. This dude? This dude needs mental healthcare.
On African-Americans:
“I have a great relationship with the Blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the Blacks.”
“Laziness is a trait in blacks.”
On African-Americans and Jews:
“Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”
On women:
“All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me—consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.”
“I think the only difference between me and the other candidates is that I’m more honest and my women are more beautiful.”
“You know, it doesn’t really matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”
Particularly well-known liberal women:
On Rosie O’Donnell: “You take a look at her, she’s a slob. She talks like a, like a truck driver.”
“.@ariannahuff is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man- he made a good decision.”
After retweeting another user (“@mplefty67: If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her thing she can satisfy America?’ @realDonaldTrump #2016president”), Trump made a rare retraction and deleted it. His spokesperson later claimed it was posted by a campaign staffer.
On religion:
“What a convenient mistake: @BarackObama issued a statement for Kwanza (sic) but failed to issue one for Christmas.”
“There is something on that birth certificate—maybe religion, maybe it says he’s a Muslim, I don’t know. Maybe he doesn’t want that. Or. he may not have one,” he told Laura Ingraham regarding the ever-mysterious birth circumstances and religious affiliation of Barack Obama.
On environmental degradation:
“It’s freezing and snowing in New York. We need global warming!”
“Remember, new ‘environmentally friendly’ lightbulbs can cause cancer. Be careful: the idiots who came up with this stuff don’t care.”
On foreign policy:
“I rented him a piece of land,” he told Fox News about his relationship with Muammar Qaddafi. “He paid me more for one night than the land was worth for two years, and then I didn’t let him use the land. That’s what we should be doing. I don’t want to use the word ‘screwed’, but I screwed him.”
“To the victor belong the spoils,” he said to Bill O’Reilly, about his stance of staying in Iraq after the war. Therefore he would “stay and we keep the oil.”
“China’s Communist Party has now publicly praised Obama’s reelection. They have never had it so good. Will own America soon.”
On celebrity relationships he has no stake in:
"Everyone knows I am right that Robert Pattinson should dump Kristen Stewart. In a couple of years, he will thank me. Be smart, Robert.”
“.@katyperry is no bargain, but I don’t like John Mayer—he dates and tells—be careful Katy (just watch!)."
And most offensive of all—an unlikely claim about his intellectual superiority:
“Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest—and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure. It’s not your fault.”
I hope he goes far in the campaign. It will only improve the Democratic chances in 2016.
ha !! thats a good way for seeing it =)
yahooyahoo said:
I hope he goes far in the campaign. It will only improve the Democratic chances in 2016.
hahaha. Trump is number two in polling for the Repub candidates.
Clearer proof of the widespread delusional state among the Republican faithful.
Makes me wonder if he's really a Republican.
His whole agenda seems to be to irritate and embarrass the other candidates. He knows none of them are going to go after him because they're afraid of him. He also knows he's not going to win. So is his game to shine a spotlight on the GOP candidates who are, in his opinion, losers and unworthy of the nomination? By doing so, he makes them all look cowardly and ineffective. I think he's a DNC subvert. He doesn't care what people say about him, but he knows people care what he says about others.
He's finally getting some significant backlash for his racist and misogynistic opinions.
yahooyahoo said:
He's finally getting some significant backlash for his racist and misogynistic opinions.
Maybe he should join FIFA.
I had someone tell me last weekend that Trump had $8B, therefore he knows how to run the country like a business and, gosh-dernit, that's what we need.
Let's not be too glib, though. It's a big country out there with lots of right-wingnuts. I think Trump has appeal to many people. Like Christie. They both run their mouths and people like that style and feel that with Trump or Christie, they won't be pushed around by liberals, Blacks and Jews. Or women. Or gays. Or Mexicans. Or anyone else that's different.
I've spent some time in Texas over the years. Being there and talking to people makes one realize that here in the NE, we're used to people like ourselves. They have very different attitudes out there in the U.S of A.
By the way, Happy Independence Day, celebrating the greatest social experiment in history. I learned my patriotism from my father. He loved this country profoundly. I do, too.
This A-hole is upping his A-hole game. He is crashing and burning. Ihope he wins the Republican nomination. He is his own worst enemy.
The_Soulful_Mr_T said:
I had someone tell me last weekend that Trump had $8B, therefore he knows how to run the country like a business and, gosh-dernit, that's what we need.
Were you talking to my FIL?
The_Soulful_Mr_T said:
I think Trump has appeal to many people. Like Christie. They both run their mouths and people like that style and feel that with Trump or Christie, they won't be pushed around by liberals, Blacks and Jews. Or women. Or gays. Or Mexicans. Or anyone else that's different.
Seriously, you have to have been talking to my FIL. Don't tell him I was online though, if he hears I wasn't barefootin the kitchen where I belong he'll get all out of sorts.
I wonder... If his comments can be considered discriminatory in a workplace? After all, with all his hotels, golf courses and other businesses, there has to be a sizable Hispanic/Latino workplace population...
MsSumida said:
I wonder... If his comments can be considered discriminatory in a workplace? After all, with all his hotels, golf courses and other businesses, there has to be a sizable Hispanic/Latino workplace population...
Would he hire all those rapists?
spontaneous said:
A-Hole Donald trump knows that rapists make ugly suits but work hard and constitute cheap labor. Plus, as a fat American, he likes ugly suits.
Great article:
LOL! Love that suit photo!
I've read the post from America Ferrera and it's insightful and honest. The GOP is not trying to get the Latino vote. They can't be.
Those Americans who are making it possible to Donald to surge in the polls and rise to Number 2 (pun intended) sadly cannot afford his Macy's suits and ties. Sure many of these men/women live paycheck to paycheck, still curse the Affordable Care Act and yelling demand O'Reilly help them "take back their country."
Consider thefollowing edits?
kibbegirl said:
LOL! Love that suit photo!
I've read the post from America Ferrera and it's insightful and honest. The GOPis not trying to getdoes not care about the Latino vote. They can't be.
Those Americans who are making it possible to A-Hole Donald to surge in the polls and rise to Number 2 (pun intended) sadly cannot afford his ugly Macy's suits and crappy ties. Sure many of these men/women live paycheck to paycheck, still curse the ObamaCare, are still convinced that Obama wants to take away their guns,Affordable Care Actand yelling demand O'Reilly help them "take back their country."
Let me restate what I said before in perhaps a clearer fashion:
(Actually I just wanted to use MOL's bullet point feature.)
The_Soulful_Mr_T said:
Let me restate what I said before in perhaps a clearer fashion:
(Actually I just wanted to use MOL's bullet point feature.)
- Do not think that the rest of America is scoffing and laughing at Trump (or Jeb, or Bobby Jindal, etc.) like we are. They are not. They're scoffing at President Obama the way we laugh at Rick Santorum. (I was at a body shop in Irvington last weekend getting an estimate and the guy saw the Hilary bumper sticker on my car and said "Obama is our first gay president. He's GAY!" And went on about how Reagan was our greatest president.)
- We live in an insulated (insular?) community where we see our own faces reflected in our neighbor's faces
- The real job is not to convince our neighbors of anything but to convince those not in the NE. People "out there" (I apologize for how that sounds) don't even know who Bernie Sanders is.
So we're in the minority? How can that be? We elected Obama twice.
And the reason people "out there" don't know who Bernie Sanders is because our news programs don't have him on. Only ABC sat down with Bernie. He was interviewed by George Stephanopoulos. Has he been interviewed by others? Yes, we can look for him on YouTube or go to We would but others won't. The media is shafting this man big time.
Trump is at about 11% in the Polls. That's all one needs to be in second place when there are 14 announced candidates.
As a thrice married gambling casino magnate from New York I can't see Mr. Trump appealing to the Evangelicals. I would think the only people who are actually for him are fans of his TV show and people who know nothing about politics - or maybe know nothing about anything.
The_Soulful_Mr_T said:
Let me restate what I said before in perhaps a clearer fashion:
(Actually I just wanted to use MOL's bullet point feature.)
- Do not think that the rest of America is scoffing and laughing at Trump (or Jeb, or Bobby Jindal, etc.) like we are. They are not. They're scoffing at President Obama the way we laugh at Rick Santorum. (I was at a body shop in Irvington last weekend getting an estimate and the guy saw the Hilary bumper sticker on my car and said "Obama is our first gay president. He's GAY!" And went on about how Reagan was our greatest president.)
- We live in an insulated (insular?) community where we see our own faces reflected in our neighbor's faces
- The real job is not to convince our neighbors of anything but to convince those not in the NE. People "out there" (I apologize for how that sounds) don't even know who Bernie Sanders is.
Excellent, excellent post - worth remembering every minute of every day.
Once upon a time in national politics, there was an unwritten courtesy that the wife and children were always off limits. Trump Shares then Deletes Tweet about Jeb Bush's Wife
Donald Trump tweeted that fellow 2016 presidential hopeful Jeb Bush likes “Mexican illegals because of his wife,” the latest in a flurry of public comments about Hispanic Americans that have caused Macy’s, NBC and Univision to sever ties with the business mogul.
The comment was posted on Trump’s official Twitter account for 24 hours before it was deleted, according to screenshots captured by The Wrap. Bush’s wife, Columba, is Mexican.
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BTW, he spoke out early and often asserting BHO couldn't be prez bc he was born outside USA. Has he spoken out as loudly about Ted Cruz having been born in Canada?