I saw them on elmwood by Boyden also. They go into Winchester gardens constantly. There’s a whole family in that area.
Jaytee said:
I saw them on elmwood by Boyden also. They go into Winchester gardens constantly. There’s a whole family in that area.
So sweet. Maybe we should just let them take over and run the place. (I guess if you're a gardener, you feel differently.)
I would suggest it might be a deer run, which they'll follow for generations. But this looks like my old neighborhood (right near my old house at Parker & Boyden), and we didn't see them all that regularly when we lived there.
They never seem to bother anyone. Maybe we could train a few to pull "deer-drawn carriages" to provide a little more "public transportation" around town. (Just 'musin'.)
Juniemoon said:
... we didn't see them all that regularly when we lived there.
Up until a few years ago, it was very rare to see any deer on the south/east side of the train line and I always assumed it was somewhat of a barrier to them. But that no longer seems to be the case. We see them often and I worry about their safety (and, to a lesser degree, about our garden plantings.)
My garden is a welcome deer habitat. Does give birth on the wooded part and nurse their fawn in the garden. This summer a young doe with a mangled leg showed up. She carried it across her opposite leg. I've watched her progress, and she now can use it to balance and run. I'm happy to see her often in the company of a young handsome buck.
and if anyone needs tips on gardening with deer resistant plants just ask me.
sac said:
Up until a few years ago, it was very rare to see any deer on the south/east side of the train line and I always assumed it was somewhat of a barrier to them. But that no longer seems to be the case. We see them often and I worry about their safety (and, to a lesser degree, about our garden plantings.)
About 15 - 20 years ago, i would see them around the corner from your house when I was walking to the train station in the early morning.
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