This Just In: I will NOT be featured on Dancing with the Stars.

Because I can't dance for *****.

Well, I'm ugly too.

Maybe you just need a trashy talk show first?

we should all be so ugly

mem said:

Well, I'm ugly too.
Hardly... and again...

ml1 said:

that's not a sufficient reason. Jerry Springer was on DWTS:

mem said:

Well, I'm ugly too.

Hey, if you are ugly then I am old.

I am not old.....

So you are not ............


You qualify as a celebrity (You were in People Magazine) you are younger than many former contestants and Bruno would be oozing charm all over your sweet self my darling. And, as I've observed, dancing ability is not necessarily a pre-requisit.

My thoughts exactly. do we nominate her??


Obviously you forgot to tell them that you once sprayed yourself in the face with mace. It would have gotten you on the show.

And I didn't see any ugly on you on Monday. You looked pretty great to me.

How about "so you think you can dance?"

I almost forgot about the mace attack. Could writhing in pain be considered dance?

As long as you don't dance like Elaine on

dave said:

I almost forgot about the mace attack. Could writhing in pain be considered dance?

Of course, said those who watched Elaine Benes dance.

Mem should wear that dress.

There have been SO many people on that show who couldn't dance for s*** that the mind boggles. Clearly, that is no impediment at all!

Stenosis good one!

How about a new show, Macing with the Stars?" width="" height="" alt="grin" style="border:0;">)
I just love autocorrect: think we need a new thread on 'guess the autocorrect subject'. What's the term for a totally unwanted and wrong autocorrection, anyway?

I call it automalaprop

Love that! Shall we start it?

It is not real unless there's a video. Mem?

mem said:

Because I can't dance for *****.

If Noah Galloway can dance (and he's the hottest man on one leg), then ANYONE can dance.

Well, sure, if you spend your entire life in the gym, as he does. And I have to agree with you about Noah, Metaphysician. Wow.

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