the wire

just saw S1 epi1 last night. looks like it could be a good one (& i have heard great things). thanks for the suggestion guys!

It's phenomenal. Season 2 is a bit of a clunker (still good tho) but then Season 3 takes off again...

Oh, it's terrific. We actually didn't make it through the whole series though. We watched it in rapid succession and then I kinda burned out because it's so intense. We took a break in (I think) season 4, and haven't returned to it but one day we should!

It's incredible television. Season 2 is a curveball at first because of the change in scope and new characters, but stick with it and it'll click into place.

I seem to recall David Simon describing each season as the chapter in a novel. It works really well when you approach it that way.

Just finished watching all five seasons; excellent!

Look, it’s Omar!

lanky said:

It's phenomenal. Season 2 is a bit of a clunker (still good tho) but then Season 3 takes off again...

Watch S2 again after seeing all 5 seasons - it is better than it gets credit for.

I think many series had a spectacular first season and so inevitably season 2 feels like a letdown. I think of the criticisms of shows like Homeland, and even Friday Night Lights, one of my favorites of all time, has a "grit your teeth" season 2 you have to just get through.

I agree with cleg. Season 2 of the WIre wasn't my favorite first time around, but I absolutely loved it this second time. Season 4 still my favorite. Still the most gut wrenching, but gets at how institutions fail. The show did not lose one bit of its relevance over the 10 years. That's some good art.

Here's a recent ranking of wire seasons. I was surprised that season 5 was at the bottom of the list. I liked viewing the inner workings of the Baltimore Sun. Though my husband (and apparently others) didn't enjoy it.

Does Season 5 stand on its own? i.e. could we pick that up and not watch the rest of Season 4?

Would you skip the middle act of a great opera?

Watch it!

Best Regards,
Ron Carter

TarheelsInNj said:

Does Season 5 stand on its own? i.e. could we pick that up and not watch the rest of Season 4?

(don't skip it, you'll miss out on the experience)

hands down one of the best series I've ever watched. Every episode was riveting and I had the misfortune of actually watching this show for the first time a few months ago. Now they come out with a digitally remastered HD version which I am disappointed I didn't get to see. It's great to see all these actors on other shows now (like The Affair, Ray Donovan, GoT, etc.). I miss this show alot already.

TarheelsInNj said:

Does Season 5 stand on its own? i.e. could we pick that up and not watch the rest of Season 4?

Season 4 is incredible (but will deeply bother you as a parent)

I have heard good things about this series, but have never watched an episode. Where is it currently? avail on dvd? or broadcast tv? I don,t have premium channels.

Available on HBO Go.

webber said:

hands down one of the best series I've ever watched. Every episode was riveting and I had the misfortune of actually watching this show for the first time a few months ago. Now they come out with a digitally remastered HD version which I am disappointed I didn't get to see. It's great to see all these actors on other shows now (like The Affair, Ray Donovan, GoT, etc.). I miss this show alot already.

Well, here's a paragraph from creator David Simon's take on the results of the widescreen HD version:

"At the last, I’m satisfied what while this new version of The Wire is not, in some specific ways, the film we first made, it has sufficient merit to exist as an alternate version. There are scenes that clearly improve in HD and in the widescreen format. But there are things that are not improved. And even with our best resizing, touchups and maneuver, there are some things that are simply not as good. That’s the inevitability: This new version, after all, exists in an aspect ratio that simply wasn’t intended or serviced by the filmmakers when the camera was rolling and the shot was framed."

So at least you saw the series as intended!

(Quote comes from here for full context! )

debpod said:

TarheelsInNj said:

Does Season 5 stand on its own? i.e. could we pick that up and not watch the rest of Season 4?

Season 4 is incredible (but will deeply bother you as a parent)

This is exactly why. Around the middle of the season I just had to give it up, it was way too upsetting. Not that the other seasons are less so, but this one hit me in a different way.

I absolutely understand. I've watched the series probably 3-4 times (it's my favorite, ever). Season 4 still tears me up. That said, I think there's a lot of value to picking it back up there. It's the wire, so not happy endings for everyone, but there are a few positive outcomes.

I still can't stop thinking about that scene in the hardware store when she is buying that nail gun. Priceless.

In my opinion --- S4, S1, S2, S3, S5

Agree 100% with that ranking.

bikefixed said:

I still can't stop thinking about that scene in the hardware store when she is buying that nail gun. Priceless.

Who tips the home depot guy?!

out of curiosity, which series do you like more (for those have seen both)…

breaking bad or the wire? (i know they are very different types of shows, but curious)

Honestly, I have thought too much about this question for a grown man. My opinion is that The Wire was the better show because it was much more realistic for a much larger percentage of Americans. I am sure the characters in Breaking Bad could be found in all communities but The Wire exposes pervasive problems with this country in a bold way. It was profound. That said, I the actors, cinematography and story telling of Breaking Bad was awesome - just a little more fictional...I think.

I agree with cleg.

I loved both shows.

BB was really a series based around two main characters and their interactions with secondary characters.

The Wire developed a story line around a community of fully realized characters.

The City of Baltimore joins the cast in The Wire to a degree that BB only suggested with the state of NM.

The wire was simply more robust.

This thread inspired me to watch it again from the beginning (second time through). Already up to Season 5 and loving it - so many smaller moments that I'd missed the first time around.

In other news, this is happening. And yes, it says *exactly* what you think it does:

I'm not embarrassed to admit that I backed the Kickstarter, and am looking forward to getting the bobblehead.

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