Now somewhere in the Black Mountain hills of Dakota is another one, but that was before there was a time.
Good catches, all. I was gonna add Desperado (the Ronstadt version), but it' not really much of a western beyond the title, is it? A lesser known song, Doolin Dalton, from that same early Eagles album fits the bill. And then there's Glendale Train by New Riders of the Purple Sage,a song and group that never made it out of the hippie era into classic rock rotation but was played a fair amount on FM radio in the early 70s.
Always had a soft spot in my heart for this gentle (mostly) cowboy one:
I think Bon Jovi killed the whole thing with Wanted Dead or Alive. I think the first time I heard it I thought "what a sad obvious knock off of Bad Company"
Mick Jagger sang a ballad about Ned Kelly, that always made me laugh... @marksierra, do you have time to post a couple of our classic bushranger/goldfields 70s/80s tracks? I can’t remember them now but I do remember the dances
I'd respectfully suggest that Bob Seger's Turn the Page would fit here.
It's always been a pretty lazy metaphor for rock & roll bands to refer to themselves as western outlaws on the run.
Well, as long as nobody goes to Apache Wells we'll be fine
ml1 said:
It's always been a pretty lazy metaphor for rock & roll bands to refer to themselves as western outlaws on the run.
Outlaw ******* Pete.
Did anyone mention this one by the Dead? It's a Marty Robbins cover but fits the bill.
How about ‘Chestnut Mare’ by the Byrds? It’s got a loosely western theme, and it certainly has a fantasy element.
The_Soulful_Mr_T said:
How about "Frank and Jesse James" by Warren Zevon?
In bub’s original post.
DaveSchmidt said:
The_Soulful_Mr_T said:
How about "Frank and Jesse James" by Warren Zevon?
In bub’s original post.
DaveSchmidt said:
And the album it rode in on.
I'll segue from here to one of my top 5 Elton songs ever that loosely fits the theme -- "I Feel Like a Bullet (in the Gun of Robert Ford)."
Sorry, bub, I forgot you had mentioned that one in an earlier post. I wasn’t familiar with it, but heard it on WFUV tonight and thought of this thread.
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There was a time (it was called "the 70s") when it seemed that rockers had to record at least one western/outlaw fantasy song. Here are some from my listening universe. What else is out there?: