This water main break is impacting residents in Newark and Belleville. See my post below for response from the City of Newark, including contact information.
Search engine produced the following tweet from Newark
Newark is going door to door to bring water to affected residents.
For water emergencies call 973-733-3654
For questions call 973-733-4311
You may want to pass this information on to your impacted neighbors.
I drove by Irvington avenue around 2pm, didn’t see anyone fetching buckets of water. I’m surprised it affected people all the way down to ivy hills. A 72 inch pipe carries a lot of water. The break happened all the way up by branch brook park.
"NEWARK, New Jersey (WABC) -- Water service has nearly been restored after a large water main break near the Newark-Belleville border prompted officials to declare a city-wide emergency in Newark amid a day of extreme heat and humidity on Tuesday.
Crews are still working on repairs, but Newark Mayor Ras Baraka said that full water pressure should be at 100% by Wednesday evening.
"We have made outstanding progress on controlling this leak from the water main break from the beginning, and I thank our Water and Sewer Utilities team for their round-the-clock efforts to do so," Mayor Baraka said.
While water service is expected to be fully restored soon, residents in Newark and neighboring Belleville are still being advised to boil water until further notice."
It looks like the leak has been plugged (section of pipe replaced) and water is restored to Ivy Hill. I hope that is the case.
There were people this morning filling up containers. We purchased four cases of Costco 16 oz water to hand out to people at our house.... figured it would taste better than the water coming out of a garden hose. It looks like that water will go to the basement to take on hikes.
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So the water main broke Tuesday morning. 100k people are without running water. This is expected to go on for days.
My neighbors and I have houses on Irvington Avenue. By how, I guess 100 people have come to our houses to fill water containers. We do not hesitate giving water to the people who show up. I can only imagine what the water bill will be. But that is not the issue.
NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING TO PROVIDE LARGE VOLUMES OF WATER FOR THESE PEOPLE in In Ivy Hill. The Newark mayor is driving in his car, delivering water to people. That's nice. But W.T.F.?
So I call Maplewood P.D. Two people I spoke with do not know who to call to get trucks of water into our area.
Then I walk to the Newark P.D. sub-station on Irvington Avenue. "They are working to fix the leak."
Me: "Fixing the leak is not getting water to the people in the apartment buildings behind us."
Them: "Water is being distributed on Central Avenue and somewhere in Orange." So the woman with a baby in the stroller, filling water in my yard, is supposed to walk the baby to Central Avenue and then walk back with 40 pounds of water.
Then comes tomorrow. Right now, traffic is light. Tomorrow morning is "rush hour." Are we going to see people trying to get across the street, carrying 40 pounds or more of water?
So I go on the NJ.Gov website. Under "disaster services," I can learn where to apply for housing, child abuse and so forth. No agency is going to bring water to Ivy Hill shopping strip.