I'm not sure whether it should have been posted here, or in the Pets & Animals Category.
I saw that on the news! Poor kitty. I was scared to death it would be blown away.
kthnry said:
I was scared to death it would be blown away.
It was pretty much protected while it was inside the wing.
Marksierra, I could see the clip via the ABC but when I glanced via the BBC homepage (merely at the summary, no more) it was blocked "temporarily". Our new laws kicking in already???
kthnry said:
I saw that on the news! Poor kitty. I was scared to death it would be blown away.
The cat apparently didn't share your concern.
mrincredible said:
kthnry said:The cat apparently didn't share your concern.
I saw that on the news! Poor kitty. I was scared to death it would be blown away.
I'll bet that cat had to change his drawers when his unplanned flight ended.
The thought struck me, though. I don't think the pilot's pre-flight check was all that thorough.
After all, it was lucky that the cat was so calm. Imagine if it had tried to claw its way out of the wing - it could have led to a disaster for both the plane, passengers and the cat!
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