TylerDurden said:
Greece election: Anti-austerity Syriza wins election
Makes you wonder what the future holds for the EU.
tjohn said:
TylerDurden said:
Greece election: Anti-austerity Syriza wins election
Makes you wonder what the future holds for the EU.
The EU will be fine, I suspect. The Syriza Party will come to understand that defaulting on national debt is no day at the beach.
The Greek Government is getting desperate. They are showing videos on the subway of Nazi war crimes.
From NBC News:
MAINZ, Germany — Archival video footage highlighting Nazi atrocities in Greece is being shown to commuters on the Athens subway as part of a campaign demanding war reparations from Germany.
Seven decades after the end of World War II, the 50-second video is being shown at metro stations across the Greek capital to highlight the fallout of German occupation after 1941.
A compilation of images accompanied by dramatic music, the film starts off with the words: "We save the memory, we do not forget." It also features the tagline: "We claim what Germany owes to us."
It coincides with a government campaign seeking $300 billion in compensation from Germany and the return of "national treasures," which comes amid growing tensions between Athens and Berlin over the Greek financial crisis.
"There are many open questions between our two countries, many open wounds that need to be closed," Greece's Deputy Defense Minister Kostas Isichos told NBC News. Isichos' ministry is one of the institutions involved in the campaign.
Among the still images included in the video is a picture of German Wehrmacht soldiers pointing their weapons with the caption "40,000 executed."
A disturbing picture of bodies on the back of a truck is paired with the words "300,000 dead from starvation."
The video was first introduced at an event in Athens on April 27 marking the 74th anniversary of Hitler's invasion of the Greek capital.
It is being broadcast at 36 subway stations and at more than 20 railway stops on screens normally used to display transit messages and weather information.
The Germans were offered the Marshall Plan.
Greece was further impeded in making economic process by the Greek Civil War.
During World War 2 the king of Greece lived comfortably in London while the populace suffered
The Greek Reds were the most efficient and best organized, as they were through most of Europe in offering armed resistance.
When the War ended they felt they should play a part in the government and reconstruction.
The west had other ideas.
The Germans pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps. The same national attributes that made it possible for Germany to take on the world in two wars enabled Germans to resurrect their destroyed nation following World War II.
The Greeks created Western Civilization. The Germans tried to destroy it.
LOST said:
The Greeks created Western Civilization. The Germans tried to destroy it.
They're sort of like the deadbeat baby daddy of Western Civilization.
LOST said:
The Greeks created Western Civilization. The Germans tried to destroy it.
Therefore, Germany should pay reparations. That kind of seals the deal.
Although, I am glad I did not have to live under the conditions of Western Civilization circa 100 B.C. or 100 A.D.
Without going into tremendous detail the Greek peoples suffered tremendously during the war.
However when Mussolini demanded that the Greeks lay down their weapons and allow his army into Norther Greece, Metaxa, the Greek leader responded with one word OXI...........no
The Greeks then chased the Italians so far north into Albania that the Albanians were putting up hand written signs , saying
"Be careful of the land please, you are not in Greece anymore"
Eventually the German shrimp was forced to bring in the Wehrmacht to turn the tide of battle.
The protracted time lost cost Hitler his opportunity to invade the Soviet Union another season
This was the first land victory in Europe for the Allies during World War 2.
Greece has given the World more than the humanities we all know of. It gave courage and hope
when it was so desperately needed in this world.
All of Europe suffered tremendously in WW II. And whatever happened in Western Europe pales in comparison to the death and destruction in Poland, Ukraine and Belarus.
While blaming the Germans may play well domestically in Greece, it certainly isn't going to win friends elsewhere.
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Makes you wonder what the future holds for the EU.