Why I'm voting for Trump? He's the only candidate to say anything that makes any sense.

Why, here's a quote from a 1991 Esquire interview.

"You know, it doesn't really matter what the media write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass."

Now who can't get behind that?

What skills do you need so Canada will want you?

In a way, I'm glad he is being such an ass about minorities, because if he succeeds in alienating the entire black and Hispanic voter base, he hasn't got a prayer. So I say let him keep right on being an asshat.

Oh, and if he alienates all women, so much the better. That's a hat trick only Trump could pull off.

The issue is whether he poisons the well for all Republicans

It's an interesting experiment. Can a major party be pulled far enough from reality to nominate a completely unelectable candidate

Many women seem to be (shudder) embracing his candidacy....

If we're going to dig up things candidates said (and possibly were misquoted) from 15 years ago, this should be FUN!

I can't wait for Joe Biden to officially enter the race! I mean we already have SO much material with Hillary but Joe will be the icing on the cake! smile

The_Soulful_Mr_T said:
Many women seem to be (shudder) embracing his candidacy....

As proud as I am of my fellow women, how far we've come, how much we've accomplished, I'm equally as stunned by the stupidity of so many. Takes all kinds.....

LOST said:
The issue is whether he poisons the well for all Republicans

If he does decide to bail out of the GOP and run as an Independent, as he has threatened, the Ross Perot factor will kick in. I'd pay money to see that happen in a way that would bite the Republicans in the butt, and that's what is likely to happen this time around.

I believe he will be the Rep. nominee. Remember, the majority of voters in a primary are the base. He is saying the same stuff Fox has been putting out for years. That is what they tune in to hear. Except he is not using "dog whistle," coded racist words. He is shouting his racist comments, loud and clear --- and the yahoos are lovin' it.

Formerlyjerseyjack, don't forget the misogyny! I recall he didn't have to pledge putting the life of a fetus above the mother as others at the debate did, but his Limbaughesque attack on Megyn Kelly played well with the party who's over 2000 pieces of anti-choice legislation since 2010 and platform endorsing the Human Life Amendment (HLA) shows their appreciation of women's freedom.

He's been pro-choice in the past, but not to worry, he's now opposed. He says he'd allow exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother, which contradicts the platform. Remember any Republican candidate claiming support to any of those magnanimous allowances would have to remove the HLA from the platform, as Trump sort of says. Any claiming so without that action, Romney and Ryan come to mind, are liars.


Interestingly he's rolled out another of his past ideas that is impermissible in the GOP. He says he's got no problem with a tax hike on the wealthy and a cut for the middle class. Of course that doesn't balance the budget, but his older plan was a one time surcharge on the rich to pay down the deficit. If he manages to shrink Republican tax policy director Grover Norduist's power enough to drown it in the bathtub, he'll have done a service to the party. If course he'll still be a repulsive lying hate machine.


Why not start your own thread? What you posted at 12:22 yesterday and at 11:56 am today has NOTHING to do with what the OP is about. But at least jerseyjack gets more publicity just like the guy he's going to vote for.

My comment yesterday "has nothing to do with what the op is about"?

Just so I know the rules here; I can't bring into question the "quote" the op sited from FIFTEEN years ago??

YOU may not agree with the message, but it's my prerogative to post it.

Funny, I've seen countless people here question quotes, data, articles, charts, polls, and the like, yet have NEVER seen anyone question the relevance of that question before.

Tolerant as long as someone agrees.... Right Wendy? cheese

You can post anything you want as can I wherever and whenever. What I wrote does not show intolerance but what you wrote just now clearly shows that your perception is as distorted as most of the Fox viewing public. Sheesh.

wendy said:
You can post anything you want as can I wherever and whenever. What I wrote does not show intolerance but what you wrote just now clearly shows that your perception is as distorted as most of the Fox viewing public. Sheesh.

Wrong again, Wendy.

I'll explain it for you...

My 1st post called the original quote into question.

My 2nd was posted to show a couple of examples of callous, racist remarks, & treating women badly the way a democratic darling can also be viewed. (Seeing how the conversation progressed).

See, all relevant. Thanks though.

Keep on keepin' on. :

PeggyC said:

LOST said:
The issue is whether he poisons the well for all Republicans
If he does decide to bail out of the GOP and run as an Independent, as he has threatened, the Ross Perot factor will kick in. I'd pay money to see that happen in a way that would bite the Republicans in the butt, and that's what is likely to happen this time around.

The "Ross Perot factor" is one of the myths I always like to explode. Rachel Maddow had a segment on this. In exit polls in 1992 Perot voters were asked how they would have voted if Perot was not on the ballot. 38% said Bush, 38% said Clinton and 26% said they would have stayed home. When Perot dropped out in the summer (before he dropped back in) Clinton actually went up in the polls.

I always felt intuitively that Perot did not help Clinton. Bush was the incumbent President running for re-election. Perot's candidacy was fueled by his opposition to Bush's policies and to Bush's re-election. And Perot seemed to hate Bush personally.

I know it is politically incorrect to call anyone a Fascist, but I see elements of the following definition in the Trump campaign:


LOST said:

PeggyC said:

LOST said:
The issue is whether he poisons the well for all Republicans
If he does decide to bail out of the GOP and run as an Independent, as he has threatened, the Ross Perot factor will kick in. I'd pay money to see that happen in a way that would bite the Republicans in the butt, and that's what is likely to happen this time around.
The "Ross Perot factor" is one of the myths I always like to explode. Rachel Maddow had a segment on this. In exit polls in 1992 Perot voters were asked how they would have voted if Perot was not on the ballot. 38% said Bush, 38% said Clinton and 26% said they would have stayed home. When Perot dropped out in the summer (before he dropped back in) Clinton actually went up in the polls.
I always felt intuitively that Perot did not help Clinton. Bush was the incumbent President running for re-election. Perot's candidacy was fueled by his opposition to Bush's policies and to Bush's re-election. And Perot seemed to hate Bush personally.

OK, so are you saying the 'Ross Perot factor' does not exist, or is just incorrectly named?

Well if it has to do with Perot I'm not sure what it means.

So perhaps whatever Peggy was writing about she should have given a different name.

I think Peggy is stating an independent with a lot of money can influence the election. i have heard of the 1992 exit polls and even if a valid poll was taken, the Perot factor negatively affected Bush. His whole campaign was anti Bush. Bush's whole campaign was defending and going back at Perot (lousy campaign for a veteran). That much money going after one person is going to effect your opinion of the person, so I would not be surprised of the exit poll after the negative campaign against him. Yes there were other factors, but Perot was a large factor. After the election it did come out Perot was quite angry with Bush from the past and there was bad blood between them.

I understand that the Trumpster's slogan is "Make America Great Again". May I suggest another? "Misogyny for the Masses".

Trump a misogynist? Why, because he said he'd date his daughter if she wasn't his daughter?

Trigger warning. Extreme creepiness ahead.


What if the unthinkable happens and he is actually elected? What will we all do then?

lizziecat said:
What if the unthinkable happens and he is actually elected? What will we all do then?

I posted this last week, but it's worth sharing again. enjoy:


And here's the article that inspired the piece:

lizziecat said:
What if the unthinkable happens and he is actually elected? What will we all do then?

If America can deal with a Clinton, a Bush, and an Obama, America can certainly deal with the Deal Maker himself.... President Donald John Trump.

WOW, after posting that, and actually seeing it in print, I have to admit President Donald John Trump looks rather impressive____ don't you think.

ajc said:
WOW, after posting that, and actually seeing it in print, I have to admit President Donald John Trump looks rather impressive____ don't you think.


Donald Trump - Pro -Choice, is in favor of universal health care, and wants to raise taxes on the rich.

should make for some interesting choices for some die-hard republicans ... like AJC

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