The Undercard

I am watching. Is anyone else?

Gov. Jindal has just asked why he is so unpopular in his own State. He is not answering. He is simply telling us how great he is.

Sen. Graham speaks about fossil fuel.

Pataki says we need someone who isn't a politician.

This is boring!

LOST said:
Gov. Jindal has just asked why he is so unpopular in his own State. He is not answering. He is simply telling us how great he is.

Think that they will ask Christie that?

118 on FIOS

The moderator is now asking about Donald Trump.

Perry says Trump is doing well because of "celebrity".

LL_ said:
118 on FIOS

I thought I might watch some online. What channel is that?

Carly says unlike Trump she didn't get a call from Bill Clinton before she decided to run.

Never mind, just remembered that my machine was "upgraded" to one where Flash player doesn't work properly.

Graham says anyone not willing to send American Ground Troops to the middle east is not qualified to run for President.

Now they broken for a commercial!

I can't help watching but damn I am pissed I am helping FoxNews ratings right now

I am beginning to see why these folks are doing so poorly in the polls.

Carly says she knows all the Arab leaders. Maybe one of them will give her a job.

Bobby Jindal just said he would use the iRS to attack Planned Parenthood. Isn't that illegal?

The greatest insults to people who identify themselves as Republican, may be found in what the candidates say when seeking their votes.

They think their voters are xenophobic, ignorant racists, and compose their statements accordingly.

So, don't blame anyone else for the negative image that the GOP has, blame the GOP's candidates.

Really? You don't think they are playing to their audience?

nohero said:
The greatest insults to people who identify themselves as Republican, may be found in what the candidates say when seeking their votes.
They think their voters are xenophobic, ignorant racists, and compose their statements accordingly.
So, don't blame anyone else for the negative image that the GOP has, blame the GOP's candidates.

Why should only the candidates be blamed? They're pandering to their xenophobic, racist base, their primary voters. They wouldn't have a chance otherwise. Jon Huntsman didn't appeal to their base instincts. We see how far that got him - nowhere.

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