ram said:
We all get ponies because free trade agreements are win wins that increase growth of all the parties. Always. A "bad" free trade agreement is far better than none.
ram said:
We all get ponies because free trade agreements are win wins that increase growth of all the parties. Always. A "bad" free trade agreement is far better than none.
drummerboy said:
yes, there are benefits to increased trade between nations. Doesn't mean that we're doing it the best way. The U.S., on the whole, has gotten screwed by these agreements. And this agreement appears to be the worst.
mjc said:
what is "entend"?
And db, given the thread title, could you pass along some more info about undermining regulations (granted, it could be here and I missed it).
Great news - passed procedural vote in Senate. Seems on way to passage. There is no such thing as a bad trade deal. Even unilateral action to open up is great. It is a great day for growth and prosperity.
Here is a slightly different opinion on that......
Here's an interesting Economix Comic that gives a good primer on the subject. Disclosure - the author doesn't think the TPP is a good deal.
There were horrible trade agreements back in the 70's and 80's with the Japanese and their dumping of consumer electronics --
It essentially forced US based manuf with firms like Zenith and Quasar to bring operations to Mexico as an attempt to compete with the favors given to Japan.
SO this is just business as usual .......
Julian Assange has an opinion on the TPP based on the leaked sections of the agreement published on Wiki-Leaks
I find it odd that Governments need to make deals to allow for people to freely trade. What is even more curious is that the people are not allowed to know the details of these deals.
TylerDurden said:
What is even more curious is that the people are not allowed to know the details of these deals.
There is some debate happening here in Australia over exactly what "we" are trading away.
johnnyr said:
Here's an interesting Economix Comic that gives a good primer on the subject. Disclosure - the author doesn't think the TPP is a good deal.
I have to agree with that "comix" If you cant agree, I don't know where you've been living, the last 30 years
It's controlled by Barack Obama, not corporations, you bunch of deniers.
If this agreement is so great, why have they gone to such lengths to keep its terms secret?
And just WHO is it great for?
Coneheads said:
It's controlled by Barack Obama, not corporations, you bunch of deniers.
um, I don't know you well enough to know if you are serious. I hope your not
I believe the details are kept secret until the deal is completely done. The Planet Money podcast recently has a recent episode on how NAFTA was negotiated and the secrecy around it.
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It's being negotiated in secret, seemingly controlled and written by corporations, with basically no public input.
This is where the real politics of the day are being practiced. Everything else is pretty much a sideshow.