The T**** derangement followers & the Big Lie

The followers of T**** are giving him so much money - most will end up in his pocket - some will pay for his legal fees - most will support his new platform that he's failing to build.

The Big Lie is catching on - they love it.  There's nothing this guy won't do to tarnish our democracy.

The allegiance to a known con man who lies every other word out of his mouth is deeply disturbing.  Then once we mention his name - we get accused of having DTS - which is their attempt to silence us.

At this time - there is ZERO other frontrunners in the GOP - DeSantis may be - but not too close.

I'm still a bit in shock that he conned his way into the WH.  I'm happy he's not able to tweet at least.

I really wish we had more T**** supporters in here to understand.  mtierney will not engage in any deep discussion on the topic.

Maddow had a piece on the soldiers in Iraq who finally got purple hearts.  These guys sustained head trauma.  T**** had said it was no big deal - that they mainly had headaches.  He basically, didn't want this on his record - it is and was always just about him:

The Army on Wednesday said it has approved Purple Heart awards for an additional 39 soldiers wounded in an Iranian ballistic missile strike nearly two years ago in western Iraq, a significant victory for troops whose brain injuries were downplayed by their commander in chief at the time, President Donald Trump.
The announcement is official acknowledgment that the attack, a dramatic escalation by Tehran after a U.S. drone strike that killed Iranian Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani, was far more serious than Washington was willing to concede initially even though no fatalities occurred.
More than 30 Purple Hearts were awarded previously to U.S. soldiers forced to take cover when 11 missiles — each about 40 feet long and carrying a 1,600-pound warhead — slammed into Ain al-Asad air base on Jan. 8, 2020, an incident that brought the United States and Iran to the brink of war. Commanders pressured the Army to consider others who were hurt, saying approval guidelines were unevenly and unfairly applied.

So back to "the big lie" & "Stop the steal".  Has there been any proof?  Yet their leader can't stop talking about it.  Do we have Voter rights syndrome?

Here's a good article on Stop the Steal:

Basically, any new republican candidate's main litmus test these days is whether or not he supports the STS allegations.  

So, what can we do?  We can't go on social media - everyone is trapped in their own custom made algorithm which will only show them their preferred stance on things.

Is it up to a media group like Fox to debunk this lie.  I have no easy answer.  Do you?

jamie said:

So back to "the big lie" & "Stop the steal".  Has there been any proof?  Yet their leader can't stop talking about it.  Do we have Voter rights syndrome?

Proof is not needed or wanted.

There will always be con artists taking advantage. Finally, we got an expert conman who managed to get to our highest political office.

We can blame and talk about Trump and the other cons forever.

What we should really talk about is our societal cancer. The basis of our problems. A stupid and gullible public. They're the ones who elect and keep reelecting cons.

I don't see our Republic surviving should we continue with stupidity that seems to be continually increasing. How can it?

Unfortunately - there is no cure for Stupid.

So we're essentially at a standstill.

The right is leaning towards a Civil War and the left is saying huh?

T**** is the frontrunner and any intelligent GOP candidate who is up for election in the near future is too chicken to call him out.

It is a cult, and there is no clear way out of it. 

I don't think most of the Republican party, and even most of Trump's voters literally believe the election was stolen.  I suspect they are glomming on to this theory as a pretense for passing laws that will allow state legislatures to steal an election on their behalf.

That should be our real concern.  That in 2024, states like PA and GA will send whatever presidential electors to Congress that their legislatures appoint, regardless of the outcome of the vote.  That's an entirely plausible scenario.  They can use the pretense of "voting irregularities" to either throw out hundreds of thousands of ballots, or just ignore the results.

ml1 said:

I don't think most of the Republican party, and even most of Trump's voters literally believe the election was stolen.  I suspect they are glomming on to this theory as a pretense for passing laws that will allow state legislatures to steal an election on their behalf.

I would agree that the people using the theory to pass bogus laws don't believe it.  But I do believe a majority of everyday Fox listening/Trumper Republicans do.

Edited out my comment which was just to see if the filter actually had it programmed in.

grin It's how I write it.  

jamie said:

I would agree that the people using the theory to pass bogus laws don't believe it.  But I do believe a majority of everyday Fox listening/Trumper Republicans do.

I agree

jamie said:

I really wish we had more T**** supporters in here to understand.  mtierney will not engage in any deep discussion on the topic.

1. No Trump supporters are likely to engage in a meaningful conversation

2. I have not seen evidence that mtierney will engage in any deep discussion on any topic.

jamie said:

I really wish we had more T**** supporters in here to understand.  mtierney will not engage in any deep discussion on the topic.

Do you think mtierney believes what she writes about politics?  I have gone back and forth on it over the years.  Most days, I figure she is just trolling us for snits and giggles.

Klinker said:

Do you think mtierney believes what she writes about politics?  I have gone back and forth on it over the years.  Most days, I figure she is just trolling us for snits and giggles.

She is trolling, and she does very well know she’s trolling, better believe she truly believes what she says about liberals and people on MOL. If Maplewood has stayed the conservative little enclave when she bought her house, she probably wouldn’t have moved to ocean county. 
Trumpenstein has created a monster that will not let him retire from politics. He’s beholden to these radicals now even more. He’s now even afraid of not running in 2024. He’s their ‘great white hope’, their only hope of taking back their country from the ‘communist liberals’. I honestly think there’s thousands of people preparing for a civil war. Either way 2024 might be more ugly than 2020. 
How do we change course when they repeat the lies every single day? I have no idea.

jamie said:

I really wish we had more T**** supporters in here to understand.  

Maybe we should all just take turns performing as tRump supporters.  Playing an ignorant, lying, bigot isn't exactly brain surgery.

Klinker said:

Maybe we should all just take turns performing as tRump supporters. Playing an ignorant, lying, bigot isn't exactly brain surgery.

It isn’t exactly brain surgery, either, but if articulating reasons for voting for Trump without being an ignorant, lying bigot were a test, who here could pass it?

Klinker said:

Maybe we should all just take turns performing as tRump supporters.  Playing an ignorant, lying, bigot isn't exactly brain surgery.

But it could lead to heart surgery…

The derangement I've seen is the MAGA crowd with their spread of big lies. Their voter fraud lies, virus lies, vaccination lies.

They also project. Constantly accusing democrats of voter fraud when almost every story I've seen has been about republican registered voter fraud.

Here's another one -

Two Republicans in The Villages facing voter fraud charges reportedly cast ballots in New York and Michigan as well as here in Florida.

So what will the eventual penalties be for the misinformation spread of the big lie?  Powell, Giuliani, Lindell, T****?

Will court cases just keep getting appeal after appeal?

Here's some recent info from Lindell's lawsuits:

Powell to pay $175,250

Again - this is peanuts in the grand scheme.  And will this ever get paid?

T**** and Rudy caused a heart attack:

Here's the Dominion related lawsuits - but I haven't heard any results from these:

The big lie has led to many many death threats to election workers - who is responsible for these?

I didn't realize that the "BIg Lie" was coined by Hitler from Mein Kampf:

What will happen when the Jan 6th commission comes out with a comprehensive report on the whole scam?  I'm guess T**** and his gang will claim it was all necessary due to rampant voter fraud (which didn't exist).

jamie said:

What will happen when the Jan 6th commission comes out with a comprehensive report on the whole scam?  I'm guess T**** and his gang will claim it was all necessary due to rampant voter fraud (which didn't exist).

Some. Most will say it's "fake news"

jamie said:

Powell to pay $175,250

Again - this is peanuts in the grand scheme.  And will this ever get paid?

Its peanuts. Powell may do well over this. Well have them whining on how unfairly she's being treated with their usual fund raisers. She may end up collecting millions.

Look at Trump. Collected half a billion. Whining pays.

Who wants to go - I can get a couple 2nd row seats for a little over $2,000!

It's the "History Tour"!

“These will be wonderful but hard-hitting sessions where we’ll talk about the real problems happening in the U.S., those that the Fake News Media never mention,” Trump said.

“I will be focusing on greatness for our Country, something seldom discussed in political dialogue. If we don’t make our Country great again, we will soon no longer have a Country!”

I'd love a transcript of it!  lol

Here a taste of what you'd get:

Don't forget the opening act 

It is fascinating to hears T**** and his ilk really make fun of Fauci - similar to DeSantis.

He Amy as well bring Scott Atlas on tour with him also.  Maybe they're selling ivermectin shakes also.

How long until we hear of a few audience members dying of covid after one of these?

Most of you have probably seen this - but it's more of what we already knew, hopefully more will speak out:

Hypothetical scenario:  if Hunter Bidens laptop was Donald Trump Juniors laptop, would Big Tech have banned the NY Post?  Would the corporate press have ignored the story?

terp said:

Hypothetical scenario:  if Hunter Bidens laptop was Donald Trump Juniors laptop, would Big Tech have banned the NY Post?  Would the corporate press have ignored the story?

yes, you are correct - it's very hypothetical.  This thread is about T**** followers and the Big lie.  Why go down a hypothetical rabbit hole?   And you're bringing up a story from last October?  Is the NY Post still banned?  Please start a new thread if you really want to delve into this further.

This is pretty entertaining:

"For months, I have anticipated each day with excitement knowing that I was watching my president and his crew of Patriots take back our country and our freedom. I am losing that excitement now," Warren said. "This is starting to get very old."

I figured since this is January 6th, I truly believe the Big Lie is what has fed the insurrection.  And is the fuel for our current state of affairs.  From this opinion piece:

The “big lie” bloodletting happened at the behest of a slumlord’s son, who inherited more than $400 million and used his presidency to undermine citizens’ faith in their country. His anti-American poison was spread through the arteries of one foreign family’s media empire and soon metastasized across the American heartland.

I actually subscribed to the WP today - you can get $9.99 for the first year.

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